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Ephemera for Landing Craft


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I would like to use Smoke Ephemera on my landing craft so that it looks like it will crash and burn while the mission is loading. Bleeding Ephemera would also work nicely with an Infested landing craft skin ... then the ship might bleed to death before arriving. Now, if only Smoke Ephemera had some fire...

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20 minutes ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Eh, I feel like Ephemera are they are are bordering the line of being too ridiculous. This might cross that line. 

I bet! When are they going to add music ephemera? Warframe standing still: Elevator music, Warframe walking: Happy spring day music, Warframe sprinting/rolling/jumping: Dramatic stunt music! It would go great with troll Limbos.

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