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Alad V: What He Should've Looked Like + Conspiracy


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So DE released an image of Alad V and his robotic dog pet recently, and I gotta say, his appearance is such a disappointment! I mean, GEEZ, he looks like he has a TOILET SEAT around his neck! And other than that he doesn't even look that badass at all neither. The robot dog is pretty cool though, even if the cyan color is questionable.

But really, I was expecting so much more from him! His appearance really doesn't show his cunning and wits, it makes him look like a politician instead of a shady corporate mastermind; and I would have thought a hawk or some other robotic bird of prey would have suit him more than a dog, which would have fit the Grineers more. He should've looked something more along the lines of this:


Note: I didn't draw this, lulz

Also, I was talking to my clannies on the Lone Rangers clan chat the other day, and we were discussing Alad V's appearance and how the dog looked better than him, and someone said "plot twist: Alad V IS the dog" and it immediately got me thinking.

What if Alad V transferred his mind into the robot dog, and the human is merely a decoy? Afterall, a robotic body would grant him immunity to aging, and also provides better survivability compared to a human body. Plus, with everyone thinking that the human is the real Alad V, he can also escape assassination attempts easier. The "toilet seat" around the human's neck is really the mind control device that the real Alad uses to control the human body remotely from his robot dog body! Such a twist would truly be fitting of his cunning, as well as his cowardice.

So, thoughts on these ideas and Alad V in general?

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That picture shouldn't be alad v at all. Did you notice everyone wears space suits, in space?

Well i never said Alad V should look EXACTLY like in the picture, it could be a more sci-fi version of those clothes. Either way, a mask like that would look 10 times better than the stupid toilet seat he has right now. Edited by Madotsuki
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Well i never said Alad V should look EXACTLY like in the picture, it could be a more sci-fi version of those clothes. Either way, a mask like that would look 10 times better than the stupid toilet seat he has right now.

I thought it was a water floatie so he doesn't drown

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Frost and Trinity both have toilet seat helmets, because of that Alad V fits perfectly in this game.

Frost's helmets don't look anything like toilet seats, neither do Trinity's. At least, the placement of the "rings" on their respective helmets that have them make the rings resemble halos instead, if you were referring to the Aurora Frost helm and and Aura Trinity helm.

I mean, really, Alad V's toilet seat collar even has a back pan for the head, and it looks like it has two layers, which resemble the seat "pad" and the rim!

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So DE released an image of Alad V and his robotic dog pet recently, and I gotta say, his appearance is such a disappointment! I mean, GEEZ, he looks like he has a TOILET SEAT around his neck! And other than that he doesn't even look that badass at all neither. The robot dog is pretty cool though, even if the cyan color is questionable.

But really, I was expecting so much more from him! His appearance really doesn't show his cunning and wits, it makes him look like a politician instead of a shady corporate mastermind; and I would have thought a hawk or some other robotic bird of prey would have suit him more than a dog, which would have fit the Grineers more. He should've looked something more along the lines of this:

Also, I was talking to my clannies on the Lone Rangers clan chat the other day, and we were discussing Alad V's appearance and how the dog looked better than him, and someone said "plot twist: Alad V IS the dog" and it immediately got me thinking.

What if Alad V transferred his mind into the robot dog, and the human is merely a decoy? Afterall, a robotic body would grant him immunity to aging, and also provides better survivability compared to a human body. Plus, with everyone thinking that the human is the real Alad V, he can also escape assassination attempts easier. The "toilet seat" around the human's neck is really the mind control device that the real Alad uses to control the human body remotely from his robot dog body! Such a twist would truly be fitting of his cunning, as well as his cowardice.

So, thoughts on these ideas and Alad V in general?

toilet seat lol. now i can't unsee it :D


AladV looks like a politician, and a bad one too. but isn't that the point? AladV is a coward, and his dog is the one attacking us (maybe, i think...) while he will run to hide and we will need more effort just to find him. hey, maybe he is one of the corpus crewman in capture mission!


but yeah, i think he looks too weak for a boss. unless DE really want to make a boss character that need more effort (like: searching him first) to kill than just bombarding him with bullet....

