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Anyone Else Would Have Prefered New Clan Weapons To Get Buffed Instead Of Made Cheaper?


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I see where you're coming from, but also consider that clan gear is expensive materials wise and you need to pour a lot of materials into the research as well, and to a degree I believe in you get what you pay for, if a weapon is 10k credits on the market it should be inferior to a weapon that requires mastery 8 and a long list of not easily attainable materials.

agree to that

ever played eve online? you don't get anywhere by beeing solo all the time

a game that focuses on coop should give advantages to coop/social players

Edited by Seira-EGT-
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WF doesn't do a stellar job at promoting social/co-op though, a lone player can fund a dojo and all the research in it fairly easily, and a lot of players join large clans just to leech their research.

well yes wf doesn't rly do a good job about social/coop but they still advert it as a coop game


I simply mean you can't expect to get far as a solo player, and tbh in wf you get already further as a solo player than in many f2p games

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agree to that

ever played eve online? you don't get anywhere by beeing solo all the time

a game that focuses on coop should give advantages to coop/social players


If they stuck a re skinned flux rifle in the market with same material cost(ignore the research cost because most leach it) along with the corresponding fieldron would have the same effect as sticking it in the clan. Some people just do not like the clan as the only distribution method of better weapons. The prime weapons are all so/so or bad so I can see why people are getting sick of only clan stuff being good.


I do not know why they push the Dojo so much when people just use it as a chat room.

Edited by LazyKnight
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If they stuck a re skinned flux rifle in the market with same material cost(ignore the research cost because most leach it) along with the corresponding fieldron would have the same effect as sticking it in the clan. Some people just do not like the clan as the only distribution method of better weapons. The prime weapons are all so/so or bad so I can see why people are getting sick of only clan stuff being good.


I do not know why they push the Dojo so much when people just use it as a chat room.

in all honesty I somehow feel like you were never in a good clan :/

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in all honesty I somehow feel like you were never in a good clan :/

I am currently in a clan of 900+ that only has 50 people that play(thanks to DE breaking up AsurO). The fact they made synapse cost 6500 mutagen samples for a clan that size makes me think it would be quicker to start my own.

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I am currently in a clan of 900+ that only has 50 people that play(thanks to DE breaking up AsurO). The fact they made synapse cost 6500 mutagen samples for a clan that size makes me think it would be quicker to start my own.

as I said not a good clan >:P

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Flux is still the best Continuos Gun in the game and I'm not exactly sure where you're getting Synapse is better... Synapse is an amazing gun... for Corpus. Flux is overall and the Serrated Blade makes it better in most cases also. So yeah, Flux was never made Obsolete, actually so far from what I've seen Dual Ichor and Synapse are the only Research Weps out of the 4 Released to actually recieve some positive reviews, from what I've seen for Djinn it's a mess, and Embolist is... yeah. Only thing I want added on Dual Ichor is a DoT since it has the animation already but strangly no DoT effect along with it which just bothers me tbh, and Synapse shreds anything Corpus.

According to Scott Synapse will be buffed !?

Maybe there will be no buff after costs fix. And maybe Armor 2.0 will be just enough without any buff.

So my post was about if synapse will be buffed ... 

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According to Scott Synapse will be buffed !?

Maybe there will be no buff after costs fix. And maybe Armor 2.0 will be just enough without any buff.

So my post was about if synapse will be buffed ... 


I dont think so maybe thats true for syna but embolist need a range buff badly at leas 15m like spectra.

Edited by Dasmir
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According to Scott Synapse will be buffed !?

Maybe there will be no buff after costs fix. And maybe Armor 2.0 will be just enough without any buff.

So my post was about if synapse will be buffed ... 

If it needs a buff it will get one, DE knows that the 3 new clan weapons are under an immense amount of scrutiny.

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They shouldn't be grossly over-buffed. It will give little incentive to use other types of weapons which is pretty horrible. Variety is the spice of life.

Buff it enough to balance it -> rofl this weapon cost so much and it's still worse than (name the most OP weapon here)

Buff it till it's OP -> the usual nerf it please and buff X to be as strong as this

Just can't listen to the community

Synapse is already giving a variety, stronger against corpus while flux is stronger against infested. But the difference in cost and mastery rank doesn't seems to be fair, considering DE wants to add tier to this game too.

