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[Cosmetics idea] Wishing for Wonderous Warframe Waist Wear


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This is an idea I've had a while, and it resurfaced when Shawzin Emote was introduced. So, it would be nice to have some waist wear for Warframes in addition to syandanas and cosmetic armor (or as part of them). These could include things like waist armor, belts, sashes, coat hems, loin cloths, skirts...
Yes, Syandanas get the "swish swish" department covered very nicely. But especially female Warframes look sometimes too... form-fitted for my personal tastes (though that can be often covered with Syandanas and/or tactical color choices). Let's say that mission start cut scenes with low-camera ninja landing tend to look pretty awkward to me if the Warframe in question has super defined butt... And Shawzin playing would look much much fancier if there was some cloth flooding around the Warframe, reminding us of traditional Asian musicians. The current pose without such additions looks a little bareboned.

So getting some more clothing over waist area would be a nice option, and I would be ready to pay some money for pretty pieces. I know, Warframe skins are a thing, but it would be nice to have a simple piece of clothing that could be used for several Warframes, serving similar purpose than Syandanas.
Some ideas for waist wear?
Just simple belts, sashes, skirts, jacket hems, loin cloths etc. of varying lengths and cuts, preferably so that they can be made to look like part of a Warframe by matching the colors right. And then some fancier ones on the top of that. I think that Prime-style waist wear could be easy to apply the Prime Warframes as they already share similarities in their design.
Some potential problems coming to my mind?
- Probably biggest problem: Different Warframes having different waists, hence harder to automatically fit waist things to all of them. Perfectly understandable that armor and syandanas are much easier to apply, as they go over places in which size differences are less of an issue. On the other hand, armors also have options for adjusting locations and so, so similar could be applied to a waist wear, or then waist wear could be made of two components: "front cape" and "back cape".
- Clashing with Warframes that already have waist stuff or hems (such as Oberon, Frost, and Vauban)
- More moving parts in a Warframe and more potential clipping
- Overall effort to add this all, and certainly there things developers would rather focus on more.
But hey, I thought that there is no harm throwing an idea in the air 🙂 I would like to prettify my Warframes with these kind of things!
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