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I was redownloading this game but. . .


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48 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

The procedure is not that hard if you consider that in other games, when i accidently bought the wrong item and after i sented ticket to the support, it took them 1 day to restore my money and take away the item from my inventory. 

"It was 'easy' to undo a mistake I, a single person made, involving a single item, in a totally different game, so it should be easy to reverse all of the xp from all of the weapons, on all of the accounts that intentionally exploited a bug in the game". 

Is that really what you are going to try to argue? Because it's ridiculous on multiple levels. 

48 minutes ago, Prostreet150 said:

 If a random guy finds a wallet lying down on the street and take the money from it (if you take advantage from a glitch that you just found) should he be puted in jail for a life time or should he be puted in for one/two months? I think a logical judge would put him in jail for one maybe two months since he found it on the street and didn't steal it directly from another person. So why instead of banning them for 1 year they banning them for a life time?

Try a different one that is real, instead of just being some nonsense that was made up. (I'll edit this to put a link when I find a press report, it was decades ago....       https://www.apnews.com/0e41fd860fca2e216e28b50043986b05      ) 

Someone who regulated casino games figured out that the RNG in casino games had a flaw. They looked at it realised that they could use make predictions based on what they saw and stand a significant chance of winning. Despite  knowing there are laws that governed what he was about to do, and the punishments are severe, he convinced one friend to go with him and win huge prizes. He went to jail. Because he was directly stealing from the business that he targeted. Imagine what would have happened if he had offered the information to everyone on the internet. 

That's what your good buddy over on YouTube did. He effectively stole from a company, by exploiting that bug, and by intentionally telling others to do the same, he made it exponentially worse. 


So, why a permanent ban? Because they intentionally exploited a bug in a very extreme way, and made a video to teach everyone to do the same thing. They knew what they were doing was wrong, and lead others to do the same thing. 


But that's all you're going to get from me. You already don't play the game, you support people who intentionally exploited a bug in an extreme way, you have trouble grasping that we are using someone else's service and are governed by the rules that they put in places. As far as I'm concerned, you're a lost cause. 

Edited by (PS4)guzmantt1977
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Exploiting bugs and unintended mechanics is against the TOS and EULA that we all sign up to when we create accounts in Warframe.

While the exact details of their ban is a private matter between them and support, publicly advertising an exploit and abusing it for their own gain is not a good idea, no matter whether they were a partner or not.

They should have reported the exploit to DE and checked whether it was okay for them to upload their video (either post fix or overall).


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