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Garuda - possible changes to Volt & Valkyr's love child


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So I am seeing alot of players pressing for a garuda buff (one is incoming) or reworks without really giving any constructive criticism. I've had her for a few days now fully forma'd and have to admit I'm impressed! Her abilities work well together and the post launch rework seems to have worked out minus the odd overlooked fault but nothing a bit of tweaking couldn't fix. let me know what you think DE might need a look at and any ideas about how to solve them:

1. Her passive: being able to generate your own damage buff and with it synergising well with bloodletting is great but it's got a downside and that is it dissapears way too fast! With using blood altar or other team mates casting heals it's gone in seconds. Personally I'd like to see it linked with bloodletting alone, with a % based decay rate instead of being based on health regeneration, it would mean you have time to take advantage of the damage with a decline over time and once the % reaches 0 it's can be recast using her 3rd ability.

2. Dread mirror: another that I think would need a small tweak, the ability to negate incoming frontal damage is awesome but only really useful at distance or singular targets. The changes they made to its aesthetics are better but with it being a flat surface it's not as useful up close and she is a melee based frame. I would suggest making it slightly curve around her this wouldn't massively effect incoming damage at distance, she will still take damage from the sides and rear but it would help in close quarters with groups of enemies where is you would want to be with her talons.

3. Blood altar: the only change I can see that needs to be made that's been mentioned to me is that impaled enemies such a ancient Healers, eximus units and possibly drones shouldn't grant their buffs to other enemies. You can only impale 3 enemies at a time so in longer missions it's not much of a difference with the amount they spawn but an impaled ancient healer that's healing her shouldn't be healing enemies aswell. Haven't tested in arbitration missions yet but hope them drones don't cancel out the ability.

4. Talons: since we can't have these usable alongside another melee I don't class them as exalted weapons so I assumed set mod stats would be applicable on them but unfortunately not, tested with full gladiator set and only those not equipped on her talons register the crit chance bonus. I enjoy using her talons and happy DE made them functional but I can see me eventually putting another melee weapon on since I can take advantage of gladiator and tek set mods, also the helminth mods when they are released. Also even though they are not exalted weapons they shouldn't be able to have a riven installed since they are not interchangeable with other warframes. 

No problems noticed with bloodletting or seeking talons so far and personally happy with how they function. Let me know if I have overlooked anything 


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