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Started using Vauban and Hydroid - good builds???


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So for some reason i started to use Vauban and Hydroid in turn (i have a few other frames including primes sitting waiting to be used) because of the um different mechanics (looking forward to Ivara, Baruuk and Khora at some point),

Was wondering about the different builds for Hydroid (being a puddle dragging mobs in is fun!!) and Vauban (throwing out tesla balls staggering enemies & the number 3... Despite the fussy throwing and timing was cool) and hints tips for using these two frames properly? . Used Excal for most of starchart (while fun.. Got a bit boring altho havent tried chromatic blade build yet)

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I don't know about proper, but:

I find building Hydroid around his 2 is quite fun. Ragdoll all the enemies into a corner and then clean them up with melee. Moderate to high duration, high efficiency, base range and strength. I do use his other abilities, but once all the enemies are in a corner and stumbling around, a bit of stabbity stab and they're done for. Put his 4 at your back or something to protect it (your back, that is).

As for Vauban after the rework, my feeling is there's no real point using anything except Vortex. I use 4 and his 1 (because it is actually nice with the new augment) and occasionally throw down 2, 3 and a Bastille out of pity (also 3 is very flashy and who doesn't like bright flashy things). Moderate to high duration. high efficiency, high range and low power strength. Fact is that when all the enemies are stuck in Vortex there are so many ways to deal with them (whatever their armour) that are quick and cost 0 energy. 

Heck, just one stab is enough to kill a bunch of full health lvl 165 Heavy Gunners stuck in a Vortex through their armour:





Edited by schilds
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