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Zanuka Assassin not triggering "capture", only "mission failure", deathmark not being consumed


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Just experienced this bug now. The Zanuka Hunter triggered during a spy vault run on Oceanum, Pluto. I stood around passively to get caught intentionally, because I wanted to experience the "escape" sequence from Jupiter. Zanuka downed me five times, each time I was forced to use a revive, which seemed incredibly strange as no other assassin stuck around after a revive (ie: Stalker, Wolf). After using all revives, on my final downing, I was not "caught", I received a Mission Failure screen and sent back to my Orbiter. I was incredibly disappointed, and checked my profile to see if the deathmark I had been carrying around for weeks was gone; surprisingly, the deathmark from Zanuka was still there.

TL;DR - being downed by Zanuka is not triggering the player being caught by the Assassin, forcing the use of revives. If downed repeatedly, player receives a Mission Failure and the assassin deathmark is not consumed.

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Uhhh.. I only vaguely know of what you speak so forgive me.. but I do not think what you wanted to happen, happens in a normal Zanuka Assassination attempt.....

I think thats only when you go to fight Alad V (assassination node??/quest??) and get exposed to Zanuka the first time.... thats when you can trigger that capture seqeunce??  

I've never done that so I dont really know, im just going by what I half remember lol.  

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On 2019-05-02 at 7:07 PM, (PS4)AbBaNdOn_IGN said:

Uhhh.. I only vaguely know of what you speak so forgive me.. but I do not think what you wanted to happen, happens in a normal Zanuka Assassination attempt.....

I think thats only when you go to fight Alad V (assassination node??/quest??) and get exposed to Zanuka the first time.... thats when you can trigger that capture seqeunce??  

I've never done that so I dont really know, im just going by what I half remember lol.  


On 2019-05-02 at 2:13 AM, (PS4)Maunstre said:

TL;DR - being downed by Zanuka is not triggering the player being caught by the Assassin, forcing the use of revives. If downed repeatedly, player receives a Mission Failure and the assassin deathmark is not consumed.

This tidbit from the link I posted might help?


In the scenario where the quest does not automatically start, you can start it by going in your Arsenal and double clicking any captured weapon.

Not sure if any of your weapons were captured or if this option is available, but you could check.

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On 2019-05-07 at 8:10 AM, (XB1)R3d P01nt said:

Not sure if any of your weapons were captured or if this option is available, but you could check.

None of my weapons were captured / taken, I returned to my Orbiter with everything intact. I haven't been able to re-attempt with another encounter.

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