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For The Love Of Orokin, Buff The Latron Prime!


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It not worth using, everything a latron prime can do a seer/lex/vasto/D-vasto of equal mod level can vastly outperform it. It doesn't scale past level 50, it simply isn't worth using because it's damage starts taking multiple hits to drop a NPC past 60. This is even true with corpus, it is still better to use other weapons for precision shooting and there is never a time when a latron is superior to anything when it needs to fire more than 2-3 times to kill a light unit. 


That's just Secondary weapons massively outperforming primaries as a whole.

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That's just Secondary weapons massively outperforming primaries as a whole.

That is part of the issues, the other problem is primary(other than a few good ones)do not scale past Neptune. Latron was only good when level 50 was the highest mission in the game.  These weapons that were from closed beta and U7 weapons were all balanced around level 30 being the average level of NPC. Hek is about the only weapon from that update mark that is still useable, DE has really outmoded everything before u7 when they raised the NPC level.


Newer weapons such as soma and flux rifle fit the game as it is now, it just glaring how bad the older weapons are. Nothing in game is overpowered for the Pluto's palus survival and the other 100+ mission. I seriously wonder when was the last time DE tried to take older weapons on mission such as a T3 defense mission and play tested them, many would just take limited use to approve a buff.

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Did you actually fully mod it? I can one shot a lot of enemies and bring down high level enemies pretty fast. Guns like these take advantage of how good you can aim at the weakspots.



It not worth using, everything a latron prime can do a seer/lex/vasto/D-vasto of equal mod level can vastly outperform it. It doesn't scale past level 50, it simply isn't worth using because it's damage starts taking multiple hits to drop a NPC past 60. This is even true with corpus, it is still better to use other weapons for precision shooting and there is never a time when a latron is superior to anything when it needs to fire more than 2-3 times to kill a light unit. 

how about I make a quick video where I one shot level 100+ mobs ?


Latron Prime is a crappy rifle even when it's a prime.

Based on what standards ? At what level do you feel the Latron ceases to be efficient and which other primaries can make those levels ? I've been using the L.P. quite a bit recently and the damage output/ammo efficiency is amazing. Haven't done a def past 200+ lvl mobs with it yet but I'm aching to try it ;)

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how about I make a quick video where I one shot level 100+ mobs ?

I was referring to grineer and infested for the level 60 comment(I do not know why I forgot to say that). For corpus, a seer owns a latron prime and can scale to a much higher level before 1 shooting becomes impossible. 


A seer can kill a level 70 crewmen with a body hit, a latron prime requires a head shot. This only gets worse after level 100 and after this point non critical hits are painful for latron prime and common considering the max chance of 25% of critical.

Edited by LazyKnight
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I was referring to grineer and infested for the level 60 comment(I do not know why I forgot to say that). For corpus, a seer owns a latron prime and can scale to a much higher level before 1 shooting becomes impossible. 


A seer can kill a level 70 crewmen with a body hit, a latron prime requires a head shot. This only gets worse after level 100 and after this point non critical hits are painful for latron prime and common considering the max chance of 25% of critical.

I don't disagree with what you're saying faction wise, and a slight buff to the Latron's crit chance would be sweet too(max +10% extra). Still, you should compare it to other rifles, not secondaries which are clearly better suited for higher levels due to their better mods when not flat out better weapons from the get go (acrid,despair,kunai etc ...)


Two places where the latron is a great tool is corpus maps and Orokin voids. Not every weapon can be great everywhere and in the Latron's case his weak spot is infested (due to harder to hit weak spots). As for grenier, we should see a vast improvement when armor 2.0 comes out. The rifle AP mod just doesn't give enough AP to counter the Latron's lack of armor ignore. That's to me one of the main reasons rifles feel underpowered compared to secondaries : lack of AP mods.

