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Lore Conspiracy Theory


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Oro kin


Oro kin in google translate (Spanish > English) = kin gold


Kin gold


King old


old King


Tenno is "the formal title of the Japanese emperor, esp when regarded as a divine religious leader" as seen here.


old Tenno


The Orokin were the oldest Tenno.




Some side notes: In a stream Steve corrected someone on their pronunciation of Orokin, by saying, "Oro, gold, oro-kin." which is at least a bit of a look into what the name means. At the least it means "gold people" or "gold children" Forma is also a Spanish word for "build" or "change" or "form" so the Spanish influence is pretty significant at least in the names of Orokin things. This thread is not serious but hopefully it is mildly entertaining and possibly true.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Kin(金) is Gold in Japanese. Following the originally Eastern direction of the game, I would tentatively say that that's what they're referring to.

Dear god, They're the GoldGold then.





Tenno and Orokin are two different groups.


Why would the Orokin make warframes if only the Tenno can use them? Or is that not accurate? I'm not a loremaster but figuring out lore on the forums is endgame. 


Or you know, Oro as station near Earth.

Kinsman of Oro,


Tenno are also from Earth, this makes too much sense.

Edited by VegetableBasket
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Why would the Orokin make warframes if only the Tenno can use them? Or is that not accurate? I'm not a loremaster but figuring out lore on the forums is endgame.

The Corpus/Grineer can't use the warframes. That does not mean the Orokin themselves didn't use them. The Tenno adapted the Prime warframes for themselves and that's how the regular variations were born. (Edit: The Primes were not solely intended for Tenno, but the Orokin themselves.) Edited by Nealybealy
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Why would the Orokin make warframes if only the Tenno can use them? Or is that not accurate? I'm not a loremaster but figuring out lore on the forums is endgame

Because they're Chozo of the game. The Infestation are Metroids, and Warframes are the Power Suits. They probably foresaw the Tenno needing the frames in the future.

Edited by Hawkwasp
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The Corpus/Grineer can't use the warframes. That does not mean the Orokin themselves didn't use them. The Tenno adapted the Prime warframes for themselves and that's how the regular variations were born. (Edit: The Primes were not solely intended for Tenno, but the Orokin themselves.)

I always thought the prime warframes were more like a classic mustang or something, they look cool, were built to last, etc, but now the Tenno are down on their luck and have to build frames out of imported scrap. They just don't make them like they used to...

Horrible analogies aside, you're probably right. Now I'm wondering what the orokin were doing with them and why they failed. The prime frames are pretty dang good, it must have been embarassing to still have been overcome. Also why isn't what killed the Orokin in the game to give players a real challenge? Hmmm all these questions.

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I always thought the prime warframes were more like a classic mustang or something, they look cool, were built to last, etc, but now the Tenno are down on their luck and have to build frames out of imported scrap. They just don't make them like they used to...

Horrible analogies aside, you're probably right. Now I'm wondering what the orokin were doing with them and why they failed. The prime frames are pretty dang good, it must have been embarassing to still have been overcome. Also why isn't what killed the Orokin in the game to give players a real challenge? Hmmm all these questions.

Those Prime warframes are relics. The Orokin had quite the fashion sense, gold on everything so it seems. :P

The Orokin were most likely using them to combat the Sentients, who they were at war with. The Orokin were never said to be completely gone from what I've read, but there are very very few left and who knows where they are. If I recall correctly it was the infestation that killed them, their own weapon ironically.

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My wild guess would be that Tenno are either a cast of Orokin or human breeded specially for the role of Tenno. What really makes me wonder is if Orokin were really human or some humanoid species from outer space.

Technically, and relatively, every species is from outer space (to someone)

The Tenno appear to be the descendants of Hayden Tenno from Dark Sector, but they might be moreso followers of him, descendants of his followers, cloned from his DNA or something, the connection is ambiguous, but Hayden Tenno was the first Tenno as has been confirmed on Stream and in the Glaive description, and he was a human infected with a technocyte virus... whatever that means.


Those Prime warframes are relics. The Orokin had quite the fashion sense, gold on everything so it seems. :P

The Orokin were most likely using them to combat the Sentients, who they were at war with. The Orokin were never said to be completely gone from what I've read, but there are very very few left and who knows where they are. If I recall correctly it was the infestation that killed them, their own weapon ironically.


