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Better Player report features


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I know that we have an in-game report feature built in, but I feel it's a bit lackluster... We specifically need an easier way to report leechers.

I'm currently on the other side of the world from my home, so I can't play with my friends at the same time, so I resorted to playing PUB, mainly. It's not too bad and I'm having fun either way most of the times, but there's a problem that has to be faced every once in awhile.

I like playing Arbitrations or long Kuva survivals/disruption to farm for rewards and such (they're also the most enjoyable), but nowadays I hesitate on playing it thanks to all the leechers I have to face. It's not fair that everyone else has to pick up their slack only to let the leechers earn the same amount of rewards as the rest.

Having an easy in-game report feature would help to deter this because more people would be willing to report leechers, which would ultimately discourage them from leeching any further.


I've tried a conversation with a leecher one time and, I gotta say, some people have a weird mentality over this: 

-"Why is this a problem?"    Because, like I said, it's not fair for the others who are working to get the rewards.

-"That's selfish"     So the leechers aren't selfish for making others work for their (leechers) own rewards?

-"The game's too easy anyway"   It's not about the game being easy. And even if it was about that, it still hinders others from progressing faster and further, making farming less efficient.

-"If you're mad, then just do it yourself"   I'm trying to subtract from the population, not add to it. Besides, if everybody's gonna be a leech, then there won't be anyone left to leech.

-"Just quit and play another round if you're so sore"   That's what I do, but it's getting pretty annoying, especially since Arbitrations have a limited number of plays and I have limited number of hours I can stay logged in.

-"Go on the recruit channel and look for a proper group"   Yes I do that when I can find one (it's especially hard, because from where I am, I can't read their languages and I have to wait until someone posts in English), but it doesn't mean PUB is supposed to be a place for leechers in the first place.

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Performing worse than you ins't a reportable offense

I also note gameplay ends up affecting the player on the long term, it may seem like they are getting the same rewards, but overtime the amount of effort reveals itself with longer missions, less profitable missions, more fails and generally less control to get what you want (since there is less loot, you have less things to sell, so less platinum to be used)

Yes, players are leeching and they are allowed to do so as long they don't afk, but they get exactly what is expected, almost nothing, so don't be concerned, each player is responsible for their game and account, so the less they do, the less they get.

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