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Giving Real Builds A Place In The Game


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Before I start

This is not my own personal concept.

Another user posted this a while ago. I cannot find the thread, nor do I remember who posted it.

Credit is due, just unsure as to which player.


Let's begin.


The whole idea behind this thread is to bring actual builds into the game.

As it stands, we basically have optimum builds for particular Warframes, and if you don't follow most of a particular build, you're just handicapping yourself.


Mod list





Quick Rest


Shield Flux











Heavy Impact






Diamond Skin

Fast Deflection

Flame Repellent




Lightning Rod




Reflex Guard

Shock Absorbers

Steel Fiber

Sure Footed



Warm Coat



Enemy Sense



Master Thief

Quick Thinking

Thief's Wit

Undying Will



I may have missed some mods, please let me know if I did.


The idea is to split mod customisation into parts


Each Warframe has a different amount of mod slots available for each section.

This way, as a Nova, you can't equip Stretch, Continuity, Streamline, Flow, Focus, Constitution etc. You actually have to choose and think about what would be best.


Let's look at Nekros for example.





Abilities - Only Nekros' ability mods can be placed here



Mobility - Only mobility mods can be placed in this section



Power - Only power mods can be placed here.



Offensive - Only offensive mods can be placed here



Defensive - Only defensive mods can be placed here



Other - Any "other" mods can be placed here



You still have the 30/60 mod point limit.

This way, you have more slots.

Always 4 for abilities, then another 8 for the other slots


Each Warframe would have a different setup.


Rhino, for instance, would have more defensive slots. Ash/Loki would have more mobility slots.




With something like this, you'd actually need to think about what mods to put in, rather than going with the standard.

Obviously the idea needs some refinement, it's not perfect.


I just think this would be much better than what we have at the moment.



Edited by Nugget_
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Each of the slots would obviously still have polarities.

So, the 4 ability slots would have the = polarity. While others have whatever polarities they had before.


The issue is this.

Should Forma let you move a slot to another section.

Should I be able to Forma my Nekros to remove his offensive slot, and put it in the power section?


Or, should Forma still only be used for polarizing mod slots?


Personally, I'd prefer if you couldn't change the slot setup, or only be able to do it a limited number of times. (to reset, you'd need to pay credits/Forma/whatever).

If you could change the setup, it basically negates the whole concept, just at the cost of spending a S#&$load of Forma.

Edited by Nugget_
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I like it, but imo, more polarities might be needed, or increase the level warframes can obtain (maybe 5-10 levels) otherwise you'd end up forma-ing almost every slot in order to fill it out, and even then might not be doable (atleast with max level mods), as you'd need everything to cost ~5 points or so. although this might be intentional)

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I actually thought that polarities would be used in this fashion.  That particular frames would have particular polarities on ALL mod slots and that way it would encourage you to either have a good benefit with a discount on the mod points on maybe a mod you wouldn't normally use, or a lesser benefit for the mod cost on mods that maybe considered default or mandatory now.


Not sure how they can go back on the established way of doing things now. Especially with formas essentially breaking the whole idea.

Frankly I don't think the greater playerbase actually wants diversity in their loadouts.


As was a near mantra in another game a few years ago:  If it's not optimal it's bad.


Very hard to get away from that sentiment.

Edited by Wahooo
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Why do you want to make it harder and harder and harder? I like the game the way it is: easy PvE slasher, where I am the best and I do not need to think more than on 2+2 level.

Seriously, I just do not remember any other game, when I can really relax, without losing portion of my nerves... IMO, it should be left in it's current state.

Edited by Dansilent
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Like the concept but not really.


The only point I would agree with would be Adding more Slots to the Modifications 


Which would put more use to Formas. 


If you have Platinum then you can instantly add a slot. 


If not ( Grinding) can find a blue print to add a slot. 


Adding more slots allow for more mods to be used instead of the restricted 8 slots. 


Still having 60 Mod Cap would still come into play Formas would be needed so you can lower the stats of certain mods allowing you to use more slots.


Which would be great. 


Still have to disagree with handicapping players to only use certain slots though. 

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It's basically taking away the diversity that Warframe already had, albeit in seriously tiny number.

Seriously, sir. With the new "Weapon Tier" idea by "THE ALMIGHTY SCOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Exclamation Marks are needed." we already have our diversity in our arsenal withering into near extinction.

Besides, the Polarity Slot, albeit able to bypass, is basically the same idea.

And for guys like me, who never Forma'd a Frame, I'm already tinkering at Chess-game-tier regarding efficiency of my mods.

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It's an interesting thought exercise, but the abilities, ability-only slots and ability polarity need work. Four slots that can only take four cards you automatically get, and have a special polarity for a slot you can't put anything else into? Waste of time.


I do think certain novelty or randomly effective (situational) cards should have their own set of slots, though.

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I have to agree. But only if it is done right.


Still have to disagree with handicapping players to only use certain slots though. 


Do you disagree with the aura slot?    While people may say that restricting what mods can go where limits builds, its actually quite the opposite. People get creative when restrictions are in place. What mobility mod goes well with defense mods, I like this mod over this one, I prefer this mod in my offensive slot because it combos well with X,Y,and Z I have installed, ect. Simply giving us more slots that any mod can go into just exacerbates the current problem: There are only a handful of mods worth using on a  game per game basis and Forma Forma Forma.


