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De! Why Are These Things Still An Issue? Dojo Fix Suggestions...


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First, it saddens me that DE has not fixed these issues. I feel that the development of the PS4 game has caused DE to lose sight of fixing the current issues in favor of bringing forth more frames, new pvp etc. You are losing a lot of veterans with deep pockets...

Now to the fixes that are waaaaaay overdue.....

1. Clan Halls

.... Why in the world have you not done something about these monstrosities? You need to either let us upgrade a single Hall, or let us skip build....

By skip build I am referring to the process of building which ever tiered Hall we want without the need for addition space being wasted.

The fact that I have to build multiple Clan Halls, taking up space, and creating multiple teleport points throughout my dojo is ridiculous...

My suggestion:
Allow us to build any tier we want at the same cost rate of building all of the current pre-requisite halls....


Building Hall 1:
Cost: 100,000 Credits
Grants: 200 x Capacity

Building Hall 4:
Costs: 400,000 x Credits
Grants: 800 x Capacity

2.  Barracks reductions:

Do the above with Barracks, that is another waste of friggen space that I do not want in my dojo.... Yes I can create another useless hall to put them in... But come on... Be practical.

3.  Decorations

Currently Decorations cost the same or close to the same as rooms.... That is dumb... lower the costs of decorations so they are practical and we can actually put them around to spice things up....

4. Sitting in Peace:

Let us sit where ever we want.... I have heard numerous complaints from clan members that they want to sit in the gardens but cant.... Fix this, it is silly, and shows a vary large margin of restriction to the players.

This is something that was supposed to be implement months ago... Why has it not been? I need a place where clan members can dump their extra resources so that I can use them even when they are offline.... We were promised this AGES ago.... Please fix it...

6. Start splitting clans...

Why have clans not been broken up based on the barracks they have? I want to split my clan to keep the actives in a smaller more competitive bracket, while rotating active and inactive in another clan... Start letting us split if we want... This is silly... How long ago did you threaten us with doing this? Start keeping your word and follow through.

7. Dojo editing:

Let us edit dojos in a separate interface please. This whole walking decorations around and trying to see what fits in where, because my bench can not fit in a walkway, waaaah?  I want to see my whole layout in grid form. Let me be a more useful architect.... 

Again, DE, I love you guys, I have been playing for a very long time, and want to be able to continue. You are making it really hard not to be &!$$ed off, when these simple things are not even in your field of veiw.... You have lost a good number of very generous veterans, Dagnome included because you are too concerned with throwing new content at us, and not at polishing up what you already have. I will be adding a thread for UI as well, since the chat system, and clan management interface are STILL GARBAGE!!!





My Chat UI/Clan UI fix suggestion threads link:  https://forums.warframe.com/index.php?/topic/110177-way-overdue-chatclan-interface-changes/



Also, check out these suggestions by holyicon!

Edited by Zackai
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This is true. A garbage. Some people asked them to add more emoticons and actions to the frames with for an example the stances they moved on on a good way but is nonsense we cannot sit or meditate in our "free" dojo time. If they not be lazy to do in a base models the whole actions what this game capable then this game would be a real pearl but now just almost avarege old game. With this mechanic any other shooter can beat "US". 

About clan management i don't know why not can they add a small-micro forum to post there if have any news in the clan or in the game that's really needed for a larger clans who haven't own webdesigner and own forum or steam. I hope they will do more this but i don't know why everyone needs the new next gen consols instantly they aren't god machines. The main thought is if you begin something finish it before you begin another job.


Edit: And yes not equal the room and decoration needs absolutely. a simle corridor and a doubled corridor is the same priced and a decoration "pond" almost cost of a room.

Edited by animafan10
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I agree with zackai as most of our clanmates arent even active due to these issues. What you also need to fix is the matchmaking where you can simply not enter a session by invite until you have attemtped numerous times. 


2nd. Why must we have to add clanmates to freinds list just to have a succesfull invite?


3. Plenty of space wasted in the dojo as zackai said...really? 


4. Clans need as much attention, not everything has to involve the content frames/weaponst

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                                                                  DOJO FIXES LONG OVERDUE!!!!


First, it saddens me that DE has not fixed these issues. I feel that the development of the PS4 game has caused DE to lose sight of fixing the current issues in favor of bringing forth more frames, new pvp etc. You are losing a lot of veterans with deep pockets... 