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You mean, like this?

Enlarge the ring of the seat a little and he looks almost exactly like Alad V XD

@agung and the others: You guys do make a point, Alad V is supposed to be a coward I suppose. It's just that he looks too PATHETIC right now to be a boss battle. Agung raises a good idea though, what if the boss fight was in the form of a Capture mission, with Alad V as the target? When you find him on the ship, he sicks his dog droid on you and runs away, and you have to evade the dog and take down Alad before he escapes, and THEN face the dog? That would actually make a unique boss fight!

Either that, or he locks himself in a sort of safety chamber until you take down his dog, at which point he attempts to escape and it turns into a capture mission of sorts.

Edited by Madotsuki
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btw, i like the idea that AladV isn't the real one. because, only grinner use clone system right? they (grinner) boss keep respawning for us to kill can be explained by they keep cloning. the infested boss is infestation, it fit the lore too. and corpus boss usually robotics. so if AladV is a boss, then what can be the explanation for him keep coming back (for us to kill)? if the one we kill isn't (and never) the real AladV, then it will makes sense (well, common sense isn't used in this game anyway...)

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Enlarge the ring of the seat a little and he looks almost exactly like Alad V XD

@agung and the others: You guys do make a point, Alad V is supposed to be a coward I suppose. It's just that he looks too PATHETIC right now to be a boss battle. Agung raises a good idea though, what if the boss fight was in the form of a Capture mission, with Alad V as the target? When you find him on the ship, he sicks his dog droid on you and runs away, and you have to evade the dog and take down Alad before he escapes, and THEN face the dog? That would actually make a unique boss fight!




Edited by agung.up
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btw, i like the idea that AladV isn't the real one. because, only grinner use clone system right? they (grinner) boss keep respawning for us to kill can be explained by they keep cloning. the infested boss is infestation, it fit the lore too. and corpus boss usually robotics. so if AladV is a boss, then what can be the explanation for him keep coming back (for us to kill)? if the one we kill isn't (and never) the real AladV, then it will makes sense (well, common sense isn't used in this game anyway...)

The thing here is that I don't even know whether respawning bosses is supposed to be canon. For the Grineers, there's the fact that Vor and Kril are found on two different planets, yet they appear to die in both cases. But then there's the logic problem that, if they're just going to keep being cloned back anyway, what's the point of killing them? For example, we kill Tyl Regor to stop his research from being finished. But if he's just going to be cloned right back anyway, what's the point? And couldn't they have multiples of the same boss at the same time using such cloning tech? Why don't they just send a squad of Krils or Kelas to kill our asses?

But yeah, common sense doesn't even apply to the game at this point so, whatever i guess.

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The thing here is that I don't even know whether respawning bosses is supposed to be canon. For the Grineers, there's the fact that Vor and Kril are found on two different planets, yet they appear to die in both cases. But then there's the logic problem that, if they're just going to keep being cloned back anyway, what's the point of killing them? For example, we kill Tyl Regor to stop his research from being finished. But if he's just going to be cloned right back anyway, what's the point? And couldn't they have multiples of the same boss at the same time using such cloning tech? Why don't they just send a squad of Krils or Kelas to kill our asses?

But yeah, common sense doesn't even apply to the game at this point so, whatever i guess.


It's a delaying action. It could take a long time to get a decent clone of a leader, while they can just spam grunts from the cloning tanks/re-education pyramids/infection hives.

If Nekros proves the existence of souls in the Warframe universe they may not be able to have multiple clones of the same person without some dangerous Lovecraftian shenanegans occuring.

