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Ember is decent but....


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So ive been one of the people that seriously think people are over blowing the WoF nerf. mostly because it almost didn't even effect me because accelerant ember.
but ive gotten to thinking. there IS one part of her kit that gets worst as the levels scale up....and thats her passive
currently her passive requires you to be on fire to gain power str and energy regen...but out side of self damage ((which requires you to take a porly moded weapon and hope you dont gib your self trying to proc fire)) all you have is area/scenery damage and our favorite units with flamethrowers...both of which make short work of you as the levels go up.

while tinkering on. "how would i fix that' i remembered something...old ember before accelerant. over heat. the skill that was "too powerful"
but you see...compared to now days that skill is mediocre. a half meter aoe with 40% ((91% with str)) DR...
we have multiple frames that do this but better. Nezha with 90% DR as well as lacking a duration because it runs on a scaling HP bar.(( as well as a 2m range slash aura)) and Gara's Splinter storm. which is a 70% (scaling easily to 90% with a single mod) as well
 as a 2.5m range aoe with infinite scaling ((cuz 1 tapping 200+ CHG by sprinting past them is fair and balanced))

so at this point..overheat is no longer the scary boogyman and in fact fits more with modern ember than before.
with the nerf to the range on WoF ember is being pulled more into a short range caster. so i feel giving overheat as a new replacement for her passive would be fantastic for her health in the game.

The way it would work would be on ability cast it triggers overheat. giving you the short range fire aura and DR for a few seconds.
Would incentives  actually being active on ember instead of just letting WoF burn constantly. and would buff up her def enough to make up for the oh so painful loss of range i been hearing about for the last year or 2.

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3 hours ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

could just get rid of that pitiful excuse of setting the world on fire. 

personally the 1 positive ((bonus str)) for 2 negatives ((loss of range and eff)) isnt a fair trade off. but otherwise it DOES have decently high status chance and its constant.



2 hours ago, XenMaster said:

I need to remind DE that,


Firequake augment of World on Fire knockdown will remove Accelerant's stun effect. Which contradict both cc based effect.

Ya. I personally never used firequake so i dont have first hand but I have heard that was an issue.

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1 minute ago, Ordosan said:

personally the 1 positive ((bonus str)) for 2 negatives ((loss of range and eff)) isnt a fair trade off. but otherwise it DOES have decently high status chance and its constant.

it should be renamed homing fireball or something.

World on fire that ability is not. Inside of a kiln is more a world on fire than that sad excuse.

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7 hours ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

it should be renamed homing fireball or something.

World on fire that ability is not. Inside of a kiln is more a world on fire than that sad excuse.

ya at one point I had thought of an entertaining rework that to remake her world on fire into a large aoe zone that just made everything around you a constant fire trap ((similar to the randomized fire enviromental hazards but on a LARGE scale))

I think I also had ring of fire with a higher status as well and some other stuff I dont remember

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23 minutes ago, Ordosan said:

ya at one point I had thought of an entertaining rework that to remake her world on fire into a large aoe zone that just made everything around you a constant fire trap ((similar to the randomized fire enviromental hazards but on a LARGE scale))

I think I also had ring of fire with a higher status as well and some other stuff I dont remember

even that wouldn't do the name justice tbh.

Swirling pillars of flame, fireballs raining from above, liquid flame gushing from walls, napalm ponds forming, the very air itself releasing merciless waves of heat, the terrain exploding, metals warping, solids evaporating. All of that and some might do the name justice. Imo even that wouldn't be enough to suffice.

Ember as a whole fails to embody the very danger of fire in it's many forms and do it justice. 

Edited by (PS4)chibitonka
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It isn´t really about this one nerf. The main problem is she never really gets attention or relevant gameplay adjustment but if they decide something is too strong on her it gets massively nerfed > see Overheat, Hemocyte, WoF. But at least we got 25 additional armor and some damage for poor scaling abilities ... yay.

I like the idea for a more survival oriented passive. My Idea would be:

1.) Change the effect into heat damage taken is converted into power strength and energy regen (not just ignite procs)

2.) Add an effect where x% of all incomming damage is converted into heat damage (the % value is increased against enemies affected by your abilities)

In addition to a more consistent passive you can equip mods like Adaptation or Flame Repellant for more survivability.

Edited by Arcira
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6 hours ago, (PS4)chibitonka said:

even that wouldn't do the name justice tbh.

Swirling pillars of flame, fireballs raining from above, liquid flame gushing from walls, napalm ponds forming, the very air itself releasing merciless waves of heat, the terrain exploding, metals warping, solids evaporating. All of that and some might do the name justice. Imo even that wouldn't be enough to suffice.

Ember as a whole fails to embody the very danger of fire in it's many forms and do it justice. 

as wild as taht would be...they already nerfed my beutiful kohm bouncy projectiles because of low end pc's...so this alas will not become a thing.


2 hours ago, Arcira said:

It isn´t really about this one nerf. The main problem is she never really gets attention or relevant gameplay adjustment but if they decide something is too strong on her it gets massively nerfed > see Overheat, Hemocyte, WoF. But at least we got 25 additional armor and some damage for poor scaling abilities ... yay.

I like the idea for a more survival oriented passive. My Idea would be:

1.) Change the effect into heat damage taken is converted into power strength and energy regen (not just ignite procs)

2.) Add an effect where x% of all incomming damage is converted into heat damage (the % value is increased against enemies affected by your abilities)

In addition to a more consistent passive you can equip mods like Adaptation or Flame Repellant for more survivability.

the first one would still come with the same issue...fire out in the field hurts ALOT at higher levels.
and the 2nd one would be a little much considering it would be giving you a strong damage boost at no cost while also giving you free DR.

thats why i opted for overheats return. because its mostly a DR for a few secondss aftr you cast. requireing you to activily maintain your energy levels and constantly casting to keep it up.
while i like the convert % damage taken into heat. that would be better off as an actual skill otherwise it would get nerfed into being a useless passive that either dosnt absorb enough or dosnt convert jack for damage.

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6 hours ago, Ordosan said:

as wild as taht would be...they already nerfed my beutiful kohm bouncy projectiles because of low end pc's...so this alas will not become a thing.

Cause of their laughable sense of "balance" just means they shouldn't be trying to make stuff cooler than it will be, courtesy of their silly restrictions.

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