Now to the fixes that are waaaaaay overdue..... 


1. Clan Halls.... Why in the world have you not done something about these monstrosities? You need to either let us upgrade a single Hall, or let us skip build....


By skip build I am referring to the process of building which ever tiered Hall we want without the need for addition space being wasted. 


The fact that I have to build multiple Clan Halls, taking up space, and creating multiple teleport points throughout my dojo is ridiculous... 


My suggestion: 

Allow us to build any tier we want at the same cost rate of building all of the current pre-requisite halls.... 




Building Hall 1:

Cost: 100,000 Credits

Grants: 200 x Capacity


Building Hall 4:

Costs: 400,000 x Credits

Grants: 800 x Capacity



2. Do the above with Barracks, that is another waste of friggen space that I do not want in my dojo.... Yes I can create another useless hall to put them in... But come on... Be practical.



3. Currently Decorations cost the same or close to the same as rooms.... That is dumb... lower the costs of decorations so they are practical and we can actually put them around to spice things up....


4. Let us sit where ever we want.... I have heard numerous complaints from clan members that they want to sit in the gardens but cant.... Fix this, it is silly, and shows a vary large margin of restriction to the players.






Again, DE, I love you guys, I have been playing for a very long time, and want to be able to continue. You are making it really hard not to be &!$$ed off, when these simple things are not even in your field of veiw.... You have lost a good number of very generous veterans, Dagnome included because you are too concerned with throwing new content at us, and not at polishing up what you already have. I will be adding a thread for UI as well, since the chat system, and clan management interface are STILL GARBAGE!!! 




Why do I need to build a Grand Hall to build a Grandest Hall? It doesn't make sense.

All it did was, as you said, create unnecessary rooms, and unnecessary spawn points.


Decoration prices are kind of ridiculous.

Though, they're for everyone to contribute to, so it's not a massive issue for me.


I'd love to sit wherever I like.

I want to sit in my Yin Yang garden.

I want to sit on my lion.


I'm calling it here.

If we want to sit somewhere, DE will release a decoration that costs as much as a normal deco (12k ferrite, 6k plastids or whatever, 3 rare resources). If they do that, then that's another respect point lost.


There are so many things in the game that are loooooong overdue in the fix department.

Dojo grey screen bug has been around for as long as I can remember.

But nope, we obviously need more weapons. /sarcasm.

Edited by Nugget_
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The multiple spawn point thign is annoying too, I'll admit. Please allow the Clan Warlord to set one of the halls as the spawn point, and THAT is the place you always spawn when you enter the dojo.


Our clan agreed to place all the halls back-to-back-to-back-to-back because of it. This creates a loooooooooooooooooooooooooooong run if you get spawned in the Clan Hall (the default starting one) if you want to grab research because we were forced to build a Hall, Great Hall, Grand Hall, and Grandest Hall in that order, and only the last two actually had side-doors that allowed us to build the oracle and the labs. So you have to run through the Clan Hall, through the Hall, through the Great Hall, and to the Grand(est) Halls to finally get to the place where you pick up your BPs.


It'd be nice if we could set the spawn point to the grandest hall so that you never had to do that long run.

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Its the community's responsibility to press the issue.


I get the feeling alot DE is afraid to change due to the commitment of resources/money from the players. Just because we had to suffer bad prices, poor design goals, or quicky assembled ideas is no reason to punish future masses new n' old.


The reference im thinking of was on a live stream where a statement was made about alt helmets and stats. So now were forever burdened with a select set of stated cosmetic items, seen as a mistake that they refuse to revoke.


It looks like a PR nightmare to me, only fixable by a conceptual rework. As obtainable goals, i think everything here is reasonable.


If the game was still in beta this would be acceptable. DE has too much invested in thier players at this point to be flexible.


^ or so they feel DUN DUN DUN lol

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Our Clan still can't build anything because we have Dead Ends everywhere regardless of if there is Room behindthe door. Seems like a Hardcap for tiles which has to go. Vault is full of ressources we can't use and we dont want to destroy but to expand.. because thats what DE promised us: "Build your Dojo however you like". Well, DE... we can't. That is an issue for nearly 2months now.

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Going to the Dojo really shouldn't feel like a chore. But with the current set up, it does.


Paying resource costs meant for hundreds of people with only a handful of actives...makes the thought of grinding feel insufficient.


