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The Rng Is Frustrating In Many Ways. Please Implement Trading.


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Don't you get that once there is trading, everyone will have everything right away and then no one will want to play and they will all complain that it is too easy, they've givin you a reason to play even more , don,t you like playing this game ?


No I don't get that. Look, "everyone will have everything right away". How will that even be possible? We are talking about trading, not auction house.



Who would want to trade you for your Mk-1 Braton with a Dakra Prime Blade?

People who will get things faster, are the ones who have already put a decent amount of time and effort into the game.

Meaning the only trade will be going on, are duplicates of rare items.


And besides, the "everything right away" problem can easily be fixed by putting a Mastery Rank lock on it.

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Yeah, I personally feel offended that I burned all that time in the void, only to be refunded all but 5 platt away from just a few void keys.


My spin?


DE Forces every one to burn through void keys using drop tables it knows are borked, tells us twice they aren't.


Introduces that weird market sale dude.


Gives us platt.


Void keys go on sale for 55 platt. Come on, you can afford to buy a little bit to round up, can't you?




Yea really eh. At this rate, it felt a bit like this have been a scheme all along.


The conspiracies... 

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Or then we get the token system that has been suggested by community and DE alike for so long time. Not only wouldn't this harm DE like trading does, but it is ultimately better system for the game than trading. I do not want to see spams of various trade cries in any of the chat bars or in these forums.

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I think trading would bring so many people to the point of "Winning" very quickly. Most players have a remarkable lack of one resource or the utter inability to get one item, and a huge surplus of everything else. When it all equals out, everyone really could have everything. That's why so often you say "I wish I could just give you them" when people complain about not having something you have a barrel of. The problem with the game is that you can get everything. If we used the old mod system still, there could be a great economy, but we switched to this stale one build fits all system...

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Don't you get that once there is trading, everyone will have everything right away and then no one will want to play and they will all complain that it is too easy, they've givin you a reason to play even more , don,t you like playing this game ?

If the only thing keeping you in a game is a carrot on a stick,i don't think the game qualifies as a good game for you

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Why do you have to have everything now?


Between crafted weapons and dojo weapons which don't use that much RNG you have a very large variety in weapon options. Whats wrong with some weapons being stupid to get? Is the Dakra prime that good? I know its the best longsword but its hardly a game changer having it.


Whats wrong with having a goal to work towards?


(I appreciate the possibility that the drop tables are a little skew'if at present. But they will get fixed, just wait.)

Edited by MDRLOz
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All i see in this thread is "I am really unlucky, DE please fix my unlucklyness" (Just kidding)

Yeah it can be annoying at times, but you have to work for the stuff you want! If you get it within 2 or 3 runs yeah you'll be happy, but imagin how happy you will be when you get it after 50-80 runs! Don't want to do 50+ runs for one weapon? I guess you don't want it that badly then.


Oh, and trading. No, i believe there shouldn't be any trading in WarFrame, or any type of Auction House.

Edited by Krispies
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I must warn players about what Trading in a RNG driven game does to the gameplay. Look at what happened to Diablo III. The game became not about playing the game, it became about grinding gold the fastest to buy the "good drops" from other players. I fear what a Trading System will do to Warframe in it's current RNG based system.


Blizzard finally has realized this and is adjusting drop tables and many other things for the upcoming expansion of Diablo III and is removing the Real Money Auction House and the Gold Auction House from the game instead making the game about playing and killing bosses for loot rather than farming gold.

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First, the incredible messed up drop rate.

Second, the entire incident when Void first released again.

Third, apology once again, and said things are fixed.

Forth, first incident, refund everyone Void Keys. This time around, putting Void Key Packs on 25% off.


Conspiracy? Call me crazy, but all this seems too damn fishy.


DE, you gave me a slight bit of hope. Sheldon was it? The apology was a tad bit heart warming, I like people who are able to own up to their mistakes. So there, I threw in $30 more for you. I didn't bother sending support ticket, I know it won't help. So instead, I threw you a bone and bought more Void Key Packs.


Hey, what the hell do you know? Out of the 20-ish key pack, I've only gotten ONE T3 Exterminate.

I had to hunt, beg, trade people in the chat, to try scrape some T3 Exterminate together, in hopes to finally get that god forsaken piece of Dakra Blade.


But all I've gotten was Forma BP, and...Hey guess what! Frost Prime System. 


You know what, I'm out of luck, screw this RNG system, you want to keep it? Keep it. Please bring in the god damn trade system already. Don't tell me I'm lucky to have Forma BP. You want it? Vote for trading system to be implemented, I'll give you all the god damn forma you need and want.


BP too slow for you? Heck, I'll even throw in some damn instant Forma. Sick and tired of this RNG.


Spending time. No reward

Spending effort. No reward.

Spending money. No reward.


The hell I've to do to get one single item?

First off, trading has nothing to do with the RNG drop rates.


Second, try watching the Livestreams again since you apparently didn't get the memo that DE is being extremely cautious with the trading system they are developing for the game to prevent exploits and abuse.

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Whichever way DE wants to "fix" our RNG, whether it be a token system or keep the RNG and adjusting it constantly, I am for that as long as they do NOT implement trading.

The only reason is RMT, and anyone here who has actually played an MMO knows it is the most annoying thing on the internet.

Just look at FFXIV. It's a SUBSCRIPTION based game and you can't get through the main cities without having to spend a few minutes to block three or five bots spamming messages into the chat faster than you can see their names.

Allowing RMT into Warframe without a proper block system will destroy our already crappy chat, and we'll have far more than twice the current leechers we have in game.

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For everyone complaining about the lack of getting what they want, there are an equal amount of ppl that can't get something you may have found easy. Personally, I had 2 Dakra Blades before any Forma. I wanted Forma, I got the blades. Now, sure, I have enough Forma after multiple runs, but I actually went for Forma and got blades.


RNG is the devil, but unfortunately, in a game like this, it is necessary and as mentioned above, I would rather not have trading.

Edited by Xaaz
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Ah, this is here too, hmm? I'm not surprised. A couple of my friends want the trading system implemented.


My own personal opinion? Even if they had the trading/token system, then what? The game would only be half as long, in some cases, and would be rather upsetting.


I do not mind, however, an alternate way to get some of the materials you need. Since some time in U9, DE has added a way to give players a fair shot at getting materials, using Platinum. While it may be not a good example, in comparison to others, I do have one;


Being someone who would rather use Platinum on slot space, this literally means I do not spend it otherwise. The only complicated material for me is Neurodes, and that's to say at this point in time. Control Modules, pre-U10, were the ones I had the least of, and were a pain to get. And now it's Neurodes. Interesting, is it not?


So while I do say there should be an alternative to getting what you want, it should be limited, and what the players want. And, for now, if something is an absolute nuisance to find, wait a couple of days before trying to hunt it again. Who knows? It might surprise you.

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