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More Level Interaction, Exploration, Actual Raiding


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The level generation system is bland but it has potential. You never go through the same map but its always the same thing: do thing, keep doors unlocked, leave. I think the solution is to generate smaller features along with bigger ones in levels. Please give me feedback for my ideas, Thanks.




New doors


It's just a door right? But what if you could lock any door you want through hacking? What if you could just blow it down and be over with it? The doors between maps and their traits could be generated randomly along with the tiles to give a tactical element to combat. Too many grineer? Lock them away in another tile to stall them. Sneaking in a corpus map? The doors are now glass, good luck.


Corpus and grineer have methods to open any doors in their way though. Corpus will usually try to hack terminals while grineer would rather punch/blast/cut doors open. But infested? They chew through armor like swiss cheese, airlocks are like wheat thins to them.

(Thanks to Arneld for pointing out how doors would be cheap)



Weapon utility


Basically using your weapons to progress though the level. Use laser weapons to cut open heavy doors, use flamethrowers or blades to clear away infestation, using prime weapons to complete void puzzles.



More loot from lockers, Mod containers


Unless you want ammo, extra credits, or a nekros lockers aren't really interesting. Give them a chance to drop gear across the game. Also I like the way void containers drop mods so why cant all containers do this?



Generators actually generate


When you blow up a generator in sabotage something happens besides a timer popping up. The lights go out, heavy unbreakable doors can be pushed open, fires start all over the map, and new paths within the ship open up. 



Fatal Deception


Occasionally in space missions the lotus asks you to send a ship into the sun or a planet or a ion storm (Hardcore mode: Send a corpus ship into a grineer asteroid, then sabotage the asteroid and extract). On the opposite end she may use you to prevent a ships destruction.


Either way the layout of the map reflects the change. If you send a ship into a planet you only have so much time to escape. and you can see where the ship is from the windows (When you're about to hit a planet you see clouds/skybox.) The closer a ship gets to the sun the more damage is reflected on the crewman, ship, and you.


Entering a ion storm can hurt you or help you. If a ship is under electric interference some doors/consoles/lights wont work correctly and can shock anything that goes near. Whatever gets shocked will either get stunned, lose shields for a moment, or get singed and set on fire. If you (or a enemy) have a high enough electricity resistance none of these things happened and you GAIN shields and energy when shocked.



FRAME MOD: Master Hacker


A chance to automatically complete the hacking minigame, the ability to open two-terminal doors by yourself through hacking, and the ability to hack special terminals. You'll need this later.



Vaults, Control rooms, Armories,


Vaults and armories are new tiles that act as side objectives while the control room has many uses. Every ship won't have these tiles but lotus will tell you if any are present. Most Grineer ships will have control rooms but on corpus ships about half have them and half are AI managed.


The Armory and control room can only opened with a keycard or a frame with the "Master Hacker" mod. two special grineer/corpus officers spawned randomly in the map drop the keycard and will guard it with their lives. In infested maps you could find them dead or alive in a corner of the ship followed by a small group of allies. You can easily enter the armory by keycard or by breaching the door. If you decide to do the latter the enemy will know and increase their presence in the area. The armory has mostly common mods and lockers.


The Vault is a room with a unbreakable unhackable door that holds a LOT of credits and  a rare mod. Once the alarm sounds the door locks. You can open back up from the control room with the officer's keycard or open it by destroying the generator.


The control room is the fun room. Its heavily defended and behind a unbreakable door. you need a keycard to get in but if you have master hacker you get one chance to hack the door with limited time. Here you can open the armory or vault, turn off the lights and cameras, or (if you're on a corpus map) hack fusion moas into allies for a limited time and only once. If you are in a sabotage mission you can also make the generator self-destruct from here.



Planet/Node Specific Rewards


All locations on the star chart are the same. They may have different tiles or mission types but none of them have anything really special about them. Star locations should vary in how big the level generated is, how many enemies there are, and give special tables of specific vault rewards or have a higher chance of "X" enemy spawning. Many players already have locations they grind for this same reason



Traveling nodes


The locations on the star chart that aren't planets are ships right? And ships move. The addition of ships with special rewards, bosses, or encounters that change location every other day add life to the map.



Air vents, Alternate paths, Teleport pads


Because every thread has to mention them. Teleport pads that shut down when the generator is destroyed would make for great one-way routes though.


Alternate paths would make stealth more viable for any frame that isnt loki or ash without using a shade. most tiles in planetary/ship sets are one-way halls or large flat areas with little cover to dodge between and if one enemy sees you then that's it. Having a path above and below ground on planets accessable or many forking paths in ships to your objective would be great since it gives you choice in taking the path that is patrolled the least.


You could finish a mission as a pacifist. Or just be a ninja and kill quietly. Or just kill everything. Choice!

Edited by sewens
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I STILL don't get why everyone calls this a ninja game when it has no stealth game and no air vent passages.

Duke Nukem had more stealth than this... TT~TT

D.E.s... Please… PLEASE let me be a better stealthy ninja... TT~TT

A lot of the corpus planet levels have air vents. Several grineer tilesets have air vents. the sad part is they are too infrequent for us to use effectively.

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1.maps have more than 2 ways.


2. locking the doors makes map too easier. breaking the door -> breaking fans,fences


3. weapon utility - would be nice but it limits users free will of weapons.


4. more loots - it already have mods, and nekro


5. generators -  seems very nice


6. hack/ vault/armories stuff - there are secret rooms, and also voids. i think its just that ur getting bored of same secret rooms


7. air vent etc. - would be nice 

Edited by Arneld
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Bump for adding more detail and fixing my perfect format. Thanks for the comments guys!




