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Hunting in the Orb Vallis is BROKEN!

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So to prevent forum trolls from suggesting I don't know how to hunt, let me preface this with some info.   I am MR 26 and I got my Old Mate standing in Fortuna very quickly just by doing daily hunting and capturing animals for Standing. So yeah, I know the processes and am an accomplished hunter. 

Since getting some "perfect captures" are a Nightwave objective this week, I went to do my hunting and was surprised and quite irritated when not getting the caller to work properly ...ie, after activation the caller the first time, the animal will answer, and one must then reactivate the caller in the direction the animal was heard....imitating its sounds.  Well, there has always been a problem with the designated area on the caller after the first answer from the animal....you never initiate the call right on the marker that is given to you by the game....as it should be.....but no, you always have to go below that marker , which makes it more of a guessing game, but I always got it to work and worked around this issue.  But now, after facing in the direction one heard the animal the first time, calling, calling, calling, ............calling.....no reply!  I wasted an hour last night with this, and another hour today....and this is just a waste of time and its not working DE!!

This needs to be examined by the devs right away!  Hunting in the Orb Vallis is NOT working as it should! Actually, its hardly working at all! 

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2 hours ago, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

and one must then reactivate the caller in the direction the animal was heard

That is not a requirement.

What is a requirement is to match the pitch of the call on the Echo-Lure.


On reaching the calling point, the player must lure out the creature using an Echo-Lure corresponding to the creature. After a short wait, the creature will call back and a "lure guide bar" appears on the pitch monitor, and following the pitch changes by aiming up or down will ensure the target creature is attracted.


Are you moving the pitch with the bar as you make the call?  Are you holding the trigger down until the call is complete?

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2 hours ago, (XB1)omegaMAXIMUS080 said:

after activation the caller the first time, the animal will answer, and one must then reactivate the caller in the direction the animal was heard....imitating its sounds

Maybe it’s a console only problem. Conservation is working exactly as before on PC (with 100% success). Your explanation of what to do seems incorrect (perhaps it’s the way you worded it).

  • You use the Echo-Lure once. The animal answers and a little box appears. You move your pitch bar into the box and trigger it, moving with the box (do not release the trigger). Then the animal comes.

I am using an XB1 controller for this, and it worked 100% of the time. It really does seem like you are doing it wrong. You said you don’t want ‘forum trolls’ telling you this. Well, you will need to explain what you are doing better then, because to me it doesn’t sound like you are doing It correctly. 


All I can suggest:

  • Provide an improved explanation and (ideally) a video to show exactly what is happening. It is hard to fix an issue when you cannot replicate it. So a video is useful.
  • Watch some tutorials on what you are meant to do. Copy what they are doing and see what happens. You have already wasted two hours, what’s another 10 minutes?
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