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A Reaction To De_Sheldons Appology And A Small Resume About Recent Events..


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I'm not arguing that is fine, im arguing that people freaking out like this is the only game where this appears is .... flawed.  The discussion here is about the concept rather than the actual practice.


Well, this is feedback thread, provide suggestions how to make this better instead of S#&$ting on others for "freaking out". There's guy like you in every feedback topic saying how things are fine, if you think things are fine then don't reply (or stay civil and provide resons beyond, it's the standart or it's worse in other games) or provide some damn feedback.


There.. explain why weighted RNG wouldn't make current system better.

Edited by LocoWithGun
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I've followed the discussions and reactions about the development of Warframe, and currently, I think the existing systems should be just incrementally improved upon, while trying out new things, just as DE is doing. For example; I am a new-ish player, but I like the mod system as it is, and I like what I'm hearing about the changes that are coming (UI improvements mainly). I do agree about the grindy parts you mentioned, but I see that it is only because the game doesn't have story content yet. Or it has the dots but none of the lines to connect them. I don't feel strongly about anything related to droprates or such, and this is because I am simply enjoying the game mechanics themselves a bit at a time, mainly marveling at the art style, design and environments, 3d models, textures, effects. I am waiting for the story, the actual immersive parts. What does this have to do with anything you ask? The actual immersive parts of content are the heart of a game, and those should be done by taking as much time as feasible, with care and good resources. These things will come, and during and after experiencing those, I will get serious about nitpicking on details of gameplay mechanics, drop mechanics etc. But not now, DE clearly has the development under control, new things come, things work, and when they don't, they get fixed - plus they even apologize if they screw up.


The time to act has been always, and they are acting. I am content with how things are going, because there is real dialogue between the devs and us, I don't feel like we should be demanding anything more, this is already amazing ;)

I can understand your excitment. All of us have felt this way when they started playing this game, sadly it has worned off... And that is the point so many people are trying to make at the moment. Yes DE delivers! BUT.... They deliver the wrong stuff! As explained by me and many others, we don´t need more weapons and more stuff to grind. You yourself said Lore is what you are looking forward to. So am I. Only that i´m waiting 6 months already and still nothing has happend. 


You are right that imersion is the foundation of Lore to come, but we have 5 different locations and not a single piece of Lore so far. Other then that, important stuff that would be easy to fix like RNG, the UI, etc. has been almost sytematicly avoided by DE, which leaves the majority of people wondering WHY???

Edited by r0ckwolf
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I'm not arguing that is fine, im arguing that people freaking out like this is the only game where this appears is .... flawed.  The discussion here is about the concept rather than the actual practice.


That it is bad, or worse, in other games is absolutely irrelevant. What Warframe players experience and get ever progressively more and more burnt out on is not. It is perfectly legitimate to post about how one feels that the RNG of Warframe is too excessive on the Warframe boards.


Personally, a dividing drop tables into "mods" "gear" and "parts" and making them mission rewards would be my suggestion for a solution. I think an XP system could replace the fusion system for mods. It would give them something to do for the purple orbs in such a system when frame/weapon parts become a mission reward.

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Well, this is feedback thread, provide suggestions how to make this better instead of S#&$ting on others for "freaking out". There's guy like you in every feedback topic saying how things are fine, if you think things are fine then don't reply (or stay civil and provide resons beyond, it's the standart or it's worse in other games) or provide some damn feedback.


There.. explain why weighted RNG wouldn't make current system better.


The OP just says to get rid of it.... that's not really a suggestion on improvement of the system.

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The OP just says to get rid of it.... that's not really a suggestion on improvement of the system


Well, he's still bringing more to the community than you are right now...


And I don't see why shouldn't we talk about RNG in topic about RNG, feel free to give your suggestions.. you don't have to follow OP to the letter.


And removing RNG and replacing it very much is suggestion, whether or not it is improvement is debatable, but it is suggestion. Unless you count as suggestion only thing you agree with. It's outline.. you can work with that, there's no need immediately dismiss him.

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you are either lucky or you aren't, it's not as bad as you make it seem


A reward system based on luck, where the reward tables are as expansive as Warframe's reward tables have become, is horrible game design. If I wanted to play games of chance with slim reward factors, I'd stop buying video games and go down to my local casino to p!ss my money away that way.

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A reward system based on luck, where the reward tables are as expansive as Warframe's reward tables have become, is horrible game design. If I wanted to play games of chance with slim reward factors, I'd stop buying video games and go down to my local casino to p!ss my money away that way.


This. I've spent a large amount of platinum on void keys to be rewarded with the same over and over and over again. I'm swimming in Mag Prime Helmets and Latron parts, not a single system or BP. And 50 platinum is not compensation for over 4k platinum invested in keys.