Sure, speed run builds are a thing. And you should mod your warframe given the type of mission you are going into.  But mission verity lacks any challenge that forces you to use anything other than the power mods. For example, that new hacking mod is pretty much just a waste of space right now unless you are horrible at the hacking mini-game.Warm Coat? Resistance Mods? Need I say more? We are slowing seeing mods commonly dismissed become slightly more viable with fringe builds, such as Rage and Quick Thinking or the 3 Blocking mods. But until we see more mods put into place we have been getting a few useful mods and a handful of arbitrary and useless-90%-of-the-time mods. The meta is partly to blame for this as well ad I understand that. But the focus on warframe powers lends the power mods a leg up on any other warframe mod we get with each update unless its power level is quite absurd. Or if the mod combos well with a specific frame. Such as Heavy Impact and Excalibur.


The problem is that the core power mods: Flow, Streamline, Focus, Stretch, Continuity as well as Redirection and Vitality (and Steel Fiber for tanks in some cases) are hard to replace or justify taking out in a large number of scenarios due to most of our power from our, well, frames powers. If we add more slots we would probably fill them in with whatever mods we are missing, or start including Nightmare/Health/Shield mods we didn't have space for before, like Vigor or Shield Deflection. This only accomplishes one thing. Power Creep.  Yes, adding more and limited mod slots akin to the Aura slot does contribute to power creep. But look at it this way. What give a warframe more power. A slot that any new mod can be put in, or a slot where only Maglev, Sprint, Quick Rest, Marathon, Parry, and Reflection can be put into?

Edited by Balter
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I have to agree. But only if it is done right.



Do you disagree with the aura slot?    While people may say that restricting what mods can go where limits builds, its actually quite the opposite. People get creative when restrictions are in place. What mobility mod goes well with defense mods, I like this mod over this one, I prefer this mod in my offensive slot because it combos well with X,Y,and Z I have installed, ect. Simply giving us more slots that any mod can go into just exacerbates the current problem: There are only a handful of mods worth using on a  game per game basis and Forma Forma Forma.


Sure, speed run builds are a thing. And you should mod your warframe given the type of mission you are going into.  But mission verity lacks any challenge that forces you to use anything other than the power mods. For example, that new hacking mod is pretty much just a waste of space right now unless you are horrible at the hacking mini-game.Warm Coat? Resistance Mods? Need I say more? We are slowing seeing mods commonly dismissed become slightly more viable with fringe builds, such as Rage and Quick Thinking or the 3 Blocking mods. But until we see more mods put into place we have been getting a few useful mods and a handful of arbitrary and useless-90%-of-the-time mods. The meta is partly to blame for this as well ad I understand that. But the focus on warframe powers lends the power mods a leg up on any other warframe mod we get with each update unless its power level is quite absurd. Or if the mod combos well with a specific frame. Such as Heavy Impact and Excalibur.


The problem is that the core power mods: Flow, Streamline, Focus, Stretch, Continuity as well as Redirection and Vitality (and Steel Fiber for tanks in some cases) are hard to replace or justify taking out in a large number of scenarios due to most of our power from our, well, frames powers. If we add more slots we would probably fill them in with whatever mods we are missing, or start including Nightmare/Health/Shield mods we didn't have space for before, like Vigor or Shield Deflection. This only accomplishes one thing. Power Creep.  Yes, adding more and limited mod slots akin to the Aura slot does contribute to power creep. But look at it this way. What give a warframe more power. A slot that any new mod can be put in, or a slot where only Maglev, Sprint, Quick Rest, Marathon, Parry, and Reflection can be put into?


Half way read through as I can see that this sentence here pretty much said everything in my post. That seems you have skipped and only quoted one sentence. 




Simply giving us more slots that any mod can go into just exacerbates the current problem: 

Again I would adjust the Aura mod, I would like for their to be more slots for it. But Addressed on how they work. Aura Slots are adjusted for the whole team. Allowing more slots for it would build more of a team thing. But Having everyone Equipped with Health Regen (MAX) and Energy Regen(MAX) Would completely rule out the hardship of the game. 
1 Player = 1 Health per 2 seconds if not hit for 10 seconds. As well as 1 Energy per 1 second
Now with 4 Players it would be come.
4 Players = 4 Health Per Second + 4 Energy Per Second. Some Frames 1st Ability that are on the Offensive side could be spammed greatly. 
But It would be nice. I agree with restricting Aura Slots for the sake it's for only GROUPS or OVERALL to whom ever is in the room 
With the 4 Slots only for abilities. 
The rest is for what ever you want.
Again I would say the only thing I can agree with you on is the Adding of MORE SLOTS. 
THUS Concurring everything you are complaining about basically is to allow the use to extra mods as the.
Thiefs Wit
Master Thief 
Element Resistance
So on and So forth. 
Again stating so this is clear in a short format
~No Restrictions Expect Aura and the 4 Ability slots
~Add more Slots
~Forma's would be put to more use
Sums up everything I am trying to state. 
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