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Correct me If i'm Wrong



I've been using "Snipetron Vandal" for around 6 months hardcore. It's great for exterminate mobile defense, up to sortie level because of its CC, and punch through. However, I find it super frustrating that no matter hat I seem to try in re rolls, it doesn't even do damage worth any real attempt at Eidolon hunting. After asking around, someone told me it's because, unlike other snipers the Snipetron/Vandal does not gain a boost to its base critical damage upon counter gain with hitting the main body of the various enemies in-game, and that It only boosts head-shot damage. Now my assumption (if my friend is correct) is that there in no real way around this. 

If you have any experience using the weapon, and have suggestions for this problem, please reply it would real be a big help.

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3 answers to this question

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14 minutes ago, zaker132 said:

unlike other snipers the Snipetron/Vandal does not gain a boost to its base critical damage upon counter gain with hitting the main body of the various enemies in-game, and that It only boosts head-shot damage

The head shot damage bonus is not on counter gain, but on zoom. Combo counter only affects damage multiplier and is activated after a certain amount of shots. Snipetron Vandal gets first damage boost (1.5x multiplier) after 3 shots, I guess maybe that's why it feels like it gains no bonuses.

Try Rubico or Rubico Prime, I think they have the fastest damage ramp up and gain critical boost on zoom.

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yes, unlike Lanka or Rubico (which get Crit Chance and Crit Damage), all other Sniper Rifles (excluding Komorex) get a Headshot Bonus from their Optics. which performs well for the final phase of each Eidolon, just obviously doesn't do anything for the Joints.


but, you can still make Snipetron perform well if you want to. just depends on if you really like the Gun or not.
specifically for Eidolon Hunting, you'd be looking for Riven Stats such as Crit Damage, and Fire/Electricity. Crit Chance too, if you aren't always playing with a Harrow in the Squad and thusly need to get Crit consistency by yourself.

then be sure to be hitting the Eidolon between Health phases to keep the Hit Counter built up, for your free Damage.
(n/a if you're using Void Strike)

if you're in a more organized Squad, and you have Focus pretty well invested into, you could also bring Void Strike to make your Snipetron deal even more Damage (provided you don't need it to break/help break Shields).

Edited by taiiat
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9 hours ago, zaker132 said:

I've been using "Snipetron Vandal" for around 6 months hardcore. It's great for exterminate mobile defense, up to sortie level because of its CC, and punch through. However, I find it super frustrating that no matter hat I seem to try in re rolls, it doesn't even do damage worth any real attempt at Eidolon hunting. After asking around, someone told me it's because, unlike other snipers the Snipetron/Vandal does not gain a boost to its base critical damage upon counter gain with hitting the main body of the various enemies in-game, and that It only boosts head-shot damage. Now my assumption (if my friend is correct) is that there in no real way around this. 

If you have any experience using the weapon, and have suggestions for this problem, please reply it would real be a big help.

im just gonna assume youre using chroma for eidolon hunts and ima make a checklist

1. you need a 300+ % power str chroma

2. and if youre using chroma , you need to use split chamber, point strike, vital sense, 90% electric, 90% heat (combined to deal radiation dmg) , 90% cold  (dont equip serration, cause according to some mathematicians the 90% cold mod gives you more dmg output because of how his vex armor works)

vigilante arnaments and last spot would be for a riven, the top stat choices for rivens are multishot, crit chance, crit dmg or just dmg, elements

in that order of importance

3. build your combo counter on your sniper ( to be efficient at this you need to set toxin element on your chroma, and use some arcanes that boosts fire rate + reload speed on snipers)

4. bring an adarza kavat for crit boost

hmmm, thats all i can think of, ill add some more later if i can recall more things

if you cant break the limbs with one hit, break them with three shots , or more if necessary xD

Edited by MakubexKido
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