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This. I've spent a large amount of platinum on void keys to be rewarded with the same over and over and over again. I'm swimming in Mag Prime Helmets and Latron parts, not a single system or BP. And 50 platinum is not compensation for over 4k platinum invested in keys.


Farm Keys. Thats what  I did. Also, join randoms in their recruiting for more void keys.


Dont say you cant join randoms cuz your internet sucks...you spend 4k plat on keys, you can afford better internet.

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Well, he's still bringing more to the community than you are right now...


And I don't see why shouldn't we talk about RNG in topic about RNG, feel free to give your suggestions.. you don't have to follow OP to the letter.


And removing RNG and replacing it very much is suggestion, whether or not it is improvement is debatable, but it is suggestion. Unless you count as suggestion only thing you agree with. It's outline.. you can work with that, there's no need immediately dismiss him.


Saying RNG should go is not talking about RNG.

That's talking about something else. This is ..... extremely clear.

The subject isnt RNG.


ehhmm, i kindda explained quiet thoroughly why i think rng should go, amongst making other arguments. If something is unclear, feel free to ask.


Some of the other stuff you call for are already in the game but i seems DE are not clear enough for some people.




Each boss DOES have his story... they had their own unique stories for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooong time. Most of the Warframe lore comes from the boss missions. Corpus are the only one lacking in this because their robot stories are all really the same. Cinematics and stuff like is fluff they dont seem to have on the table now




They are constantly updating this. If it's not up to your speed.... sorry but they are not super heroes. Just because it doesnt come out a day after they said it, it doesnt mean they are not working on it.




All Tier III is endgame. But folks are apparently confused because in other games Endgame is not something anyone can do but in this game everyone can because of the Tier system. Tier III is endgame. FACT. DE seems to want to have all content to be open to everyone so it doesnt seem likely like they will create a specific type of content only for high level people. I dont think you will see a dungeon/boss fight only for high level people with rating of only 1500 plus.  The new Derelict seems to be something close to this in its idea but it doesnt really go all the way.




They are not going to change it so it could fit you wallet spending. The game offers pretty much everything for free and the stuff that isnt is cheap.


Balance gameplay.


This is ongoing.


BTW, people WILL freak out if new content isnt being pumped up constantly. People will complaining about having nothing to do with they just focus on fixes.


A challenge system for leveling mods is faulty because it will break the population tremendously. Not everyone is in the same skill range so if you limit the leveling to challenges there will be loads of people not being able to complete them. The challenge system should be implemented for other things like super special cosmetic reward or something like that. Whole blocks of gameplay hidden behind a skill wall are troublesome as shown in the Nightmare mode where everyone freaked out and now is just a shadow of it's former glory.


The grind. There isn't a game in history that didnt have you repeat stuff. Dont really know how is this game it all of a sudden strange.

Yes, there are bad kinds of repetition and good kinds but here is something you can do. Yesterday i was farming mutagens to get the Djinn research going and i was soloing Derelict Exterminate missions because for some strange reason people dont actually try to find all the barrels most of the time i pug so i just go alone. I ended up needing 3 and i didnt feel like going at it alone one more time so i looked for a party where i got into a survival and ended up getting a whole mess of them. If you get tired of doing something try in a different way or ..... wait for it..... stop. There is really nothing wrong with stopping and coming back later. Yes it sucks that you wanted asap but your choices is come back fresh or get angry at it and in my case i choose to get away from the anger.

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I can understand your excitment. All of us have felt this way when they started playing this game, sadly it has worned off... And that is the point so many people are trying to make at the moment. Yes DE delivers! BUT.... They deliver the wrong stuff! As explained by me and many others, we don´t need more weapons and more stuff to grind. You yourself said Lore is what you are looking forward to. So am I. Only that i´m waiting 6 months already and still nothing has happend. 


You are right that imersion is the foundation of Lore to come, but we have 5 different locations and not a single piece of Lore so far. Other then that, important stuff that would be easy to fix like RNG, the UI, etc. has been almost sytematicly avoided by DE, which leaves the majority of people wondering WHY???

This, exactly this. I started playing right after U7, and it was great fun. There were no other games where you could run around as a space ninja killing off droves of enemies. But then I started to get past the early game, expecting something new and exciting, but all I encountered were slightly more powerful (but still easy) enemies and thousands of duplicates of mods and blueprints I already have. I see no reason to grind for hours on end to get a frame whose powers I will almost never use anyway, or a new gun despite the fact that my Braton is still perfectly good at Xini. Besides, what's the point of spending hours grinding for something just to spend hours more grinding for the next.


