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I Wish To Express My Displeasure At The Need For Keys To Get Into The Orokin Derelects.


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You should know, nearly everybody got a 75% off coupon as their daily login reward, I think DE might have had a hand in that.

Not me, and I will never buy plat again until I receive a 75% off. I am a f2p player all the way until such time.

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Then find you some friends who are willing to play with you. Because, in case everyone has suddenly forgotten in the midst of their anger, you can share your keys within your group.These missions are not only for solo players and act just like void keys. So if me and two of my friends all get 9 Golem Navs in one game, that's 27 navs in all-- that makes 5 keys right there in the course of a day. And that's just in one game. 




Not sure if this was intentional.... 



No, I didn't say anything about any of you wanting the frames. I said that you're upset because of the fact that you cannot complete all of the content available to you within 2 hours. That is not something I made up, that is what's being outwardly shown all throughout this topic. I didn't make that up out of thin air. 


So creating an insane grind 3 layers deep just to "slow people down" is okay? I guess we have a different way of looking at things.

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So creating an insane grind 3 layers deep just to "slow people down" is okay? I guess we have a different way of looking at things.


I guess so, I normally don't like to be done with game content on the very first day, nay, the very first few hours of release. When that happens, what are you going to do? Go straight back to the forums and complain about the game being too easy, and that you want something to actually make you spend your precious time on a game that you're obviously not that interested in. 

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I guess so, I normally don't like to be done with game content on the very first day, nay, the very first few hours of release. When that happens, what are you going to do? Go straight back to the forums and complain about the game being too easy, and that you want something to actually make you spend your precious time on a game that you're obviously not that interested in. 


So tell me,how´s the 200 hours of grinding for a frame going? Also you spoke before something about friends and such,guess what? in my case they all quited the game until they fix all this things,thats a whole little clan of players with 100-300 hours of gameplay just not wanting to become "fat marines"(the new stamina system) instead of "space ninjas" as advertised,guess that the whole 200 hours of grinding to get to see new content and a new frame wasn't a good idea for people that have been already playing enough repetitive gameplay,dont get me wrong 6 hours of grinding for Ash was fun at first,200 hours for Nekros plus having to farm mats and slowly progress throught old content is just flat out silly, just my and my friends opinion.

Edited by DominusKaiser
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I guess so, I normally don't like to be done with game content on the very first day, nay, the very first few hours of release. When that happens, what are you going to do? Go straight back to the forums and complain about the game being too easy, and that you want something to actually make you spend your precious time on a game that you're obviously not that interested in. 


Well I guess it worked. I haven't bothered with it at all. That's slower than slow. Congratulations DE your strategy of slowing players down worked!


And I haven't complained once since I've been playing this game that it's to easy or there isn't enough content. I've been playing this game longer than most, not as long as some.


For reference. When I started playing there were half as many warframes as there are now, half as many weapons and there was literally only 1 tileset that consisted of maybe 6 different tiles.


If I managed to deal with that I can manage to deal with getting through "content" at a reasonable pace. Meaning not 60+ hours of grind just for 1 warframe.

Edited by f3llyn
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I am already building on the necro parts, was not hard did not take a lot of time and now I got tons of keys I don't know what to do with :S


Seeing as most of the players here either a) do not play the game at all, or b) waste majority of their time on the forums complaining they have not gotten as far as you have.  But let's not forget the children born with silver spoons and just give them everything they want. 

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I was really expecting the Derelicts/J2000 Golem to be a long needed overhaul to the main game, introducing a new area to the currently limited tilesets and continuing the overhaul of the game's bosses. So I'm kind of disappointed to find out that the Derelicts and the boss are essentially just an "expansion" pack.


IMO, this is the content that should be going into the main game, not used as bonus add-on material; It feels like an unnecessary second Void. I really hope DE reconsiders the whole key system and just adds the Derelicts and the new Golem to the main game like they should have.


However, that's not to say I don't like the idea of levels that need nav coordinates to unlock, but that should be saved for real late game content, not these missions.

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Seeing as most of the players here either a) do not play the game at all, or b) waste majority of their time on the forums complaining they have not gotten as far as you have.  But let's not forget the children born with silver spoons and just give them everything they want. 

I'm glad your argument boils down to ad hominem attacks. Makes it real easy to ignore your nonsense. In the old days of gaming you got a new level by busting your balls completing the one previous, not by running through the same levels repeatedly despite proving your proficiency at beating them over and over again, all in hopes of the Random Number God letting you proceed instead of holding you to previous levels that hold no challenge or interest. If entitlement is expecting proficiency to be rewarded, then I hope to god every single man, woman, and child in the world is entitled as all hell.

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God was this update a total disappointment. Seriously DE, what the hell?

From the livestreams and stuff, I was led to believe that the Orokin Derelict tileset was going to replace the Jupiter tilesets, and that the new Golem was going to replace the old Golem. And of course there's the new frame, and the new Infested weapons, even an infested sentinel! I was totally hyped for this update. And then I found out about the keys.

I thought the whole point of these tiles being Derelicts was that they WEREN'T hidden away in the void! SO WHY DO WE STILL NEED KEYS?! Hell, they left Jupiter completely untouched! Now there are TWO Golems! WHY? Not only that, but they even removed Mutagen Samples from the Jupiter and Eris resource drop lists and hid it all in the Derelict! This means even the new infested lab gear require non-stop grinding of the Derelict!