Edited by FunkDoctaSpock
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While I may use other weapons more due to their higher dps, my favourite gun is still and will always be the latron prime.While I find nothing wrong with it for the moment, I wont stand in the way of those calling for it to be buffed.


But what I won't settle for is players calling it weak and ineffectual against higher level enemies. The latron prime is always the primary I would take to high wave(>30) defense(including T3). This is not for want of weapons, on the contrary I have a maxed out Braton Prime and Soma, I have the Hek, Swraith, SV and the Flux rifle. The reason I use the Latron Prime is because it can hit weak spots at a distance, strikes a balance damage per shot vs firerate and almost never runs out of ammo. I do agree the latron primes lack of ap damage does hurt the chances of being named gun of the year, it is imo the best balanced weapon in the game

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Did you actually fully mod it? I can one shot a lot of enemies and bring down high level enemies pretty fast. Guns like these take advantage of how good you can aim at the weakspots.

i fully modded it, and i cant oneshot a level 60 runner, and please, for all of the latron prime fans, stop saying you should aim at weak spots, why? Because you can do that with every gun! And when soma does more damage on body shots then latron prime on headshots it defenetly needs to have atleast 70 damage or 200 crit damage
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i fully modded it, and i cant oneshot a level 60 runner, and please, for all of the latron prime fans, stop saying you should aim at weak spots, why? Because you can do that with every gun! And when soma does more damage on body shots then latron prime on headshots it defenetly needs to have atleast 70 damage or 200 crit damage


What mods are you using?

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I also agree that first we should wait for armor 2.0. It may or may not make bullet type damage viable... we'd still have better options though.


What mods are you using?


However I'm very interested what mods you are using. Seriously, my Latron Prime with multi forma acts pretty miserably against anything above lvl100. Sure it kills stuff sooner or later, but it cannot be - by any reason - compared to any of the good or even average primaries of the high level range. Just to note, i have tried basically every build possible from rainbow build, crit build and everything inbetween.

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I also agree that first we should wait for armor 2.0. It may or may not make bullet type damage viable... we'd still have better options though.



However I'm very interested what mods you are using. Seriously, my Latron Prime with multi forma acts pretty miserably against anything above lvl100. Sure it kills stuff sooner or later, but it cannot be - by any reason - compared to any of the good or even average primaries of the high level range. Just to note, i have tried basically every build possible from rainbow build, crit build and everything inbetween.


Well like those guys said. Latron Prime is for aiming at weakspots. Bullet type weapons were always meant to be aimed for at the weakspots while armor ignore didn't need to do that but at the cost of lower damage vs bullets. I dunno what DE is doing with this tiering system since bullet based weapons were always meant to be stronger in raw damage vs armor ignore based weapons. Now they are going all chaotic with the stats and I don't like it a single bit.

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Yeah, well thats basically what most people complain about. It's not that the Latron P. is bad... just very outdated. Designed for the good old lvl50-ish times. It's not helping either that the new bullet type weapons are all designed to work in this high level environment.


No matter how we put it... the Latron P. is outclassed in pretty much everything by the Soma (aside from ammo economy?), and the Soma scales much better into the 120's. Even if we argue that the Soma is just broken, there is still the Vasto and the Strun Wraith. Both recent bullet damage based additions to our arsenal, and much better scaling than the Latron.

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All pistols that have over 40 base damage out scale latron and latron prime.The pistols all scale better than Latron can because of the higher multi shot percentage, the better raw damage card, and the higher percentage provide by No-Return.   


It doesn't help matters at all the latron prime has 10% critical chance to 1.5x damage. All 3 critical mods for rifles are barley worth slotting on a latron considering all 3 yield 75% more averaged damage. The one mod "lethal torrent" provides as much of a dps boost as all the rifle critical mods.


The latron/p-latron are underpowered even when just comparing it to NPC in the various levels. It doesn't need to be compared to anything else to see how weak this weapon is. It only does well on corpus, on all other faction it is a level 50 weapon.

Edited by LazyKnight
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