1.maps have more than 2 ways.


2. locking the doors makes map too easier. breaking the door -> breaking fans,fences


3. weapon utility - would be nice but it limits users free will of weapons.


4. more loots - it already have mods, and nekro


5. generators -  seems very nice


6. hack/ vault/armories stuff - there are secret rooms, and also voids. i think its just that ur getting bored of same secret rooms


7. air vent etc. - would be nice 


I agree with you on everything but 1 and 6 but only 6 because im mostly talking about missions on the planets. The secret rooms in the void are great but the ones on planets arent like the void ones.



There could even be a group a frames designed for this. If part of the world becomes destructible then you could have a frame with demo charges or something. To destroy heavier doors or even some walls that can't be broken without explosives.


Like vauban but with explosives? I think I saw this one fan concept of a frame that was a giant cannon. That'll do.

Edited by sewens
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New doors - I'm torn between this one, you make it sound as if a ship is personalized to each individual onboard. Infested, Grineer and Corpus ships should be different but not every single door. Doors to ''secret'' rooms or important rooms such as Vault's could have a more difficult bypass where you can fail locks the door permently (read Fatal Deception). Other than the above a door is a door, personally.


Weapon utility - Sure lets have you use a ''Fire'' element to burn way infested, an electric element to malfunction Corpus and ofc Frost to clear away armored (sheilded) Grineer doors. Don't be to specific, every weapon can be modded to do even all of the above if needed but really lasers? You expect a new player to be in a clan and have crafted Feldron's for laser weaponary? Even thinking that way using elemental mod's seems harsh for new players... you have no idea how many hours it took me to acctually get Stormbringer.


More loot from lockers, Mod containers - As stated in another post there are mods for this and it looks as if they're still developing more methods of discovering more loot (Desecrate).


Generators actually generate - Personally I think this could have been presented a little better. Breaking windows to allowing the vaccum that already deals damage is great but also turning the ship into an ''Ice'' mission if multiple is broken (say 2, some are accident's). Same certain machines, we alreayd have explosive ''crates'' maybe some explosive machinery to change the map style would be interesting.


Fatal Deception - More or less traps that can activate a timer? These would be a nice addiction to ''special'' room's as I mentioned above. Failing a Bypass to a Vault locks down that room for 10-15seconds while killing all players inside and ofc permently locking that room. Revivies aren't used unless releveling or you're just plain stupid so obviously there should be a ''your screwed'' method ingame. If you have no revives you can ignore it, or let another party member attempt it while you're safe. If a party member gets you caught in it without a revive they will have to continue solo.


FRAME MOD: Master Hacker - Mod's in general need a rework, every type of gun has 2 or 3 mods that WILL go on every GOD DAMN weapon of that type. Split Chamber and Serregation are defently up there. Mods similar to the helm's I beleive should be added. EG: 200% Bonus Damage and 100% Reduced Firing Rate. Graka would benefit heavily from this since it's fire rate is $&*&*#(%& and it burns ammo to fast. Overall damage goes up and munination is improved but would you really use this on an Ogris?


Vaults, Control rooms, Armories, - Mentioned Vaults above, other than that Control rooms would be  nice touch with min displays showing the location of a secret room and maybe unlocking them with a bypass.


Air vents, Alternate paths, Teleport pads - This is also torn, while it seems like alot of work building a 2nd route though a map through Air vent's, broken passages & through railings as such that meet up with the main path from time to time is where they should go with this. If you find the control room and see a secret room you didn't see you may just have to backtrack though the other route ;)

Edited by Seikijin
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  • 2 months later...

Lovely. With some touches here and there, it is really good.


Plasma Cutter should have been a secondary weapon instead. No pain, no gain :) It can be moderately effective against enemies, I can think of ot like a nerfed flux rifle or something.


Vaults/Control Room/Armoury is a fantastic idea, and a Generator room can fit into this concept a bit more than a simple item in a general tile. We possibly should have multiple generators on the same ship/planet with different routes to complicate the mission (in capture mission, currently there are two capture targets spawning and they are running to a different escape ship, but the levels are just kept linear :/).


Master Hacker mod is not really needed now if we have Intruder, as it can help in opening the more time limited areas described in OP.

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Lovely. With some touches here and there, it is really good.


Plasma Cutter should have been a secondary weapon instead. No pain, no gain :) It can be moderately effective against enemies, I can think of ot like a nerfed flux rifle or something.


Vaults/Control Room/Armoury is a fantastic idea, and a Generator room can fit into this concept a bit more than a simple item in a general tile. We possibly should have multiple generators on the same ship/planet with different routes to complicate the mission (in capture mission, currently there are two capture targets spawning and they are running to a different escape ship, but the levels are just kept linear :/).


Master Hacker mod is not really needed now if we have Intruder, as it can help in opening the more time limited areas described in OP.


The spectra pistol inspired me to make this thread. It's pretty much a nerfed flux rifle.


Generators in all maps sounds cool but that would make boss or extermination missions obsolete and fail the deception and capture missions unless the way generators work is changed. Being able to disable generators instead of destroying them in regular missions should work out nicely.


The master hacker mod's primary purpose is just the master thief mod for hacking open doors. If you arent concerned with going to the control room and just want to rush the mission you wont need it.

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In another topic about survival I suggested a somewhat similar gameplay as the OP's special rooms, where the goal of survival is more sound. If the life support capsule (or a more fixed, smaller special room) is made hard to reach, players should develop tactics to reach and use it. They can be heavily guarded, hard to reach (parkour) and so on, to make it more interesting.

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