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So... Do Sentinels Have Armor?


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I've pretty much had a 1/2 leveled steel fiber mod on my sentinels, and apart from encountering lvl 150+ enemies they've survived with whatever configuration I've used with them.

Then came carrier, mine is still not fully leveled yet, but I removed steel fiber since armor shows as 0 in the arsenal GUI. My carrier blows up 1/2 way during a J2000 Golem fight.

I find it hard to believe that sentinels have zero armor. Could it just be a glitch in the GUI? Also, why would they make a mod that's a % boost over a base of zero?

What do you guys think?

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They obviously must have armor - the existence of a mod which increases said factor proves it. However, the current values are unknown for me. There's a post somewhere on Reddit with datamined information about Sentinel's and their stats.



However, someone has tested it before and confirmed there is no armor (at least on Dethcube or Shade; forgot which). One problem with those datamined stats for Sentinels, is that it does not specify a body part. So even if they have 50 base armor as it states, all their body parts may be unprotected, just like MOAs (they have 50 base armor but no protected body parts, so their armor is useless).

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I've noticed mine dying more often than my other Sentinels but I also haven't used my other Sentinels in the same places so it's not a good comparison, i.e. T2 Survival after 20 minutes and Orokin Derelict Assassinate.

Edited by CitizenV
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