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The Torrid's Being Nice To Me!?


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    I hear it's a bug.. But honestly should it be? You can say it needed it for balance but.. It didn't. Why?Well let's do the obvious comparison. The Ogeris. Both of these weapons are very destructive and both of them had damage to user. First lets look at the Ogeris


    The Ogeris if you don't know is a rocket launcher that does incredible damage over a massive area. It's short comings are it's long reload time and it's slow fire rate. This alone isn't enough to stop this weapon from being the best of the best. Let's be honest if it wasn't nearly certain death you could pretend to rocket jump until all the bad men went away.... Why wouldn't you? no need to aim, it wouldn't matter where you shot.. it'll hit everyone so just fire it forever!!  This is why it needs/has self damage. So you don't use it more then anything else over any weapon.


    Now lets look at the Torrid. a very significantly smaller AoE, and significantly less damage. it wins at being tactical, at being put in choke points and around defense targets. could you use it like a normal gun? I guess.. but why would you? it has an inferior dps to most guns. and really if you're just running around shooting with it then well.. good on you? to each their own. whatever's fun for you! it's not over powered as a reckless tool of destruction.. it's power is in it's positional denial and kill zone creation. So why does it need self damage? well lets look at some posable reasons, we already visited "balance and keeping it in line with other weapons so..


        Lore/immersion? - no it isn't very realistic that you can run through this toxic gas, then again nether is it realistic that I can use my rhino as a shield while shooting -through- him at my enemies with a gorgan. Game play takes priority here.


        Reduce abuse? - this was covered, it's balanced just fine without self damage.


        My build needs it! - now there's a few people out there that "need" this for their build however.. I feel that this is nearly exploiting a system that's in  place to do this, and I don feel it's fair to make it so when I'm using this weapon I have to get hurt so someone else can exploit it for easy energy. I do like the ingenuity and outside the box thinking of these builds.. however I'm not willing to just sit quietly while these builds take priority over the functionality and fun I can have with this weapon.


    So that's my argument. Let the torrid stay as it is, please. If you agree with me, please post and give a +1, if not then post anyway and let's talk about it!

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    So that's my argument. Let the torrid stay as it is, please. If you agree with me, please post and give a +1, if not then post anyway and let's talk about it!

That's a bug which they will be fixing. Torid is not a weak weapon at any sense, one cloud can do about 15k aoe damage which you can stack like 6 times. That's why it needs a somekind of downside. Also what is more hilarious than shooting a charger with torid just to get downed by the gas as it runs up to you? It's a risk/reward weapon like the Ogris.

Edited by Aurghmeister
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And the gas doesn't even use energy color...


The actual hit where the grenade make contact actually shows the energy color but it's too fast and the normal gas covers it all quickly.



Anyway, the lower damage it has now doesn't really stop from the current possible abuse. First, with the infested, because you no longer get poisoned, you can just run around in circles dropping shots in the floor and never ever be touched. You can actually lead a parade of infested behind you being poisoned by the path you lay down. And this also can be done with the rest of the factions. Because you can CC with the gas once you just get them dancing you can close the distance and then run around shooting without being touched because the AI never catches up, they are always behind if you always keep moving. You can offensively charge and enemy groups then run around without any worry. It takes longer than other weapons to kill but....who will never be touched. Hek, in defense mission you can let the mobs to the pod/artifact, lay down a huge cloud, then run in and press your number 4 ability.



        My build needs it! - now there's a few people out there that "need" this for their build however.. I feel that this is nearly exploiting a system that's in  place to do this, and I don feel it's fair to make it so when I'm using this weapon I have to get hurt so someone else can exploit it for easy energy. I do like the ingenuity and outside the box thinking of these builds.. however I'm not willing to just sit quietly while these builds take priority over the functionality and fun I can have with this weapon.


The functionality of the weapon was tactically laying down clouds, now you just shoot it like any other weapon at any distances because it doesnt matter. And if we call this an exploit then we are going to have to call out all the other combinations that can be achieved with mods. And it's not like it was simply free energy, you have to pay attention to how much damage you were taking and you were putting yourself at risk since your life was being drained. This wasnt an easy combination to pull off.

Edited by Mak_Gohae
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I liked the Torid's damaging effect because it added a thin layer of depth to the gun. You can't just sit on a cryo pod and spam shots at your feet like an idiot. You have to actually think about where your shots will be most effective and lay them appropriately. There's also the builds that people have come up with using the Rage mod which I don't use myself but still think is rather creative.  

