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Dera Vs Flux Rifle


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You want facts - go look on wiki


"Which is better" - it's all about preferences



You're asking for no opinions for an opinion based question?


I don't understand this community sometimes, neither of your answers are going to help me, the wiki does not compare these guns. im asking a question and want to avoid answers like "I use the dera and have formad it x amount of times so go with that". If your not going to help or have any thing informative to say then why say anything at all.

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I don't understand this community sometimes, neither of your answers are going to help me, the wiki does not compare these guns. im asking a question and want to avoid answers like "I use the dera and have formad it x amount of times so go with that". If your not going to help or have any thing informative to say then why say anything at all.


Because I'm a little sh*t <3  And you're being lazy.  If you need a side by side comparison and no opinions, use the wiki and compare stats yourself.  You will get cold hard information there that you can decide what you want to use.  You ask people for opinions.

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Which is better please, need facts not preferences.

Flux Rifle, Strun Wraith, Lanka, and Soma are the best primaries in the game.  Dera is better than average, but does not compete with the Flux.  Flux, like the Lanka, does Serrated Blade elemental damage which ignores armor and does 3x damage to unarmored targets.  It also stagger-locks enemies.

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Because I'm a little sh*t <3  And you're being lazy.  If you need a side by side comparison and no opinions, use the wiki and compare stats yourself.  You will get cold hard information there that you can decide what you want to use.  You ask people for opinions.


So im lazy for not wanting to go to the wikis, crunch up numbers, factor range and armor ignore, stun, what mods work better on either overall and such. Im sure there is a common consensus in these forums about which Is better, and is there anywhere in my post where I said I did not want opinions, if you can back those opinions up with "facts" like I asked then there is no problem like everybody above me has done besides you. Now you can kindly go to a wiki and look up the difference between "Preference" and "Opinion". Im sure you have asked a question on these forums you could have looked up yourself.

Edited by BeenProSinceDay1
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Flux Rifle, Strun Wraith, Lanka, and Soma are the best primaries in the game.  Dera is better than average, but does not compete with the Flux.  Flux, like the Lanka, does Serrated Blade elemental damage which ignores armor and does 3x damage to unarmored targets.  It also stagger-locks enemies.


Guess ill go get a Flux till im a high enough rank to get the Lanka.

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So im lazy for not wanting to go to the wikis, crunch up numbers, factor range and armor ignore, stun, what mods work better on either overall and such. Im sure there is a common consensus in these forums about which Is better, and is there anywhere in my post where I said I did not want opinions, if you can back those opinions up with "facts" like I asked then there is no problem like everybody above me has done besides you. Now you can kindly go to a wiki and look up the difference between "Preference" and "Opinion". Im sure you have asked a question on these forums you could have looked up yourself.


So what you're saying is... you COULD have looked it up yourself? At least you admit it.  And yes it is being lazy.  And yes, there is probably a general consensus in the forums... that you could have looked up in the Forum search.


And I checked the wiki, it doesn't say anything about opinions and preference, don't tease me >.> :P

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Dera you can use at Rank 4, Flux you can use at Rank 6. So if I were you, I would start saving up Plastids and Salvage and start crafting 7 Fieldrons. ( 2 for the Dera and 5 for the Flux Rifle ). Both weapons are worth their respective ranks. Obviously the Flux will do better than the Dera.


But Supra Master Race



Edited by __Kanade__
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Its more about preference than anything. 

The Dera is more versatile when compared to the flux, mostly because of its range. The flux has serrated blade damage though, so inside of 25 meters you'll be ignoring armor. 


I prefer the Dera, mostly because I can use it at longer ranges and because it has a custom reload animation. The new sounds are nice too.

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Dera, in my opinion (not necessarily a fact), is in a strange place.


It has pin-point accuracy with zero recoil, and yet, has bullet travel time.


So it's great for long range battles, but at the same time, it can be hard to hit randomly moving targets far away.

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