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All rounded set of Infested weapons?



Good evening.

I'm leveling/modding up my Nidus, and want to stay with infested weapons to complete his look.

Which infested primary, secondary, and melee weapons would be considered the best for regular missions/alerts/bounties/sorties? I'll be using the, teeming virulence augment, as well.

Thank you for your time and consideration.



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4 answers to this question

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I love the Mios on Nidus as a melee weapon. Not only does it color well with him, it also has the great Defiled Snapdragon stance, nice range and a little thematic synergy with its whip effect pulling / flinging enemies on certain attacks like a little single-target Larva. I'm told that the Scoliac is an absolute monster with the right Riven, but I haven't bothered much with those myself. There's also the Lesion if you want some nice Condition Overload action.

Hema is one of my favorite primaries, but I've got a huge personal bias toward burst rifles. Another favorite of mine - the Zarr - isn't technically infested, but it can look it with those dangly bits and the weird way it handles colors.

The only infested secondary I've really used is the Pox, and they're nice for certain things, but I don't have much to offer in that case.

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With primaries, Synapse is an excellent choice to use with Teeming Virulence.

Hema is another great choice with Nidus as he's constant health regen makes the ammo drain far less noticeable; and with it's very high status chance, you can get your power strength boosted every shot if you have the Growing Power aura mod.

Secondaries. I prefer my Tysis, it's a decent single target pistol. The Pox are great but for their cloud to shine, enemies need to be grouped together; and if they're already that close then it would be more beneficial to hit them with Virulence. 

Now with melee; the Dual Ichors are an old favorite of mine, once you get the combo multiplier up they can rip through crowds. 

The Caustacyst can be interesting to use, not the best damage but can launch a trail of corrosive acid that staggers enemies in case you need to slow their advance.

Finally, we have the ever popular Plague Zaw and can be made to be quite powerful.The resources necessary to make one can be earned during the reccuring Plague Star event.

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