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my thoughts on the nightwave update, and possible suggestions for improvments


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what I don't like about the update

so the night wave update is here and honestly I dont like it at all. It is by far the grindiest update I've seen and I have been playing nonstop for 4 + years and have over 9000 hours played. for the first time ever an update has come that is too grindy for even me to handle. I have found myself struggling to pay attention long enough to get any of them done I feel like I'm being forced to play game modes that I've never found fun. I dont like sanctuary onslaught (Some players like it and I know it is good for leveling so thats just my personal opinion) and its just not  a mission type that suits my playstyle. The amount of missons you have to do for each of the tasks I think needs to be lowered (5 invasion missions would be better instead of 9 for example). 

What I do like about it 

The rewards here are actually pretty good, 20,000 kuva is great and is something that i would use, warframe and weapon slots availabe to aquire without spending plat, Awesome! an easier way to get reactors and catalysts Great!, There is a long list of  other useful rewards here and most of them are good but listing them would take forever. plus being able to choose the rewards you want with less RNG involved is a massive improvement

How I think it will effect newer players

A lot of newer people who aren`t used to grinding  may find this mountain of tasks to be overwhelming and may leave the game early  with out even trying it or they may not be patient enough to finish enough of it to get the good rewards. Which is bad because nitain extract is required for building a lot of things. Also, eidolons really?! how is a new player suppposed to be able to do that?

How I thnk It will Effect Veterans

As an mr 26 with thousands of hours put In thats been playing every day ever since around the time regular mirage came out I think I am qualified to answer this.  a lot of veterans may find this excessive grind to be very annoying and may quit or just ignore nightwave alltogether and just continue doing their normal routines in the game. A lot of them may not find it fun either and just see it as a boring chore that needs to be done as quick as possible.

Potential solutions And improvements

- lower the amount of missions required for some of the tasks ( for example instead of 9 bounties lower it to 5)

-  give players more tasks to choose from so they can choose tasks they would enjoy doing and rank up at the same time


 so thats what I think of the nightwave update. I'm not saying to just hand the rewards out to players without any effort all all, but I thnk the amount of effort rquired should be a bit lower




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