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Shazwin Keybind and UI changes


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Before starting, I want to specificy that most of this is based from practice without music track, meaning it's based on natural and intuitive feeling rather than inability to play songs due to lack of practice or such things.

So first I tested the default key, based on how the track is shown and how the keys are arranged let you think it works like Guitar Hero with the 1-2-3 button as the colored button and mouse click acting like the string thing with 3 variations, which would be logicial but it's not and almost work the opposite way : You click on the 1-2-3 key when they appear like a piano and can hold mouse button to change the sounds, which is pretty inconvenient because middle button is not comfortable to hold.

I then plugged my guitar from PS3 Guitar Hero, and tryied different key combination and ended up with this one :
Green button = mouse left
Red button = mouse middle
Yellow Button = mouse right
String up = 1
String down = 2

StarPower = 2

From there, I practiced, trying to create some musics, partitions on paper, everything was perfect until I reccord and try to play the song. Due to how the default keys work, the song is was almost impossible to play, while my paper partition was actually pretty simple.
Here are, the ingame partition on left and what my paper one looked like on right, I don't know if everyone would agree but at least Guitar Hero players will certainly agree the right one looks more intuitive and is easier to understand :

So, basically, my suggestion is to change the default keys by inverting 1-2-3 and mouse buttons to work the same way and adapt the UI according to it, so the partition would looks more like the guitar one (left), but with PC keys (right) :

Also, I don't know how much people play Shawzin with a guitar, but maybe adding the arrows and color as option would help too ?

Edited by lukinu_u
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