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Let Nyx give her minion her sidearm! And other ideas to help polish and complete Nyx's kit.


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After Nyx rework I felt like she got so close to being a much more popular frame but there just wasn't enough to push it over the edge. After playing her a while I came up with some ideas that could make her more relevant.

* For her #1 - Minion AI is pretty broken, Darthmuffin has a video showcasing the details (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k52ZaY0KVHc). On top of that, you have to jump through multiple hoops to make it's damage relevant, attacking it to increase it's damage then debuffing enemies with your #2 so it's damage isn't reduced to nothing. A simpler fix would be to just give it your sidearm. Now you can customize how your minion deals it's damage, and it would simply drop your weapon on death or ability expiration.

* For her #2 - I actually think this ability is perfect as is. It's pretty potent compared to other armor strip abilities, charging the ability to recast on another group is a small price to pay.

* For her #3 - This ability is still balanced like it's still 2016. Just make the ability an aura, any enemies inside attack indiscriminately, if they leave the field they return to normal. It costs too much as is to be forced to recast it in every room or every time a new batch of spawns come in.

* For her #4 - This ability is mostly fine as is. I would change the energy cost scaling for the base version though. It can deal huge damage with teamwork but players hit so hard that they can strip your energy away instantly, so maybe base it on hits absorbed or something. Her augment is fine, the invulnerability comes at a huge costs but there are interesting ways to mitigate it.

Those are just some polish ideas that come to mind, what do you all think?

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1. Her first ability, yes need true buff and tweak Mind Control's AI problem where.

i. Damage buff need to be flat as IPS stat OR use their percentage of maximum health as flat damage (30% as flat damage is good vs enemy level scaling).

ii. AI need tweaks and fix because they sometimes idles and not attacking.

iii. Mind Control need to be an actual tank with Taunt or Aggro passive ability given to them, allow Nyx and allies to be safe getting constant focus fired by enemies.

iv. Optionally, abilities can be added as augment similar to Sentinels or Pets precepts mod to make the Mind Control stronger in terms of support and utility.

2. Psychic Bolts need more synergy, its strong but doesn't tell our Mind Control to attack them debuffed targets.

i. new mechanic : "whenever there are Mind Control presents, the target will forced to attack Psychic Bolts targets relentlessly".

ii. if allowed, increase damage taken to debuffed enemies by 500% for "Mind Control and Chaos target",

iii. Psychic Bolts number of targets can be scaled with Strength stat.

3. Absorb need to be "status proc AOE".

i. all absorbed damage type will proc 50% status chance (that can be scaled with strength stat) when explosion hit enemy.

This will allow Nyx to proc every type of status effect in the game that includes the IPS and elemental damage, giving her full power of crowd control and damage (mainly when enemy use heat, electric, slash and puncture).

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8 hours ago, XenMaster said:

2. Psychic Bolts need more synergy, its strong but doesn't tell our Mind Control to attack them debuffed targets.

i. new mechanic : "whenever there are Mind Control presents, the target will forced to attack Psychic Bolts targets relentlessly".


Oh hey that is a really good idea, kind of a general command for your minion on which targets to attack.

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Psychic Bolys should not be limited to 6. Make her need 150% or more of power to strip all the armor. Shuriken from ash can also do that so why is Nyx so limited. She is already not in a good state.


I would also say let the mind controlled target ignore shields and armor. For high level missions.

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On 2019-02-17 at 1:23 AM, SKOOM_PRIME said:

* For her #2 - I actually think this ability is perfect as is. It's pretty potent compared to other armor strip abilities, charging the ability to recast on another group is a small price to pay.


What?? Her 2nd ability is so much worse than it was it's comical.

No Nyx main is going to sacrifice 90% Range so they can strip 6 enemies then be forced into an annoying mechanic if she didn't happen to kill one.

They ruined Nyx.

Her rework is so painfully misdirected it's obviously done by someone who hardly played Nyx esp at higher levels. No one who's put time into Nyx would have removed the Rad proc on her 2nd ability. It was that inside joke we had with each other on those who didn't understand her layering CC and how powerful the augment was.

Now even the augment is trash. Literally nothing good came from her rework. They should revert it entirely.

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