The Grandmaster plat is starting to dry up and I don't know if I can justify throwing any more money at this game when it feels like no one wants to fix old problems and just keeps distracting us with new stuff that costs even more money and or time.

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I love the idea. I only just started building my own dojo with a friend, & sure, not to complain as I'm still new to dojo building; but what's with the lack of content available to customize with? No colour changing with the walls, floors, lighting. Lack of decorations & commands, (sit on the bench i.e). The dojo doesn't feel like a dojo to me, nothing major to play around with.


Even Club Penguin has more variety to work with, if you count the year I put into it when I was 12 or so. The entire dojo incentive just feel like a big muck & mashed up ideas brought together with no real purpose. But I hope they get onto this; it would be amazing for it to have variety & for them to stick to deadlines. PS4 release shouldn't be the main priority, majority of the playing base will be done, & remain on PC. Rants rants rants!

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OP; I agree with all of your points, if not with your tone, we've been asking for this stuff for ages, and DE hasn't made a peep about it, I'm starting to get annoyed as well but that doesn't solve the problem any faster.


Partial refund of materials on decorations is also something that urgently needs changing, as well as updating the elevators, can't build any atm unless you're fine with keeping an old elevator around or you'll have to destroy everything on the floor it leads to before you can update it.


And yeah I love the new content DE are adding, don't get me wrong, but there are still so many basics that are in dire need of attention, most of the UI, HUD, netcode is ridiculously bad, some simple fixes that'd take very little time would make the game a lot easier to live with and it's annoying DE doesn't seem to realize this.


The clan management UI as you said is crap, took me 50mins to kick all initiates that have been offline for 20 days in our moon clan by hovering each one individually and waiting for the tooltip to tell me how long they've been off, a sortable list where you can shift/ctrl select would have made that task take 10s tops.


Host of games is always the guy that invited the rest, instead of optimal host, would allow people far away/on bad connections to contribute the key without having to be a bad host for the rest, clients should ping one another and the client that results in the overall lowest ping should be used (with measurements of available bandwidth, computer resources etc ofc as well) other P2P games already do this.

Edited by KriLL3
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OP; I agree with all of your points, if not with your tone, we've been asking for this stuff for ages, and DE hasn't made a peep about it, I'm starting to get annoyed as well but that doesn't solve the problem any faster.


Partial refund of materials on decorations is also something that urgently needs changing, as well as updating the elevators, can't build any atm unless you're fine with keeping an old elevator around or you'll have to destroy everything on the floor it leads to before you can update it.


As someone who has played since the beginning of January, I suppose I have just had more time to get annoyed with DE and their lack of simple polishing. 

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    I have to say that I agree with a large amount of these points. however I really get the feeling the reason their so behind is due to the damage system overhaul. From what I gather in the livestreams, they only have a couple guys who do the hardcore programming n this game. Please try to take into consideration while those (2?) programmers are tied up.. they have modelers (or a modeler) who's not doing anything, texture artists, ect who really cant help with any of these issues.What CAN they do? Content. Content Content Content. if you have even a decent system in place it's quite easy for someone to add a gun to the game. the programmers can do their thing and the rest can focus on content while the do. I'm sorry but you cant expect the artists to suddenly learn how to fix bugs in the game's code xD





     Of course I could be wrong~

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    I have to say that I agree with a large amount of these points. however I really get the feeling the reason their so behind is due to the damage system overhaul. From what I gather in the livestreams, they only have a couple guys who do the hardcore programming n this game. Please try to take into consideration while those (2?) programmers are tied up.. they have modelers (or a modeler) who's not doing anything, texture artists, ect who really cant help with any of these issues.What CAN they do? Content. Content Content Content. if you have even a decent system in place it's quite easy for someone to add a gun to the game. the programmers can do their thing and the rest can focus on content while the do. I'm sorry but you cant expect the artists to suddenly learn how to fix bugs in the game's code xD





     Of course I could be wrong~

I understand where you are coming from. And if that is the case, which would really surprise me, as my company has 70 developers for one website, then those modelers could be working on the clan vault, etc. 

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2nd. Why must we have to add clanmates to freinds list just to have a succesfull invite?





This has to be one of the most annoying problems that never seems to get addressed. It shouldn't be so difficult to form a cell and get rolling.


Edited by hydrus69
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