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Synapse Not Critting 100% Of The Time?


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from the wiki:


  • The critical hit chance increase from this mod is not additive, but rather multiplicative. For example, a Snipetron has a base critical hit chance of 20%. With a rank 5 Point Strike it will have a 50% (20% + [20% * 1.5]) chance to critically hit. On the other hand, even with a rank 5 Point Strike, Miter will still have a 0% critical hit chance because its base critical hit chance is 0% (0% + [0% * 1.5]).

Hope that clears it up for you :)

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from the wiki:


  • The critical hit chance increase from this mod is not additive, but rather multiplicative. For example, a Snipetron has a base critical hit chance of 20%. With a rank 5 Point Strike it will have a 50% (20% + [20% * 1.5]) chance to critically hit. On the other hand, even with a rank 5 Point Strike, Miter will still have a 0% critical hit chance because its base critical hit chance is 0% (0% + [0% * 1.5]).

Hope that clears it up for you :)

The synapse has a 50% chance to crit without point strike, and a 125% chance to crit with it on. In-game it shows that the synapse does have a 125% crit chance.

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It's more an issue of that should bring the Synapse's crit rate above 100% as it has a base 50% crit chance


odd, maybe the listed crit chance doesn't match up?


edit: ah damn beat me to the post on that one, I'll get you next time [/Dr. Claw]

Edited by TheCometCE
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It definitely crit ALL THE TIME before the last Hotfix and after you got white numbers. Either DE put a stealth nerf on crit and capped the crit chance or they borked it up another way.

150% (translates to x1,5) of 50(%) results in 125% crit chance (1,5 x 50% + 50% = 125%) so Synapse should crit all the time .. what the excess 25% does, if anything at all, is currently speculation.

Edited by Namacyst
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To anyone saying the mod doesn't increase your crit chance to 100%

100% of 50% is 50%. 125% of 50% is 75%

The Synapse has a 50% BASE crit chance. 

If you add 100%+ crit chance from point strike, you get 100% crit chance even.

If you add 150%+ crit chance from point strike, you get 125% crit chance. 

Common math shows the gun SHOULD crit all the time with the mod equipped.



Maybe having 125% crit chance is bugging the gun? Try it with only 100%, maybe then it'll work.

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It definitely crit ALL THE TIME before the last Hotfix and after you got white numbers. Either DE put a stealth nerf on crit and capped the crit chance or they borked it up another way.

150% (translates to x1,5) of 50(%) results in 125% crit chance (1,5 x 50% + 50% = 125%) so Synapse should crit all the time .. what the excess 25% does, if anything at all, is currently speculation.


ahh I forgot to add the base crit chance again. This is why you should not operate heavy machinery or post while drowsy. Cheers.

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Okay, but when I do the math I get 75%. (0.5 x 1.5 = 0.75)


So you're not getting above a 100% crit chance at all, maybe the in game info is wrong?

your math is a bit flawed there


its more (50*150%)

so 100% of 50 is 50

50 + 50 = 100 

50% of 50 is 25

100 + 25 = 125


so 125% crit chance is correct

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sould be getting all yellows and a bit of red right?

Theres a rumor that the excess 25% crit chance over 100 actually translates into red crits but those are not shown as such meaning even if you crit all the time for.. let's say 100 damage you sometimes do 200 but no red number is shown even if it behaves like a red crit. I did not test it myself nor did anyone confirm it so far. The only way to get red crits (that are shown in red) with synapse right now is using Volts shield.

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The display is bugged as a client. In fact most numbers displayed on clients are incorrect, delayed, omitted, or not displayed at all.

Never trust client damage numbers. Always test solo to guarantee you are the host.

Also: the additional 25% adds additional crits. It's much like multishot in that case. Depending on the situation the extra numbers can be either added to the crit damage of a given damage iteration or displayed as separate numbers, but it works the same on the back-end.

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Maybe the normal -not crit damage- is some type of elemental damge, because elemental damage ist shown as sperate numbers and it can´t crit., so it is shown as white and not as yellow numbers.

when u crit, element dam( AP dam too) base of your dam after seration+ crit = crit and show as yellow number.

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