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Reward Quality vs Quantity: Why Nightwave is so Detrimental to New Players


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18 hours ago, Andele3025 said:
  • 1 Mil credits is between 17~25 minutes of index depending on if you have a premade team or not where you get rare mods for simaris transmutes OR 36~40 min of dark sectors where you also get cells, relics or cryotic
  • 8~16 minutes of void missions gets you 20~30 mods if you need em for some goal and "nightmare" alerts were just nightmare missions which are free to be done at any time
  • 8~9k endo is either a premade arena team of 2 nekros 1 hydroid and any other frame for some 30 min or 40 min worth of arbis, arena giving you a chance for rare mods while arbis will provide AW rivens and even currently can be used for selling power donation which for some reason goes for 20~40p
  • Void traces are gained by relic runs, in fact just spamming a capture fissure for in the time its up is very likely to give more traces than a month worth of trace alerts and you are getting prime parts while doing em.

Ignoring for a moment the fact that all of these are SOUL-CRUSHINGLY BORING, a new player has access to none of them. The Index is on Neptune, Void missions are past Europe at the very least, hyper-efficient farming premades are out of reach for your average player (let a lone a new player). I'm sure Nightwave offers a statistical advantage in "I forgot what fun feels like" farming for jaded veterans, but it's an absolute stone wall for new players. Warframe is already famous for being a grindy game. A new player logging in and being told to put in a week's worth of work for stuff they might need at some point down the line is only going to reinforce that idea. Milking your veteran community with additional time-sinks can draw some mileage, but a game doesn't survive long-term without ensuring some amount of player churn.

I'm not a new player, and I'm already sick of the system. I've already put two solid days of grinding into it and have something between jack and S#&$ to show for it. Three ugly graphics and a note to come back tomorrow. Sure, Alerts might not have been great for farming, but I'd have gotten something out of them in this amount of time, as compared to the nothing I've gotten in two and a half ranks of Nightwave.

This should have been a new Syndicate and had no business replacing Alerts. If you guys hate the Alert so much and consider it a waste of time, then wouldn't leaving it in for those of us who actually enjoyed it be the best solution? If you don't play it, then it doesn't affect you.

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On 2019-03-01 at 5:21 AM, AvatarX76 said:

So far with Saturn 6, i've ran 8 boring cetus bounties, this and that, every jot and tittle, etc., etc.

I'll posit an alternative view:  

I ran the Cetus bounties over two days (there are limits to how much Konzu one can handle). Haven't done them in a while and I kind of needed the faction work. Teams were mostly OK, and actually had some fun. Not a problem. 

I ran the invasions. As usual, the defenses went well, the exterminations were the usual rushrushrush crap (until I went solo). Stuff got shot (good), looted a lot of other stuff (OK), and got it done in one session. Not a problem. 

I built some Ayatan sculptures. I usually have (quite) a number of spares, so this was just a matter of hitting the mod bench and doing it. Not a problem. 

Eximusesses were easy enough. They died while I was doing other things and was done fairly quickly in one play session. Not a problem. 

Didn't bother with Terrawhatsits. Have no interest in this and didn't bother. Not really a problem, since I don't care about this aspect of the game and I'm not in a rush to do this stuff. 

Clanmates. This is kind of a problem, since rarely is anyone around. On the other hand, I'm not in any rush to do this stuff, so not a problem in that regard. 

There were some dailies involving lots of death and fire damage. Was done with my usual loadout since my BratonP has a riven with substantial fire damage. Mostly done while doing the other stuff above, which generally involves mass mayhem--which is why I play the game to begin with. 

Anything else I either didn't bother with or didn't notice as it got done while I was doing other stuff. 

There are some trends here, most of which involve not obsessing over doing this stuff. I'm aware of what it takes to get this stuff done (or at least I hope so) and I've got 10 weeks to do it. I'm not in a huge hurry and a goodly bit of what Nora was offering was done while doing stuff I do anyway. The things that weren't got me out of the usual rut and weren't objectionable to do (once I remembered why you don't do caps and exterms in groups). 

It's a new system and will probably see additional tuning. However, I rather like it and I don't mind doing most of the stuff Nora offers. The navigation console looks awfully lonely when I log in these days, but other than that I see it as an improvement.

One thing I would like to see is the season expanded to 12 weeks. I believe it was said DE is planning on four seasons a year and having each be 12 weeks both gives a bit more time and divides up the year rather nicely and leaves a week buffer between them. 




Edited by Sloan441
Can't count
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