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Buff it enough to balance it -> rofl this weapon cost so much and it's still worse than (name the most OP weapon here)

Buff it till it's OP -> the usual nerf it please and buff X to be as strong as this

Just can't listen to the community

Synapse is already giving a variety, stronger against corpus while flux is stronger against infested. But the difference in cost and mastery rank doesn't seems to be fair, considering DE wants to add tier to this game too.

the prob is flux is cheaper than the synapse, it's stronger against 2 of 3 fractions and still does well against corpus while the synapse is only strong against corpus mid/weak against grineer (worse than bullet dmg since the head doesn't have electricity modifier) and terrible against infested.

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I dont want power creep.

It would be nice to have them due to different mechanics compared to my other clan weapons.

They need to be sidegrades clan weapons! A bit maybe better due to mastery rank 8.

Synapse shouldn't make Flux rifle obsole. Same for embolist <=> acrid.

Btw. Acrid is OP.

Spectra needs a buff.

Acrid is NOT Op, it is ok with its mastery rank and time/credits/platinum requirements.

Supra is clearly underpowered for its rank, especially now that DE has thrown the OP and flawless Soma into the beginners' (rank 3) market.

I hope that high rank clan tech weapons will keep the edge over normal weapons but will remain very expensive and so much more rare. that's the best way to go imho.

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Synapse is already giving a variety, stronger against corpus while flux is stronger against infested. But the difference in cost and mastery rank doesn't seems to be fair, considering DE wants to add tier to this game too.


In my opinion it is the wrong way to put some weapon variety / sidegrades to the game.


Flux "for" infested <-> Synapse "for" Corpus. so you need 2 similar guns, even if you only enjoy only one of them. 


A different and better way to put variety is:


Flux for precision, but less range, low critical hit chance.

Synapse less precision, more range, high critical hit chance.

(No rifle is useless against specific faction.)


So another/better way of sidegrades, chose the one is better fitting you own feeling, not the faction you playing against. 

And yes one rifle can be a bit stronger against faction X compared to Y and vice versa. But then only by 10-15 %.


DPS scaling between mastery rank 6 and 8 shouldn't be that high. The higher the mastery the lower the difference between those ranks (6 and 8, 7 and 9 etc.). Otherwise you will increase power creep and making lower tier stuff obsolete.

DPS increase via tier / mastery rank should be flat at the end (asymptotic curve), see below  



If low tier weapons could scale with forming process, via own multiplier (after installing forma) then we could have tiers and sidegrades.



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You still have to be a clan either way to get the clan tech weapons, it doesn't make a difference if you join or create your own, plus many don't have the time to farm for the resources needed to build a dojo on top of whatever weapons they're trying to get outside the dojo and on top whatever resources are needed to research the weapons as well as the resources to craft those weapons afterwards if they wanted to build their own dojo.


Obviously you could just join a clan, get what you want, then leave it, but it's still the same as trying to join or create one solely for the weapons alone.



If you don't have the time, then simply join a clan, grab the BPs, and leave if clans turn you off so much. 

It's not a big deal in the slightest, and I'm pretty sure there are plenty of clans out there who wouldn't mind helping out lone wolves.

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You still have to be a clan either way to get the clan tech weapons, it doesn't make a difference if you join or create your own, plus many don't have the time to farm for the resources needed to build a dojo on top of whatever weapons they're trying to get outside the dojo and on top whatever resources are needed to research the weapons as well as the resources to craft those weapons afterwards if they wanted to build their own dojo.


Obviously you could just join a clan, get what you want, then leave it, but it's still the same as trying to join or create one solely for the weapons alone.

If you don't make the time or put in th effort required to get these weapons, then you don't deserve them, it's that simple. Not every game has to be dumbed down to meet the requirements of the casual gamer.

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Soma and thrown weapons are still top tier weapons imo. Sturm Wraith as well.

In fact Soma even out performs the Supra and Flux in applicable and theoretically DPS and it is insanely cheap.


The 50K BP and material cost is nothing as it comes with 2 polarities, so it is already formaed twice. Same for the Despair / Kunai and Hikou as well.


Acrid out does them only in an ultra late game scenario where DOT matters as you can no longer kill enemies with front loaded damage. The fact a ZERO forma Hikou can kill nearly as fast as a 5 forma acrid on Lech Kril (9+ seconds), speaks volume of their power.


So in reality unless you are intend on facing level 150+ enemies and above, most weapons will do fine.

So if anything Clan weapons actually needs stronger buffs to be more powerful (aside from the almighty Lanka and Torid).

Edited by fatpig84
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