Oh yeah! I forgot about the sentients. I was going to bring up level 100 infested ancients as a reason the Orokin wiped, but chronologically there wouldn't be ancients for a long time after the infestation was created, so I'm even more lost. This is intriguing though...

Edited by VegetableBasket
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The Grineer, Corpus Crewmen and Tenno are all descendants of Humanity. Their Origin is, technically, Earth. Over time, however they split off/were driven away by the Grineer.


The Grineer decided they'd clone themselves and their DNA has diluted over time. The Corpus.... No idea about them. I guess they reproduce and stuff. Having advanced machinery and technology would assist with their aging and the continued survival of their Faction.


The Tenno are still as enigmatic as they started off as.

Edited by Azure_Kyte
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It was foretold this day would come... all of Sol was being punished under the might of the Grineer, and the cruelty of the Corpus, all the while attempting to survive the growing infection of the Infestation...


It was said that one Species ruled before this calamity, and will be rising again. Their Shouts heard all across the stars, slaying the dragon-like heads of the Grineer and Corpus leaderships... They are... Oro-kin! (Cue Skyrim teaser trailer theme) (Derp)

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Oh yeah! I forgot about the sentients. I was going to bring up level 100 infested ancients as a reason the Orokin wiped, but chronologically there wouldn't be ancients for a long time after the infestation was created, so I'm even more lost. This is intriguing though...

Use Dark Sector as a basis here for what they were up against. I bought Dark Sector a few weeks ago to help me understand lore-related stuff, and it was really good for it. (The dog-like infected in that game have the same noises as the Chargers in here, so they reused quite a bit in that) Do recall things like Lephantis were created as weapons for the war. (Except without the ancient Grineer/Corpus part, since they didn't branch out until after the Orokin era. Lephantis "evolved" over time)
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It seams that you went a bit too far.
Orokin = oro + kin
oro - surely means gold, from Latin aurum
kin - group of persons tracing or claiming descent from a common ancestor, or constituting a family, clan, tribe, or race.

So Orokin can be loosely translated as golden people.

Technically, and relatively, every species is from outer space (to someone)

The Tenno appear to be the descendants of Hayden Tenno from Dark Sector, but they might be moreso followers of him, descendants of his followers, cloned from his DNA or something, the connection is ambiguous, but Hayden Tenno was the first Tenno as has been confirmed on Stream and in the Glaive description.

It was a metaphor. Warframe is spiritual successor of original concept of Dark Sector by fulfilling the ideas that were cut out and Hyden was first Tenno in ideological meaning.

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It seams that you went a bit too far.

Orokin = oro + kin

oro - surely means gold, from Latin aurum

kin - group of persons tracing or claiming descent from a common ancestor, or constituting a family, clan, tribe, or race.

So Orokin can be loosely translated as golden people.


Double Entendres everywhere.

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Do you know why I called it a conspiracy theory? :P

So I guess I got trolled :P Anyway if I recall correctly golden people (or kind) was translation given by Steve when Rebecca asked him about how to pronounce Orokin in one of livestreams.

If Warframe is anyhow related to Dark Sector in terms of lore it would be rather this Dark Sector:

then the final version. Edited by xGryphus
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The Tenno appear to be the descendants of Hayden Tenno from Dark Sector, but they might be moreso followers of him, descendants of his followers, cloned from his DNA or something, the connection is ambiguous, but Hayden Tenno was the first Tenno as has been confirmed on Stream and in the Glaive description, and he was a human infected with a technocyte virus... whatever that means.

I'm inclined to believe they mean it's the Hayden Tenno of the original concept. He was an Orokin super-soldier, not some random CIA techno-zombie.

Edit: Ninja'd!

Edited by ValhaHazred
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So I guess I got trolled :P Anyway if I recall correctly golden people (or kind) was translation given by Steve when Rebecca asked him about how to pronounce Orokin in one of livestreams.

If Warframe is anyhow related to Dark Sector in terms of lore it would be rather this Dark Sector:

then the final version.

I already said what the first part of your post was in my OP, so I don't know what you're telling me... Steve has said on stream is was most definitely related to (the released) Dark Sector, and Hayden was the OG Tenno. I'm in the process of rewatching every stream, so when I find that tidbit I can throw you a timestamp. That or I'm remembering it wrong, and I'll eat my words and post a timestamp nonetheless.

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