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an improvement i would suggest for revenant's enthrall


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revenant is a nice frame, and i was playing with him a lot recently, i used him for the thermia fractures, mobile defenses, a lot of stuff where crowd control is handy, mostly because you can apply strong crowd control through the use of enthrall which is a good ability, except 2 annoying drawbacks:

1) the most known: anyone can kill thralls; this is rather annoying and encourage playing revenant only solo, because when you enthrall an enemy and then the thrall get blasted to the shadowrealm by teammates, you basically wasted energy, which is a shame

2) this one is a bit particular: basically on my build for enthrall i use a lot of duration, precisely 279, this allow my thralls to last 84 seconds, the problem comes when in a mission that requires to defend several objectives distant one from each other, the thralls are going to stay in the same area and not follow you, so you have to kill them, thats not a problem right? well its kinda is, especially in that kuva flood mobile defense full of enemies i did before deciding to write this post, where thralls were everywhere and then you kill a thrall or two, but the thralls on the other place will shoot and enthrall enemies immediately after and so on until you kill basically everything,  and then finally proceed to put the datamass on another terminal, and enthrall new enemies to defend the point, that is rather annoying

what i would suggest is to make is an instance for enthrall, which is: when you keep pressing the enthrall key ability, all the enthralled enemies will be freed by the spell, thats it

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30 minutes ago, Sharkgoblin said:

1) the most known: anyone can kill thralls; this is rather annoying and encourage playing revenant only solo, because when you enthrall an enemy and then the thrall get blasted to the shadowrealm by teammates, you basically wasted energy, which is a shame 

Nyx mind control are unkillable and it's a pain in the neck when playing defense mission because we have to kill every ennemies before starting the next wave.

Then in many missions it's better to kill NPC rather than "controlling" them : controlled ennemies trigger alarm in  spy / rescue, they don't drop upon controlling but upon death so it's a waste in survival, they don't count as kill in extermination / defense / end of interception waves.
--> So basically appart from hijack and excavation any sort of "control" is kinda useless.

imho the biggest improvement to any sort of mind control would be to make it count as death once controlled for the first time (make them drop and increase the "killed" counter)

Edited by MonsterOfMyOwn
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2 hours ago, MonsterOfMyOwn said:

Nyx mind control are unkillable and it's a pain in the neck when playing defense mission because we have to kill every ennemies before starting the next wave.

you can recast mind control to free the enemy from the effect of the abilty

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7 hours ago, MonsterOfMyOwn said:

Nyx mind control are unkillable and it's a pain in the neck when playing defense mission because we have to kill every ennemies before starting the next wave.

Revenants thralls do not prevent defense waves from ending.

Neither should mindcontrolled enemies but DE has not made that brilliant deduction yet.

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