So, I took a break for a couple months, went and played other games, and came back at each update expecting to find something new, and I did, for a while. The dojo was interesting, clan tech was cool for a while, and all the new locations were visually stunning, but after 3 major updates and innumerable hotfixes the game itself is still essentially the same, just with more things to grind for. Now, since it is still in beta this can be excused, but in my opinion, if the game is launched like this it will not survive long, or will survive entirely on new players cycling through. 

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I feel, the problem with this game, is that its still kind of the same it has always been. The enemies are the same, environments feel the same. And it feels like i do the same things over and over and over. I dont get any epic feelings when i play, and there are no awesome moments. 


The worst part is the map choosing system. Just random planets with different stages to do things. Almost no story. It feels so simple, yet so "complicated"


Edit: It also feels like they dont really add new exciting stuff, just new warframes. 

Isn't it possible to maybe add a map where its really nice? Like some sort of "Eden" stage?

Also, i want to say that the music could be changed. This "dojo" kind of music doesnt fit, for me atleast. It was okay but i feel like ive heard it a million times now, and its not that great anyways.

Edited by Nexerius
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I dont like being a spolied brat, getting everything handed to them. RNG has worked for years, and its still working perfectly fine. Tweaks may need to be had, but RNG is WAY better than any token system I have ever played with.


So the point still stands...

RNG has NOT, in no way, worked for Warframe!!! It messes up the droptables every update (see U10), it leaves a minority of people feeling undewhelmed cause all the good mods dropped on them in the first couple of missions and the vast majority completely frustrated because they farm literally 100+ hours just to acquire a single Mod. It is a horrible design choice and a unneccessary on top, since there are a bunch of good alternatives. (not only tokens!!!)

Hundreds of Posts have been made about this. Dozens of good suggestions to fix this have been offered and none have been listend to. This is a broken, NOT FUN System. I would love to hear why you think otherwise, since no one who whishes RNG to stay has actually made an argument yet.

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Some of the other stuff you call for are already in the game but i seems DE are not clear enough for some people.


No it´s not!


->There is no Lore to speak of. (you can´t seriously mean the 3 sentences in your profile, or the 1 sentence the lotus keeps repeating before each bossfight)

-> The UI is getting changed around. Yes! But nothing the communnity is asking for, for 1 year now has been implemented

 -Mods stacking


 -Proper Stats (displaying in detail the effect of mods)

->The Market is incredibly unbalanced! I was in no way trying to get DE to adjust the Market to my Wallet capacity. It is a simple issue of steadily increasing Prices and certain absolutely unreasonable ones. (Skana 150Plat - DualSkana 125Plat...WTF!!!????)


EDIT* I can´t believe h o m o genized got scrambled?! LOL

->Tier 3 Void or Defense are in NO WAY an proper Endgame solution. And here is why:

 -With a even remotely coordinated Team or even Solo when fully Modded up every one can do it without the threat of diying. 

 -They rewards are still RNG based and therefore integrated in the entire grinding maschine not elevating them as "Endgame" rewards.

 -There are no requirements to do these Missions. Even if a level cap for them would probably a bad idea u can go in there completely unranked and let yourself get carried through the entire thing.




-no minibosses

-all warframes still in urgent need of balancing

-weapons are completely &*$$genized 

-damage system still broken (although they are working on it)

-AI still shows no signs of squad-like behaviour

-Stealth still acitvely punishing you for even attempting it


You are right that some kind of repitition is normal, but in Warframe it´s just endless... There is just nothing else to do instead of farming for the next medicore weapon, just to discover that you have to farm some more after that. All in the same Maps! Without any context of who we are and why we are doing it! Over and over and over and over again!!! That´s not fun! That is a bad design choice! And (repeating myself now) uneccessary! There are awesome alternatives.

Edited by r0ckwolf
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Farm Keys. Thats what  I did. Also, join randoms in their recruiting for more void keys.


Dont say you cant join randoms cuz your internet sucks...you spend 4k plat on keys, you can afford better internet.


I can't get any better in my country. How I get my void keys is irrelevant. Point is, I've spent a lot of void keys on a broken drop table. I get nothing in return.

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No it´s not!


->There is no Lore to speak of. (you can´t seriously mean the 3 sentences in your profile, or the 1 sentence the lotus keeps repeating before each bossfight)

-> The UI is getting changed around. Yes! But nothing the communnity is asking for, for 1 year now has been implemented

 -Mods stacking


 -Proper Stats (displaying in detail the effect of mods)

->The Market is incredibly unbalanced! I was in no way trying to get DE to adjust the Market to my Wallet capacity. It is a simple issue of steadily increasing Prices and certain absolutely unreasonable ones. (Skana 150Plat - DualSkana 125Plat...WTF!!!????)