In other words, the only things we even got out of Update 10 that's NOT hidden behind the pay/grind wall that is the Derelict or the Void, is the Conclave (which isn't very good neither), one gun, one sentinel, two melee weapons, and some vanity items for the dojo. Oh and the stamina nerf anti-"rushing" thing, because god knows this game is about being space marines not space ninjas.

Seriously, I don't even care about Nekros, I just want to fight the new Golem (which looked BADASS) and have some exciting fun and challenge, but I can't even do that without grinding RNG for navs to access normal derelicts, and then grind THOSE derelicts for Golem navs, and wasting a bunch of resources and THREE HOURS of crafting time! I might have put up with this when I was still having my summer holiday, but I'm in my first year of college now! My time is seriously valuable now, and I don't think this shady grind-fest is worthy of my time anymore!

Well, I suppose all we can do is express our disgust at this new key system and hope DE takes the high or mid road soon, because otherwise, I am through with this game.

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God was this update a total disappointment. Seriously DE, what the hell?

From the livestreams and stuff, I was led to believe that the Orokin Derelict tileset was going to replace the Jupiter tilesets, and that the new Golem was going to replace the old Golem. And of course there's the new frame, and the new Infested weapons, even an infested sentinel! I was totally hyped for this update. And then I found out about the keys.

I thought the whole point of these tiles being Derelicts was that they WEREN'T hidden away in the void! SO WHY DO WE STILL NEED KEYS?! Hell, they left Jupiter completely untouched! Now there are TWO Golems! WHY? Not only that, but they even removed Mutagen Samples from the Jupiter and Eris resource drop lists and hid it all in the Derelict! This means even the new infested lab gear require non-stop grinding of the Derelict!

In other words, the only things we even got out of Update 10 that's NOT hidden behind the pay/grind wall that is the Derelict or the Void, is the Conclave (which isn't very good neither), one gun, one sentinel, two melee weapons, and some vanity items for the dojo. Oh and the stamina nerf anti-"rushing" thing, because god knows this game is about being space marines not space ninjas.

Seriously, I don't even care about Nekros, I just want to fight the new Golem (which looked BADASS) and have some exciting fun and challenge, but I can't even do that without grinding RNG for navs to access normal derelicts, and then grind THOSE derelicts for Golem navs, and wasting a bunch of resources and THREE HOURS of crafting time! I might have put up with this when I was still having my summer holiday, but I'm in my first year of college now! My time is seriously valuable now, and I don't think this shady grind-fest is worthy of my time anymore!

Well, I suppose all we can do is express our disgust at this new key system and hope DE takes the high or mid road soon, because otherwise, I am through with this game.

They need to address the boring oldgolem boss.  Its really strange they would do that.

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That's the most uncreative...


 You mean perfectly sensible?


 Unlike the majority of infested - who are all nicknamed by what they tend to do in a fight - the J-Golems are actually named by the Orokin.


 They were among the first. They are experiments in making an army out of a bioweapon that is vicious enough to fight the sentience on behalf of the Orokin.


 So they are part of batch J and numbered in the order they were made.




 It isn't all that difficult to see how that'd fit in with what little lore we already have.

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 You mean perfectly sensible?


 Unlike the majority of infested - who are all nicknamed by what they tend to do in a fight - the J-Golems are actually named by the Orokin.


 They were among the first. They are experiments in making an army out of a bioweapon that is vicious enough to fight the sentience on behalf of the Orokin.


 So they are part of batch J and numbered in the order they were made.




 It isn't all that difficult to see how that'd fit in with what little lore we already have.

seems to be an easy way out...

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DE, my good sirs.  I thought you were above this.  This will only cause a massive uproar of displeasure and anger at this decision.  I know that you would like to give higher level players something to do with their credits, but this is not the way!  You gave us the impression that you would replace the jupiter tileset with the orokin derelict tileset.  But you locked it behind a paywall of sorts -one of grinding and resources, not platinum.-


I have 2 solutions for this.

The high road - Just put the new tileset and boss in jupiter and we'll pretend this awkward incident never happened.


The mid road - Make derelict keys infinite use.  (with your past decisions, it wouldn't surprise me if they are already infinite use!  if so, good!)


The Low road - Continue on this path of stepping on your customers, and end up having warframe die of stagnation and massive player migration to other games.  Just look at every other f2p game out there.  You do derive your money from customers, indeed.  And unhappy customers means no customers.

Any posters in this should note that this is not a hate thread.  This is a constructive criticism thread.  Our friends at DE made a mistake is all.  Give them some room, they spent a lot of time on Warframe. 


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With Master Thief and Thief's Wit, you can get enough navigation data to build a key from one mission. An hour later, you'll be in the derelict, and you'll probably get enough golem navigational data to build a key to get to Golem, and if you run that with three friends, you can run golem four times, which is enough to get all three Nekros parts.

This was the exact process I used, and my Nekros is building now. Stop acting like this is grindception. The barrier of entry is very low. If you want to see a real grind, go play Maple Story.

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With Master Thief and Thief's Wit, you can get enough navigation data to build a key from one mission. An hour later, you'll be in the derelict, and you'll probably get enough golem navigational data to build a key to get to Golem, and if you run that with three friends, you can run golem four times, which is enough to get all three Nekros parts.

This was the exact process I used, and my Nekros is building now. Stop acting like this is grindception. The barrier of entry is very low. If you want to see a real grind, go play Maple Story.


Or Guild Wars.


Finally someone who sees something outside of tunnel vision. 

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