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I know, right? How do you take Halo and completely destroy it? I didn't think I would ever see a Halo game that sucked. Then came Halo 4.

Well they ran Reach into the ground before they released 4 as well...


They started removing all armor abilities from gametypes, not just the ones that were being exploited like bubble shield in territories. Eventually the only AAs available for use in reach outside of invasion/infection were sprint and evade. RIP active camo, armor lock, jetpack, bubble shield, etc.


They changed the matchmaking code bringing in more lag and then killed it further by putting in some silly feature so that tablet users could spectate a match that dramatically increased lag to the point it became unbearable most of the time.


Put in a TU the majority didn't want, and tried to force it until there was a major community backlash that split the community into pro TU and anti TU, then had to make seperate playlists for TU and non TU (which lasted for a while until they trimmed down the playlists once again), while leaving some playlists without the option of one or the other further dividing the community. This created the first major Halo Reach exodus.


Then they limited action sack maps and gametypes, slowly lowering the players, then cut it altogether trying to force those players into the other dwindling playlists. Which in turn either made them leave the game, or just go to the only remaining non generic gametype: infection. Which was the second major Halo Reach exodus.


Then if all that wasn't enough they started removing maps from playlists, both official and cartographer ones. By this time the majority of reach players were only playing custom games, because the matchmaking options were just pathetic (choose from slayer, TU slayer, mosh pit (TU all vs all), swat, infection, BTB(TU), invasion, and mixed objective(TU). Race/Rocket race, Action Sack, CTF, Grifball, Territories, KotH, Headhunter, Stockpile, Snipers, and Assault playlists were all gone.)


Eventually people slowly stopped playing reach, matchmaking was dead, people got bored of customs once all the unique maps/gametypes had all been played to death, custom games didn't give f all credits either, and abusing the custom challenge system became the only viable way to get credits in game which meant excessive grinding.


Once everyone struggled to find people playing customs it was all over for Reach. Most people sold the game. Only people who picked it up in the bargain bin, and the community purists play it now. In the last few days I played Xbox I got tonnes of messages from people asking if I was making more maps/gametypes. I made a lot of minigames and I absolutely loved the forge in reach, but unfortunately since none of my friends played it, and most had long sold it by that time I just left it.

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