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I Wish To Express My Displeasure At The Need For Keys To Get Into The Orokin Derelects.


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DE, my good sirs.  I thought you were above this.  This will only cause a massive uproar of displeasure and anger at this decision.  I know that you would like to give higher level players something to do with their credits, but this is not the way!  You gave us the impression that you would replace the jupiter tileset with the orokin derelict tileset.  But you locked it behind a paywall of sorts -one of grinding and resources, not platinum.-


I have 2 solutions for this.

The high road - Just put the new tileset and boss in jupiter and we'll pretend this awkward incident never happened.


The mid road - Make derelict keys infinite use.  (with your past decisions, it wouldn't surprise me if they are already infinite use!  if so, good!)


The Low road - Continue on this path of stepping on your customers, and end up having warframe die of stagnation and massive player migration to other games.  Just look at every other f2p game out there.  You do derive your money from customers, indeed.  And unhappy customers means no customers.

Any posters in this should note that this is not a hate thread.  This is a constructive criticism thread.  Our friends at DE made a mistake is all.  Give them some room, they spent a lot of time on Warframe. 

Edited by Gaminus
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I agree with you completely.


I haven't been this offended with DE in a while.


I care not about Necro, but don't just rules lawyer me here. You said you were reworking Golem, not keeping the old one and hiding the new one past a grind wall.

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The Low road - Continue on this path of stepping on your customers, and end up having warframe die of stagnation and massive player migration to other games.  Just look at every other f2p game out there.  You do derive your money from customers, indeed.  And unhappy customers means no customers.


This is what damn near every F2P company I've ever seen has done.

A lot of them are still living strong. It's like the customers enjoy being stepped on and whatnot.

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They didnt make a mistake, they made a business choice. Its a fine one at that. They added longevity to the game. The only thing they need to do now is add the derelict levels to the plat purchases and they will be alot more set. This game gives players no reason to keep buying stuff from them once the end game has been reached. The derelicts could be something cheap, yet always in demand, thus always something to purchase. Other SUCCESSFUL f2p games have something people buy weekly if not daily to play the game happily. This game needs something like that.

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I'll have further updates when my connection isn't $%^& and can download the update (cable company picked today to $&*^ up the internet in my area and I'm on the public wifi for my complex which consists of a long string of third world children relaying floppy disks to the nearest telco for transmission to the internet), but if this is what it sounds like - the ability to burn up my millions of credits on something other than jack squat, I'm not entirely against it. However when I get in we'll see.

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I'll have further updates when my connection isn't $%^& and can download the update (cable company picked today to $&*^ up the internet in my area and I'm on the public wifi for my complex which consists of a long string of third world children relaying floppy disks to the nearest telco for transmission to the internet), but if this is what it sounds like - the ability to burn up my millions of credits on something other than jack squat, I'm not entirely against it. However when I get in we'll see.

The keys take resources and 6 hours to craft, and just offer one chance at getting drops.  That is what is mostly wrong,

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Yeah there is way too many hoops to jump through just for a CHANCE to get one Nekro BP.....not feeling up to this at all.



Sometimes I wonder if Steve just loves to make us all rage.

Let's just all hope that they had some major fatigue making this.  I hope to the RNG gods that they'll set this right or this might just turn me off of F2p for good...

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i agree, EXTREMELY disappointed with this decision. I just jumped back when i heard U10 but, screw this. 


Since i started school again, i dont have that much time on my hand. While these keys require a lot of time an patience, which i wont be having till my next break.

Edited by Ventias
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You know, and for someone, who cannot host other players, it will boil down to begging to get in these mission in the recruitment chat. I don't like being a leech, but the alternative is giving my squad mates a horrible gaming experience. Can't donate keys, can't donate crafting mats for keys. Yeah, off to being a leech.

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I think,you actually have to grind for the keys for the other derelict missions, and then grind THEM to get the golem coords to grind for the keys to boss to have a chance a drop.

In that case, I can see that they had noble intentions..  they should do this with a boss and tileset that are advertised as a metagame set...  Not something like this...

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