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Kuva Lich thoughts.


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So, I've been playing Old blood and thinking about the Lich System.

This doesn't feel like a Nemesis system, well not completely. It kind of feels like the beginnings of a Nemesis system.

They said from the start when they were developing it, (Back when they were calling it Kingpin) that they were inspired by Shadows of Mordor.
Cool thats great, I love that game, still enjoy hoping on and assassinating orcs by the score from time to time.

but the Lich system feel like were only getting part of it, the orc murder part. but there missing the rest. Where's the infighting, wheres the power structure. how can I make mine more powerful by letting it kill other Liches.

SO this is what I feel should happen from here, Develop the system farther. half the challenge of the shadows of mordor nemesis system was getting the orcs you want, lets make it easier to kill and convert them but make more of them. one for each sector of the star map minus the void, but that's just because I think lore wise that doesn't work. have them vying for control power over the star map. and after X number of missions 2-3 Liches make a move (we don't need the cut scene like SOM) doing missions and killing thralls can give us hints as to what their up to who their going against and allow us to intervene.

another option, is let the liches escape al a stalker normally, and as we kill thralls, (maybe fewer of them per mission) we find their lair, and theirs a new mission type for a Liches Lair. and we don't kill them unless we kill them in their lair, or make it a sabotage mission and we have to destroy a Kuva phylactory.

then you have the power structure, the 4 or 5 overlords that have to keep control and keep everything in line, sometimes they murder the upstart punk, sometimes they get gacked and the punk becomes overlord. then you have the Queens champion, who is out there acting like a stalker who doesn't give a damn if you've been killing bosses.

I understand that this is taking the same system from Shadows of Morder, and theirs a lot to implement here, but theres enough going on here that its something you can devote yourself to entirely or leave alone, and only experience when the system lich raids your mission.

This can even be expanded on to emulate Shadows of War, where the liches we convert can be set up to garrison sectors, holding off new liches from taking over, and removing the lich tax, or replacing the harvestor by giving you free resources on a pay out rate, making you want a stronger lich so you don't lose your pay out because he died.

I get that this undertaking would be massive, the depth that goes into this system would be worth it.

TLDR; I don't feel like the Kuva lich system hit the mark, I feel like its missing the key points of the Nemesis system, and having them vie for power and watching the galaxy change for each player would give it a purpose rather than a rather long grind to just another weapon, this give you something to interact with and work towards and not just multiple levels of rng and a depletable resource. for a weapon we may not even want or use, I know this TLDR sounds like im just complaining but I think offering ways to improve is better than just complaining,

Edited by Kindredkeeper
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