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A Heavy Thought For Warframe.


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So lately I have been thinking about the game and the fact U10 is soon, bringing a lot of things to the game including another frame and many weapons. Only thing is a lot of the stuff already around needs to be heavily tweaked and addressed.


I really feel like DE should release U10, get the first week bugs stamped out and then just stop making NEW things and fix everything for a month or two. Maybe add in those secondary set of skills for frames which could happen adding more depth to each frame we already have and the soon to be in Necro frame.


Anyone else agree U10, they should cool their new content for a while and just work on bugs, balancing and such? Even things they know to address such as the Ignis has been over a month and nothing has happened to it, it even had a poll for what primary needs tweaking....


Another idea and this would probably be hated on is no more new frames for a while, instead work in those alternate skills for all the frames we have now, adding more game playstyle option. Scott thinks stuff like 12% defense against elements is "playstyle" related is just silly. Give us more skills, and fix everything so far please?

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This thread thoughts are lingering for some time on forums. Suggestions like this were made, but community was screaming we need MOAR content, hence there is answer for OP.


Tho i agree with OP, we need fixes, not scarves and funny hats.

Putting words in my mouth a bit. I do want everything in U10, but after that I feel all new stuff should be put on the back burner so things can be stamped out, so tired of host/nonhost bugs, the UI weirdness, the friendlist stuff, the inviting others issues, the guns that are pointless, only about 2% of melee weapons being useful.


So many things need for Scott, Steve, etc etc, to just sit down PLAY the game and see their current errors. I know they don't get a ton of time to play but when in a live stream they brag about getting to like wave 30 in a defense mission something is wrong with how THEY use THEIR own content....

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To be honest, I mostly agree. Although I'm sure the reason U10 isn't here at this moment is because it isn't even playable.

Once U10 comes out they need to give a solid week (if that) of bug fixing and polishing, since it's pretty obvious they don't have a huge testing team (if any) to find anything.

I also hope that the Necro Frame is the last frame we'll see for a few months. While I like the different appearances we really need more skills for the other frames. Giving them more skills will give us real builds and different styles.

I could just imagine Rhino getting new skills and becoming a raging berserker! Imagine that soul punch but on Rhino, ragdolling a single enemy and dealing AP damage?

Other skills on frames need to be looked at as well. Ash should really do a melee attack with his teleport. Volt should.. Do a lot more.. (But Volt is a topic for another time)

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Things are being fixed all the time. Assuming DE doesn't fix anything is just ignorant. New content and system changes will obviously bring with it new bugs and new balancing issues.


Edit: Don't forget this is beta. Adding new content and testing it is the point. Expecting a game to function flawlessly during its development is unrealistic at best.

Edited by Karma_Ghost
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I doubt DE will ever fix their bugs.

Scarves are too god damn important for bugs.

pfff +1 made me laugh 'cause it's true. (+1 to op too, we need some bug fixes, not new content that ADDS more bugs over and over in every update)





Things are being fixed all the time. Assuming DE doesn't fix anything is just ignorant. New content and system changes will obviously bring with it new bugs and new balancing issues.

Whatever content they add though kinda cancels that out though, they bring in plenty of bugs as they fix them (but yes, they do fix bugs)

Edited by KvotheTheArcane1
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k thanks :D


So, yes.  It would definitely help the game if DE took some time to focus on bugs and balances.  However, every time i hear someone say this, I always imagine what would happen without our flow of Tenno Reinforcements and whatnot...  how long will all the fixes take?  How long of a new content hiatus will take place until everything is worked out the way we ask? 


That being said, what if it took too long..?  Weeks or months of hotfixes with no new content?  How many people will get bored of the game and leave with nothing new to keep them interested?


I doubt it DE will ever hit the brakes on new content, but if we get too little new content over a long enough period, will everyone be willing to stick with them the until it's all tweaked?


I'm sure there'll be plenty of dedicated players that will stick with it, but not everyone is as dedicated..  DE is giving us cake and circuses to keep us interested, and for the better I believe.


Edit: apologies for the picture, but I needed something to help catch your eyes instead of just being glanced over.

Edited by GIMO
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Things are being fixed all the time. Assuming DE doesn't fix anything is just ignorant. New content and system changes will obviously bring with it new bugs and new balancing issues.

They fix many bugs yes, but they push content too fast that it's always seamlessly broken. They also don't fix the major issues like our matchmaking bugs. I know, they ARE working on the major ones, but they need to focus HEAVILY on it. They are literally making players quit.
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Yes to no new warframes for a while! And the ideas are running low. The concept of a necro frame is completely out of a space ninja theme.