Dude each planet has it's own description of what is going on and each boss has their unique dialogue explaining their lore. The stuff has been there for a while and each event and update has been adding more. This is fact. What are you looking for? A complete story to just be created and dumped in? That stuff takes time man.


Loadouts were in the game for a bit as a bug so this is OBVIOUSLY being worked on. They have a schedule they are working on, man, this is obvious.  Stuff is going to come, how come you cant wait for it?


What do meant proper stats? You want RPG stuff that each thing mentions every single point of DPS? I dont think they have the UI for something like that yet.


Dual SKana is more cause .... you know.. you get a skana for free and they are trying to get you to buy a dual one.

Any story have loopy prices like this, man.



EDIT* I can´t believe h o m o genized got scrambled?! LOL

->Tier 3 Void or Defense are in NO WAY an proper Endgame solution. And here is why:

 -With a even remotely coordinated Team or even Solo when fully Modded up every one can do it without the threat of diying. 

 -They rewards are still RNG based and therefore integrated in the entire grinding maschine not elevating them as "Endgame" rewards.

 -There are no requirements to do these Missions. Even if a level cap for them would probably a bad idea u can go in there completely unranked and let yourself get carried through the entire thing.



1. I dont think any one has done T3 solo, if some one has on a regular basis i would love to see some proof.

2. Pretty sure Endgame always has RNG. I have in endless raids where the loot dropping has annoyed loads of people.

3. No requirement.... . i already answered this. DE is not limiting stuff , that's their thing. You are going to get passed the fact that this isnt Endgame like your last game you played.

4. If you think it's easy where were you in all the discussions i was in dealing with difficulty? I needed you there, bro.



-no minibosses

-all warframes still in urgent need of balancing

-weapons are completely &*$$genized 

-damage system still broken (although they are working on it)

-AI still shows no signs of squad-like behaviour

-Stealth still acitvely punishing you for even attempting it


I mentioned minibosses too, lets wait and see what they do. Again, there is a schedule, mentioning something doesnt mean it's being worked on and it will come out next week.


Balance, Scott just mentioned, again, schedule. He can take care of so many frames at a time. Balance is ongoing.

AI has some squad mechanics... i mean.... shield lancer. And how does stealth punish you? I find it fun.


You are right that some kind of repitition is normal, but in Warframe it´s just endless... There is just nothing else to do instead of farming for the next medicore weapon, just to discover that you have to farm some more after that. All in the same Maps! Without any context of who we are and why we are doing it! Over and over and over and over again!!! That´s not fun! That is a bad design choice! And (repeating myself now) uneccessary! There are awesome alternatives.


This is from the dude calling out to stop releasing new content.

You see what you wrote?


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okay dude^^ let me try to structure this.



Dude each planet has it's own description of what is going on and each boss has their unique dialogue explaining their lore. The stuff has been there for a while and each event and update has been adding more. This is fact. What are you looking for? A complete story to just be created and dumped in? That stuff takes time man.



The existing descriptions incredibly underwhelming, to say the least.

"What are you looking for? A complete story to just be created and dumped in?" HELL @(*()$ YES!!!!! 

I know it takes time, but that is the issue described nistead of focusing on that, they focus on creating new weapons that nobody wants or needs.

Loadouts were in the game for a bit as a bug so this is OBVIOUSLY being worked on. They have a schedule they are working on, man, this is obvious.  Stuff is going to come, how come you cant wait for it?


What do meant proper stats? You want RPG stuff that each thing mentions every single point of DPS? I dont think they have the UI for something like that yet.


Dual SKana is more cause .... you know.. you get a skana for free and they are trying to get you to buy a dual one.

Any story have loopy prices like this, man.


THe problem is that the dual skana aosts 25 plat less which makes no sense to begin with and that both, dual and single skana are ridiculously overprized for a starting weapon.

Again, Pricecreep and balance issues.




1. I dont think any one has done T3 solo, if some one has on a regular basis i would love to see some proof.

I have, all my clanmates have, anyone with fully modded gear can do it.

2. Pretty sure Endgame always has RNG. I have in endless raids where the loot dropping has annoyed loads of people.

Yes it has and it´s bad because of that.

3. No requirement.... . i already answered this. DE is not limiting stuff , that's their thing. You are going to get passed the fact that this isnt Endgame like your last game you played.

Also true, they did say that. Nonetheless, this is a bad design choice, since now they have to balance the Endgame content to make it aproachable for new Players, which destroys the whole concept of Endgame content.