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Anyway, the lower damage it has now doesn't really stop from the current possible abuse. First, with the infested, because you no longer get poisoned, you can just run around in circles dropping shots in the floor and never ever be touched. You can actually lead a parade of infested behind you being poisoned by the path you lay down. And this also can be done with the rest of the factions. Because you can CC with the gas once you just get them dancing you can close the distance and then run around shooting without being touched because the AI never catches up, they are always behind if you always keep moving. You can offensively charge and enemy groups then run around without any worry. It takes longer than other weapons to kill but....who will never be touched. Hek, in defense mission you can let the mobs to the pod/artifact, lay down a huge cloud, then run in and press your number 4 ability.


    But why would you? I mean to lead enemies on like that is something any frame can do with any weapon.. I've done it with my Seer or Gorgan (cant remember which but infesteds never caught up)before for kicks... Pretty sure there's no downside to backpedaling in this game (could be wrong). Furthermore since when is being silly with a weapon like this a bad thing anyway? You're certainly not unbalancing the game in any way it isn't already. I can see that it's likely easy to do such a thing but again why would you? It's much slowwer then just hosing down enemies and certainly less effective as most infested seam to loose interest with you.



I liked the Torid's damaging effect because it added a thin layer of depth to the gun. You can't just sit on a cryo pod and spam shots at your feet like an idiot. You have to actually think about where your shots will be most effective and lay them appropriately. There's also the builds that people have come up with using the Rage mod which I don't use myself but still think is rather creative.  


    you can effectively do the same thing anyway simply by sitting on a box 2 meters away from the pod... it doesn't really change anything.




    My point here is just that it doesn't really make sense to have this self damaging effect. It seams like a lot of people have come to see it as the charm of the weapon, but that doesn't make it a proper balance. I suppose my opinion's in the minority however xD or rather so far it looks like it is.. quite interesting really.

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    But why would you? I mean to lead enemies on like that is something any frame can do with any weapon.. I've done it with my Seer or Gorgan (cant remember which but infesteds never caught up)before for kicks... Pretty sure there's no downside to backpedaling in this game (could be wrong).



I dont even mean backpedaling i meant you running forward after you got their attention and shooting at your feet leaving a trail.


Furthermore since when is being silly with a weapon like this a bad thing anyway? You're certainly not unbalancing the game in any way it isn't already. I can see that it's likely easy to do such a thing but again why would you? It's much slowwer then just hosing down enemies and certainly less effective as most infested seam to loose interest with you.


Since when is being silly with a mod combination a bad thing? Uh huh huuuuh!

Slower but safer, safer to a point where you are basically exploiting a mechanic. You literally cant die with this weapon and go on for as long as you want because of the tremendous amount of ammo you get.


Before you had to think on where you were placing your shots and where you could move so you wouldnt kill yourself and now you can shoot where ever you want and not worry about anything. Now you can endless lay walls of clouds to trap people because of the CC  and then finish them.

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I'm not willing to take a hit to damage output so people don't have to worry about getting damaged. That just isn't the torid, find another weapon.


    was the torid stronger before the bug?



I dont even mean backpedaling i meant you running forward after you got their attention and shooting at your feet leaving a trail.


    I'm aware what you mean, but it accomplishes the same goal, therefore there's no reason to take it away and call it "broken" or "unbalanced"




Since when is being silly with a mod combination a bad thing? Uh huh huuuuh!

Slower but safer, safer to a point where you are basically exploiting a mechanic. You literally cant die with this weapon and go on for as long as you want because of the tremendous amount of ammo you get.


Before you had to think on where you were placing your shots and where you could move so you wouldnt kill yourself and now you can shoot where ever you want and not worry about anything. Now you can endless lay walls of clouds to trap people because of the CC  and then finish them.


    I never said it was a bad thing, I said i don't want to have to die whenever a teammate decides to hug me, or they decide to die in a pile of toxic gas just so their build will work. Perhaps the real issue here is why does a gas grenade launcher have 540 max ammo? if anything's unbalanced about it it's that...

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    I'm aware what you mean, but it accomplishes the same goal, therefore there's no reason to take it away and call it "broken" or "unbalanced"



Being able to run the enemy around the same pile of clouds back and forth is not cheesy?


    I never said it was a bad thing, I said i don't want to have to die whenever a teammate decides to hug me, or they decide to die in a pile of toxic gas just so their build will work. Perhaps the real issue here is why does a gas grenade launcher have 540 max ammo? if anything's unbalanced about it it's that...


Then put on Rejuv and steel fiber to tone that poison damage down.


And no the ammo isnt a problem because of the slow reload and fire rate. Just look at your ammo spending when using it, outside of T3 soloing is there an actual time you go below 400? Hek, 450? If they brought it down to 200 nades you could still do the same thing.

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