To be honest, Excalibur, Ash, and Loki are the only "space ninja"-esque frames in the game to me.

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true there are numerous features (ie chat/grouping) that need more work ingame

and of course the bugs need addressing (zorencopter)

but the truth is that warframe is severely lacking in the content department (story/lore/direction/etc), and it's fine that they want to release this in an ongoing manner, but that pigeon-holes them into having to always be adding more every update (both good and bad)

what warframe sorely/direly needs is USER-GENERATED CONTENT, and the dojo is the perfect place for this to happen, give dojo's a "holodeck" where we can create missions with custom parameters for ourselves and to put out for other clans to have access to or to challenge

user-generated content along with some form of pvp will take a ton of pressure off of the dev team (after the system is created of course), and in the end, it is the best course of action for the future long term well-being of the game

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And once again, more people that don't realize that the people making new content are NOT the same people fixing issues (except Scott doing frame balance because it seems he won't trust anyone else to do it).


-Map bugs are few and far between, so a couple map designers can work on the bugs while the rest of the team makes the new tilesets/expand the existing sets.

-Weapons are a multistage design process. First they need to be built (Art team), then animated (Animation team), then given values (someone like Steve). Art team needs to continue making things, and Mynki has mentioned going back to some old frames, I believe. Animation team has been working on giving weapons their own reloads (many are done), and they gave us the new idle animations throughout U9 and its hotfixes.

-Weapon balance. Steve has been spearheading the damage system rewrite so that stuff is getting fixed. He also talked about programming new systems of AI to increase the challenge on a tactical level instead of it just being a numbers game.


All of this was said in the most recent Livestream. Go watch it and quit yer b*tchin.

Edited by Khaos_Zand3r
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true there are numerous features (ie chat/grouping) that need more work ingame

and of course the bugs need addressing (zorencopter)

but the truth is that warframe is severely lacking in the content department (story/lore/direction/etc), and it's fine that they want to release this in an ongoing manner, but that pigeon-holes them into having to always be adding more every update (both good and bad)

what warframe sorely/direly needs is USER-GENERATED CONTENT, and the dojo is the perfect place for this to happen, give dojo's a "holodeck" where we can create missions with custom parameters for ourselves and to put out for other clans to have access to or to challenge

user-generated content along with some form of pvp will take a ton of pressure off of the dev team (after the system is created of course), and in the end, it is the best course of action for the future long term well-being of the game

User generated PvP maps would be the best thing since sliced bread. It would take a HUGE load off DE, while satisfying the PvP crowd.

I'm unsure how exactly PvE generated content would be so efficient however. What would be the benefit? Something new? I feel people would be more focused into cramming as many enemies as possible in a place where it is easy to kill them and hard for them to kill us for farming reasons.

If we can't place enemies and only create the map, then again what is the point?

I suppose you could take the Warriors Orochi 3 path and have another currency for specifically this. Completing user-made maps and having your maps played would reward those people with "Orokin Crap", which can be used for whatever they want it to be used for.

Of course some restrictions and rules would have to be placed to prevent excessive farming, should the currency be too useful.

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I'm sure the graphics artists working on the scarves can totally get a new degree and a few years experience and start fixing bugs as soon as U10 ships.


Also yes, scarves are a stepping stone to greater customization, let it happen, the future is bearing down on you, always. Best to adapt and overcome, than resist and be crushed anyway.

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and of course the bugs need addressing (zorencopter)



You realize they "fixed" this once already, and added it back because of all the complaints. Many people, including myself, are ecstatic that they did so. This isn't a bug anymore. The moment they added it back to the game, it became an intentional feature.

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I doubt DE will ever fix their bugs.

Scarves are too god damn important for bugs.

People working on scarves are not the same people who fix bugs.



Yes to no new warframes for a while! And the ideas are running low. The concept of a necro frame is completely out of a space ninja theme.

Only proper response is


To be honest, Excalibur, Ash, and Loki are the only "space ninja"-esque frames in the game to me.


Or do you think they should just remove all the non ninja-like frames?  Ninja is a very specific niche that does not allow for even most of the original frames.

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You realize they "fixed" this once already, and added it back because of all the complaints. Many people, including myself, are ecstatic that they did so. This isn't a bug anymore. The moment they added it back to the game, it became an intentional feature.

regardless it was a bad move/poor decision

if it is truly the case that they added it back becuz of the whining then -1 DE

there is no valid reason that ONE melee weapon allows me to move through a level 10x faster than anything else ingame, that is just stupid

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