4. If you think it's easy where were you in all the discussions i was in dealing with difficulty? I needed you there, bro.

^^I´m sorry, i actually offered help to new players a while back, then i focused on my clan for a while. And now i am at that point where everything only repeats itself and i can only enjoy the game in small dosisis now.




I mentioned minibosses too, lets wait and see what they do. Again, there is a schedule, mentioning something doesnt mean it's being worked on and it will come out next week.


Balance, Scott just mentioned, again, schedule. He can take care of so many frames at a time. Balance is ongoing.

AI has some squad mechanics... i mean.... shield lancer. And how does stealth punish you? I find it fun.



This is from the dude calling out to stop releasing new content.

You see what you wrote?


As i said a couple of times now in this Thread, the problem is not that they are saing they wont do it! They are saying they gonna do it, but end up doing something else. We all realize that changing stuff takes time, but why not focus on the stuff that it is in desperate need of a change first, before adding new stuff.THis has been the progression of the last year. We hint a things in desperate need of change, DE says: "sure"! And the nnothing happens... A new Update arrives, new stuff appears that had nothing to do with the things that needed to change, but it creates a whole bunch of Problems that must be fixed first.... Cycle starts anew!!! 


That is the issue!


Edit* Aww Man... I messed it all up! Crap, i hope you can sort through that. I´m sorry.^^

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Thank you for an honest apology. The attempt to ease some of the frustration that has been caused is very appriciated, but i´ll promise that this will happen again to you guys. Why? Not because you want to, but because your game is designed this way in the moment.

Let me explain...

It all, as always, boils down to RNG. As you release new Gear constantly you are always forced to find a place to put it, but since there are only a few places actually available, you are forced to "polute" your own droptables constantly with the new content. This dynamic steadily increases the need of you, DE, to focus on creating new places to put new drops in, instead of focusing on what the community really wants:

-Lore (each Planet with it´s own Story,Bosses,Minibosses,cinematics and unique objectives.)

-A clean, easy to navigate info-rich UI

-Endgame Challenge (In form of "Cells" -> uniquely generated Missions with short storys and customized high-end rewards, as well as MASSIVELY increaed difficulty.)

-A fair Market Price Structure, in which Weapons are equally Priced based on their Tier

-Balanced and Fun Gameplay improvements!!!

You are trapped DE, trapped in a cycle of supplying us with content which we don´t need, because you think if you stop, we will stop playing. That is not the case.

Free yourselfs from this cycle. We have more than enough Weapons to farm towards, too many infact.

The Solution is simple... Start by removing the RNG component of the game entirely. It has ONLY been the cause of frustration, unease and displeasure. Find a way to implement Mods and Weapons as fixed Rewards for certain Missions or Milestones.

How are people gonna level up Mods then?

Easy! Implement an achievment/challenge system. The foundation for that already exists in the game. For example if you wanna level up a Fire Rate Mod, you have to equip it and kill 3 enemys in 10 seconds 10 times for level 1, 25 times for level 2 and so on... Examples for other Mods are easy to find. This would be an actually fun system and would reward Skill and planing ahead other then randomizing acomplishments.

By doing this you make your game more rewarding for veterans and more accessible for new comers. Trust me that combined with fairer market pricings, people still gonna pay for convienience a lot, since the time consumption to access the whole starchart alone is already overwhelming for casual players.

You build grind walls so high that even the most dedicated MMO Players loose interest, because the outcome justifys the timeconsumption and frustration in NO way! I can promise you that the PS4/Console community will loose interest much quicker then your Open Beta Community has. We are sticking with you, because we can see the Vision of what Warframe could be, not because what it is. Your art design and basic game concept is soo inredibly promising, but ever since U7 you have not focused on that, but solely on expanding your Arsenal to an amount that it´s left feeling completely &*$$genized. And creating new places that may look cool, but we still left doing the same thing there as much as anywhere else.... GRINDING AND PRAYING TO RNG!!!

The repitition has become unbearable.

The sadest thing is that even if you reacted on this suggestion tommorow, it would still be already to late. A large amount of damage has already been done. Trust has decreased and expectations have been lowered.

These changes have been demanded from the community for nearly 6 months now and we have gotten nothing but false promises so far...

Many people, dedicated players, FOUNDERS of your game have already been driven away....

We understand that developing a game costs time and money, thats why we are paying you. What we dont understand and what we are not paying for is for you build things that your entire community despises and wishes to be changed.

The time to act is now DE, focus on the important things and listen to your community as you always say you want to.


I actually agree with almost everything you've said. And that achievement system for leveling up mods sounds like ridiculous fun.

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