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So Here's A Crazy Idea: Swap The Acrid With The Embolist


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(so there i was looking at them both in the clantech lab, when it hit me, the acrid looks like it should be the poison sprayer [what with the tube and the canister], and the embolist should be the dart shooter [making more sense as the darts inject poison and cause the embolisms to occur])

and what I mean is this:

the Acrid loses the dart graphic inside the lava lamp tube and becomes the poison spraying weapon that the Embolist currently is

then the Embolist becomes the living bioweapon that it already is, except now it shoots poison darts/thorns

basically a stats/graphics swap (ie Embolist gets all of acrids stats, and vice versa)

and all of a sudden the acrid is the new "lower tier" infested clantech pistol, while the embolist is now arguably worth the insane mutagen/forma cost

Edited by CY13ERPUNK
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"Hey, now your weapon is completely different from what you made and forma'd repeatedly! No need to thank me."


Maybe changing stats on a weapon could be in order, but completely changing it's function is just a good way to make a swath of people angry.


Really, just improving the Embolist is what should be done, no need to change the Acrid to accommodate it.

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When I first saw the Acrid, I actually thought it was going to be mechanically what the Embolist is now.


That said, no.  Let's not go changing the mechanics on people like that.  Even swapping the model could be a bit cruel.


Btw, when you're reloading the Acrid, you can see that there are bolts stored in there.

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I wouldn't be too opposed to a model swap, but completely swapping the guns and stats is just going to piss way too many people off. Seriously, I can picture mobs of angry fans storming their offices breaking down the locks by pouring acid on them.

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(so there i was looking at them both in the clantech lab, when it hit me, the acrid looks like it should be the poison sprayer [what with the tube and the canister], and the embolist should be the dart shooter [making more sense as the darts inject poison and cause the embolisms to occur])

and what I mean is this:

the Acrid loses the dart graphic inside the lava lamp tube and becomes the poison spraying weapon that the Embolist currently is

then the Embolist becomes the living bioweapon that it already is, except now it shoots poison darts/thorns

basically a stats/graphics swap (ie Embolist gets all of acrids stats, and vice versa)

and all of a sudden the acrid is the new "lower tier" infested clantech pistol, while the embolist is now arguably worth the insane mutagen/forma cost


why switch weapons, thats like saying switch hek with strun wraith.

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They stated in the livestream today more or less that instead of nerfing mat requirements for the Embolist it is getting buffed to match the mat usage.

and while yes, they did SAY that, let's be real here... srsly? considering how much the embolist cost compared to the acrid... there is NO WAY that they are going to come through on that statement

this is precisely why I came up with this post in the first place, THERE IS NO WAY THAT THE EMBOLIST CAN COMPETE WITH THE ACRID WITH ITS CURRENT DESIGN, unless you gave the embolist infinite range and pinpoint accuracy with a direct dmg hit effect AS WELL AS a large poison cloud AOE that did stacking DOT dmg


I could go with this. Maybe Id actually start using acrid(I personally hate the damn thing).


But then again you &!$$ off everyone who has x4+ formad their acrid.

and yes I could see a model/stats swap maybe miffing some ppl, but its been done b4 when the aklatos for example used the akbolto skin for a long time earlier in beta, it's not too late for a switch here IMHO

and as far as the ppl who have forma'd their acrid 435308 times, i would hope/expect the complete stats swap would entail assigning the properties to the new weapon, thusly if someone prior to my ideal change had a 4x forma'd acrid, they would now possess a 4x forma'd embolist and vice versa

the issues about mastery rank would have to be bypassed for this change of course, but one time adjustments like this can be exceptions, that's the whole point

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If you swapped the stats around, rage time.

If you swapped the Graphics around, people won't mind as much.


But I'm fairly certain the Acrid looks like this




because of a Syringe Barrel




Then again, there are no syringes in the barrel of the Acrid

But you can see long, thin darts.

Edited by EganMC
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