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New Reward System for Elite Sanctuary Onslaught


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While hundreds and hundreds of Tenno have poured hours upon hours into The Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. I feel we need a better reward system. Just hear me out for a bit.

While if you join a public match you're often matched up with fellow Tenno , that just basically can't take down the enemies to keep efficiency up. I've exhausted 2 entire weeks for running nothing but Elite Sanctuary Onslaught after doing my Nightwave and Daily Sortie. I've ended up with 6 Braton Vandal barrels, countless kuva and lua scenes , and endless supply of radiant relics. Here is what I purpose as a new reward system. Since Cephalon Simaris has been upgraded to include new blue prints for other quest items.

Furthermore, please make it where only level 30 warframes and weapons can enter Elite Sanctuary Onslaught

Let's put in place a reward system similar to Arbitration. After every 2 zones you complete you get whatever the normal reward will be , including x amount of Cephalon Standing, or a new currency Cephalon Essense. In return you can take those standings or new currency and purchase the items that are very hard to grind for at a 1.01% drop for every 20 minutes.

You, DE can make it where each Braton Vandol part , Lato Vandal part, and the elusive Blazing Step can be purchased in Cephalon Simiaris inventory.

Or you can have the Blazing Step drop on the 4th consecutive run a player does that reaches the end of Zone 8

As honestly, constantly grinding non stop  Elite Sanctuary Onslaught for a drop that I've yet to even see in over 2 weeks of grinding.. I'm kind of burnt out and disappointed in the game as I'm MR27 and have every weapon, every Warframe, prime, I've purchased several tennongen bundles and love the game. Again I'm burnt out running over and over again with only knowing it disappointment on the other end. Please consider implementing this thank You

Edited by (PS4)Chiefpre
added another notation.
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I see I have grabbed the attention of a few fellow Tenno that have suffered sleepless nights , long hours, and physically draining monotonous game play.

I am a very active member of the Warframe PS4 community and spend several hours of game play on Warframe I've personally logged 2835 hours of game play and I would say the last 100 or so hours of that has been nonstop farming of Elite Sanctuary Onslaught. I've had 1 like and 4 upvotes on this already.. Come on DE take a look at this ideal.. I'm sure you can make it more accessible to even those that are casual players. Thank You again De 

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On 2019-08-26 at 6:58 AM, (PS4)Chiefpre said:

Furthermore, please make it where only level 30 warframes and weapons can enter Elite Sanctuary Onslaught

Recruit chat exist, if you can’t stand with exp leechers go solo or find a group there. ESO’s main intention is an XP farm land. Making it more restricted will kill the gamemode.

Anything besides that, I agree with you.



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The requirement of only level 30 gears is only band aid. It does not fix the core problem of affinity distribution and leeches. Everyone has met those leeching Inaros, Limbo or whatever frames that run around doing nothing. Some may pretend not to by killing 10ish enemies each round. Others may even not care just afk. When you point them out, all the responses are "kiss my ass" or "you should leave if you feel uncomfortable of me leeching".

As long as the broken system is in the game one day, leeches will exist.

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Borrowing from Overwatch, another "band aid" solution for PUG leeching problem could be an "avoid as teammate" system. With this system, if I see someone leech/afk/grief, I can add the player to a personal ignore list. In the future, whenever I play public, I will never be put to the same team with anyone in that list, at the cost of increased matchmaking time or success rate.

Note that this is different than the current "Ignore" function, which if I'm correct only blocks incoming private message, but has no effect on matchmaking.

Edited by CrendKing
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