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The Thirst To Nerf. Why?


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Nerf Soma? Nerf Acrid? Nerf Despair? Nerf Kunai? wait wait wait wait........ I thought over time that weapon technology is supposed to improve?! I thought in a futuristic world as newer tech was discovered its supposed to actually be a Upgrade to what was old......


Majority of this game is getting new weapons and leveling them up and mastering them right? So why does it seem some people are actually making threads asking for new weapons to become equal to or weaker than the old ones???????


I don't know, Im confused by this. Am i the only one who thinks this logic makes no sense? I mean how easy is it for you to get a new weapon. the whole game atm seems to be about getting new tech.......and some people seem to be stuck on the old, set in their ways, angry if anything comes out better than their favorite gun.


This is just a stray thought on the matter of nerfing and the Minority/Majority of the community that thirst for it, idk. Its seems like either jealousy or simply because they put so much time and effort into X weapon, only to have Y weapon to come out being a lil bit better, and they feel butthurt.


I have a supra i haven't finished fixing up yet and this new Soma comes out. Ive gotten over it tho. like really fast because I enjoy the supra so much, the difference in damage is thin, and the pew pew of lasers make me smile more than the bang bangs of bullets. 


My question is, what do you guys think about the thirst to nerf? and whats the reason behind it? why do people hate it when new tech is better than old tech? 

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Easy solution to nerfs: raise the XP locks. Soma: rank 4 required, good. Acrid: rank 7 required, good. However, a bunch of new weapons just get put at rank 0 (Vastos come to mind...) or rank 2. Weapon tiers/power creep is a great thing, as long as you have to work for the higher level stuff. If you don't earn it, then yes everything will feel over powered.

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I don't know, There should be some weapons that should be better than other purely for the fact they cost more to build, harder to obtain, etc..


But in recent times the number of Nerf-herders has been outrageous.  With the addition of new frames and weapons there will always be the ones that insist on not spending a single dime on the game and then insist they get everything that paying customers have, and if not then want what they have reduced to the point if it being as useless as what they carry around so you don't out perform them.


Sure there is always the fear of a power creep, or creeps that fear power, take your pick. But the game ultimately gets hard the further you go in the solar system, so why wouldn't you want a weapon or frame that can make you last longer. It's not like i play level 1 missions with rank 30 weapons to show off, I'm out there with full ranked weapons playing T3 voids or endless defense....


All in all, don't touch my stuff I paid for.

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Easy solution to nerfs: raise the XP locks. Soma: rank 4 required, good. Acrid: rank 7 required, good. However, a bunch of new weapons just get put at rank 0 (Vastos come to mind...) or rank 2. Weapon tiers/power creep is a great thing, as long as you have to work for the higher level stuff. If you don't earn it, then yes everything will feel over powered.

I think they would really need to change the way the mastery system works to use it as a tier divider. So many people as it is get maybe rank 3 and then get excited about the Acrid, find out you have to be rank 7 and then give up and quit.

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Not going to give my opinion. so I'll just say this:


There are 2 kinds of power creep.


1) The beneficial kind known as Natural Progression.

2) The nonbeneficial kind I can't think a name of. So I'll call it Sammiches.


Sammiches is not beneficial. Natural Progression is. It's up to you to decide which you think Warframe has. Who is right and who is wrong? I don't care. We're just going to argue about it anyway.

Edited by PsychedelicSnake
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It is all mostly just crippling fear of something called Power creep.

It is a very real threat and could potentially destroy warframe so the community at large is kind of on a state of perpetual panic about it.


This video will explain what I mean -> http://www.penny-arcade.com/patv/episode/power-creep

Wow, i watched the video and feel like i learned something lol. good one on you mate. that was very informative.

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SO inow that I understand Power creep a bit better now, thanks to you guys. The way they can fix this and avoid the bad power creep is by giving more new content higher requirements? making it so the old tech will become more like stepping stones to get to the new stuff making them no-longer irrelevant? am I close?


@PeripheralVisionary, I hate Korean based MMO's. no thanks.