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I'm having trouble saying why I don't like the initial design because it's interesting enough, reminds me of how noble fashion can be really goofy but still invoke status and respect in it's society, and is a decent contrast to Vor's "clanky" design. Though personally, I'd like to see a more slick design to work as a counter stereotype to his cowardly character. I hear a lot of talk that because Alad is a coward, he should look the part but many characters purposely hide their true nature in their appearance. It's not unheard of to have a seemingly weak and shy character who turn out to be capable of cruelty behind closed doors. It's also the case that a really menacing or refined looking character be anything but. That kind of deceit, to me, is the work of a good villain. I wanted the Corpus to be the brains to the Grineer's brawn. They are capable of manipulation, deceit and the corruption of others and this can still be the case in terms of the Corpus nobles over their crewman.

I suppose I'm fine with it either way but I wouldn't mind some changes. I really like the glasses and mask in the OP, though. Very slick.

Edited by Haldos
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Alad is suppose to be schemer not a badass, He is corporate big wig who sits behind his desk and acts like he is more important then he is... He is basically



Alad V: I can't compete with you physically, and you're no match for my brains.

Loki: [intrigued] You're that smart?

Alad V: Let me put it this way: Have you ever heard of Plato? Aristotle? Socrates?

Loki: Yes.

Alad V: Morons.

Loki: Really? In that case, I challenge you to a battle of wits.

Alad V: For the princess? [ Loki nods] To the death? [He nods] I accept.

Loki: Good. Then pour the wine. [Alad V pours the wine, and  Loki pulls out a small packet] Inhale this, but do not touch.

Alad V: [sniffs] I smell nothing.

Loki: What you do not smell is called iocane powder. It is odorless, tasteless, dissolves instantly in liquid, and is among the more deadlier poisons known to man.

[He puts the goblets behind his back and, presumably, adds the poison to one of them, then sets them down in front of him]

Loki: All right. Where is the poison? The battle of wits has begun. It ends when you decide and we both drink, and find out who is right... and who is dead.

Alad V: But it's so simple. All I have to do is divine from what I know of you: are you the sort of man who would put the poison into his own goblet or his enemy's? Now, a clever man would put the poison into his own goblet, because he would know that only a great fool would reach for what he was given. I am not a great fool, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you. But you must have known I was not a great fool. You would have counted on it, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

Loki: You've made your decision then?

Alad V: Not remotely! Because iocane comes from Australia, as everyone knows! And Australia is entirely peopled with criminals. And criminals are used to having people not trust them, as you are not trusted by me, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you.

Loki: Truly, you have a dizzying intellect.

Alad V: Wait till I get going! Now, where was I?

Loki: Australia.

Alad V: Yes, Australia. And you must have suspected I would have known the powder's origin, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me.

Loki: You're just stalling now.

Alad V: You'd like to think that, wouldn't you?! You've beaten my giant, which means you're exceptionally strong, so you could've put the poison in your own goblet, trusting on your strength to save you, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of you! But, you've also bested my Tenno bodyguard, which means you must have studied, and in studying you must have learned that man is mortal, so you would have put the poison as far from yourself as possible, so I can clearly not choose the wine in front of me!

Loki: You're trying to trick me into giving away something. It won't work.

Alad V: It has worked! You've given everything away! I know where the poison is!

Loki Then make your choice.

Alad V: I will, and I choose- What in the world can that be? [Alad V points at a rock behind  Loki. When he turns to look, Alad V swaps the goblets]

Loki: What? Where? I don't see anything.

Alad V: Well, I- I could have sworn I saw something. No matter. [He is having a hard time containing his laughter]

Loki: What's so funny?

Alad V: I--I'll tell you in a minute. First, let's drink. Me from my glass, and you from yours. [They drink from their goblets]

Loki: You guessed wrong.

Alad V: You only think I guessed wrong! That's what's so funny! I switched glasses when your back was turned! Ha ha, you fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders! The most famous of which is "never get involved in a land war in Asia," but only slightly less well-known is this: "Never go in against a Neptunian! when DEATH is on the line!" [He laughs hysterically, but suddenly freezes mid-laugh and dies]

Edited by FrostWolf
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