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Credit Rewards For T3 Nerfed?


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so i got to start playign yesterday (was a way for a week) - and.... T3 runs are giving 20k?


They add more  uses for credits, make  bps more expensive for new researches... and nerf the rewards?


Perhaps plat users who buy  half  the stuff and dont spend any on  foundry or  thsoe with  10h to play each day had enough money - but not everyone.


Right now im forced to grind same  map over and over again to get enough to start  a few mutagen  or similar  - and  im out of the free time to play.

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idk who complaiend having 10 million... even with over 200h of game time i was always out of credits.



The ones who complained most likely ether grinded t3 8h/day or simply bought  weapons and such for plat (and even had boosts) - so their craftign costs were minimal.


 playing  3-4 h/ day its  grindy just to get enough for ether   building soemthing or fusing - i have over 400 excess mods to fuse but no credits.
Specially sicne there is less fast void runs ( only capture that noone has).

So its overall 20k/20 min - or more for longer runs.


And with new team consumables.... i cant use them.. i just cant afford them.

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Really? perhaps they should just wipe the credits on everyoen who cry they have too much.

And let the m start actually farming it again fros scratch.



They added several cash dumps -  the transmutations, new consumalbles, even more expensive researches.


Perhaps peopel shouldnt have bought the credit boosts?

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Oh sure, we should be able to buy everything just after one mission... You don't seem to be familiar with the meaning of verb to earn. I rarely play T3 (3-4 times a week) and rarely play more then 3h a day and got enough credits for my needs but maybe that's just becouse I don't want to have everything at once.

Edited by xGryphus
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you are  adding  the pre update 10 credit rewards in. Yeah u got 80k from t3 and 20k from T1... no problems.


But  2 runs of t3 (average 40 min) - for 1 mutagen for example.


Not including even bothering to fuse, transmute or craft anythign else. I have to completely ingore consumables - i have no spare money left.
3-4 x week of t3 before u 10 was enough -  right now that would give you 60-80k instead of  240-320k.




3-4 runs to   finally do SOMETING -  half the tiem to actually play the game and have fun wasted, and stil ldotn have enough to  craft /buy what is needed or even fuse soem of the cards.

Edited by Ketec
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People were begging DE for expensive items...  I think that reducing credit gain and increasing credit sink slightly is a great way to get people to keep playing. Combine that with the moved mutagen mass and the new prime gear and we have a steady income of Credits. There is also a ton of extra mods you can sell from doing survival/defense missions and bps from assassinations. There isn't a shortage of credits coming along, you guys just have terrible money management.

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No its nto terrible money managment - its life.


If you have 4 or 5 hours a day to play, dont even have half the content or mods maxed.... this tiny little extra from few bp-s and such does  not cut it.


OFC you can sell all the mods if you have all you need maxed already.

You dont need ot worry abotu weapon/frame crafting costs if you buy them with plat.

Nether you uneed to worry about it if you have  loads of time to play each day.

And specially if you have all the gear  already - also no need for money.


But all that goes only for at most half the population. Other half is credit starved.


Looks just like real world - massive cap inbetween rich and poor.

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