@Runlock, Ive already read it. thankyou though

Edited by S3ven0F13
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SO inow that I understand Power creep a bit better now, thanks to you guys. The way they can fix this and avoid the bad power creep is by giving more new content higher requirements? making it so the old tech will become more like stepping stones to get to the new stuff making them no-longer irrelevant? am I close?


You're farther away.

Soma, an unranked weapon, shouldn't outdps a supra without some major flaws.

It doesn't matter whether or not it's new. It's about how OP it is and if it needs a nerf. *Or buff

Soma is just new, it's probably not as advance technologically as some of the Corpus weaponry.

Edited by PeripheralVisionary
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SO inow that I understand Power creep a bit better now, thanks to you guys. The way they can fix this and avoid the bad power creep is by giving more new content higher requirements? making it so the old tech will become more like stepping stones to get to the new stuff making them no-longer irrelevant? am I close?


@PeripheralVisionary, I hate Korean based MMO's. no thanks.


Quite close. It's also due to the fact that a $1 cap-gun from the dollar store can out-damge and out-shoot a minigun that costs more than $100,000.


Naturally you have the poor people supporting that the awesome cap-gun shouldn't be nerfed and should stay at $1. On the other hand, you have high-rollers that own the minigun saying the cap-gun should cost $100,000 +.

Edited by Mikovsky
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You're farther away.

Soma, an unranked weapon, shouldn't outdps a supra without some major flaws.

It doesn't matter whether or not it's new. It's about how OP it is and if it needs a nerf. *Or buff

wait your confusing me more, I said "higher requirements" I was referring to the Ranking system. sorry maybe I said it wrong. I was saying that if they gave newer or stronger weapons Higher rank requirements do you think it would fix it?"

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Quite close. It's also due to the fact that a $1 cap-gun from the dollar store can out-damge and out-shoot a minigun that costs more than $100,000.


Naturally you have the poor people supporting that the awesome cap-gun shouldn't be nerfed and should stay at $1. On the other hand, you have high-rollers that own the minigun saying the cap-gun should cost $100,000 +.

Oh wow, didn't think about it like that, interesting.

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Wow, i watched the video and feel like i learned something lol. good one on you mate. that was very informative.

There's a lot of Extra Credit videos being linked in these forums, and they always seem relevant. There's the Difficult Games vs Punishing Games video where Warframe in particular gets mentioned.
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NOTHING IS OP TILL I CAN SOLO PLUTO WITH IT....STOP THE NERFS!   Seriously why nerf ember all the enemies are higher now and she was only good for low level infested before, now she is a joke.... my circle of fire with all the modding i have done to make it fun and awesome, barely covers the pod now. THIS nerf uspets me very much...she needing buffing not nerfing this was a terrible thing. Its just terrible to offer things for sale, or have us work and work to earn stuff then you change it and make it suck.  I finally get a weapon im happy with and im enjoying using, then you nerf it....because some punk that cant get it cried that it was op....come on if this is whats going to continue with this game, i can bet it will be the thing that ends it for many players.

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NOTHING IS OP TILL I CAN SOLO PLUTO WITH IT....STOP THE NERFS!   Seriously why nerf ember all the enemies are higher now and she was only good for low level infested before, now she is a joke.... my circle of fire with all the modding i have done to make it fun and awesome, barely covers the pod now. THIS nerf uspets me very much...she needing buffing not nerfing this was a terrible thing. Its just terrible to offer things for sale, or have us work and work to earn stuff then you change it and make it suck.  I finally get a weapon im happy with and im enjoying using, then you nerf it....because some punk that cant get it cried that it was op....come on if this is whats going to continue with this game, i can bet it will be the thing that ends it for many players.

Agreed. She is a frame i refuse to use now, Thinking of asking De to refund my plat I spent on her as she now is half the woman she used to be, so she's just taking up space.


Death to the Nerf-herders!

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The problem is players' lack of intelligence. They build an expensive gun, claiming that it isn't even close to expensive, because they've spent hundreds of hours playing the game and grinding for rare stuff, then they put Potato and mod this gun with the rarest and highest rank mods and then they start to cry because the gun is "overpowered". 


There are no better words than 'stupid' and "ignorant' to describe constant nerf whinegirls.

Edited by 3XT3RM1NATUS
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