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New Forum Section Suggestion


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Every quality and advanced game i've ever played such as dota 2 has a forum section called Advanced Mechanics 



Its a section for players to ask questions and help each other about mechanics of the game. For example a post could be: how does the Crit multiplier work with the base crit of a gun". Then people that actually know can answer. Other things this section will be good for is discussing gun dps, and generally just being a hub of information to really clear up everything that is so ambiguous and a trip to the wiki several times just won't help.



That section in dota 2 is so great because everyone in that section loves mechanics nothing is too stupid of a question. Before if you asked a simple ans stupid question in general discussion, you'll be met with like 10 pages of go learn  basic dota you newb or learn to wiki. But with this section every question there is thoroughly explained by helpful members of the community. That section becomes a place free of trolls and angry people because everyone is there to either learn or help.

Edited by ForumSmurf
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You mean like our "Players helping Players" ?

no that section doesn't accomplish what i explained. It ends up being a place to ask for general help. I mean an "advance mechanics" section. A section for advance information in warframe. To talk about DPS. To talk about item builds. "player helping player" doesn't draw the high lvl community into one spot to talk about advance things in the game. Talk about best places to farm certain things. Tactics for future or current boss's



Dota 2 has a regular player help player section as well and generally its for people who have trouble last hitting or low in skill and are asking assistance to last hit better or learn a hero better. Completely different. I go to Advance Mechanics when i need to know if Undying's first skill 4 strength hp increase recouperates the health % ratio of your entire health or adds a flat amount and only experienced players can answer these kinds of questions.

Edited by ForumSmurf
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