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Clan Dojo needs to be Revised


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So I recently started my own clan and we have progressed very quickly with research and all, but that's when I realised that a lot of the Clan mechanics is very biased towards old Dojos which puts players off making new ones. For example, New Dojos have a room limit of 100 rooms, while in other dojos they have so many halls and rooms that it's just not fair. If we all play the same game we should all have the same rules. 

Then with Clan research, Some clans have rails etc built in their dojos, but new clans can never do that because DE has become silent on the Rails. Fair enough there's a never ending Armistice, but atleast grant the option to build rails (but not use) rather that being told about something one would have no idea about unless they played the game a century ago. 

Basically, there are some features in the "Founding Dojos" that instantly says they are better resourced,  making new clans very hard to increase their numbers. The playfield should be more balanced for players who would like to step away from the current top clans. If some items are available only from events, then fair enough keep them for events but Rails was an entire gameplay structure that just disappeared so this needs to be fixed. Anyone want to pitch a few thoughts?

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I'll have to disagree on some points.


First off the dojo limit of 100 rooms apply to every single dojo (There is a clan hall that is "exclusive" to older dojo, but that doesnt impair newer clan in any way).


As for the Orokin lab, for now it doesnt change anything since rank 11 of dojo isnt yet available, so there's no unfair advantage there either.


Talking about building rooms, it's the same for everyone, I dont understand what's bad about it.


What I could agree with you, is that the people that did the research in the Orokin lab and that paid in specters/mats should be compensated since it's a huge investment of ressource for bigger clan (or get dark Sector back in the game to give an use to both Alliance and Clan in the game)

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Actually I've read certain posts that states older dojos have more than 100 rooms. I've visited some and it did feel that way to me as well. I'll try to find one of the posts and share. It stated that more Inspiration halls could be built more than 3. It was then limited by DE because clans were getting too big.

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