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A Shot at Endgame Suggestions "Raid on Nightwatch Corps" V2


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   Well, revisiting an old raid... This post will be, as usual, very very very long. Hoooowever, I have organized it so you can avoid stuff you dislike. RED will be nightmare versions of the same mission, just with some tweaks. Green will be the rewards in which there are 3 categories. 

   This was not created with normal and newer players in mind. "Raid on Nightwatch Corps" was, and still is, made for advanced and experienced players to satisfy the urge to fight a challenge in a group for great rewards. These will serve as a goal post for players to work towards. To those who say "make it solo friendly", or "Make this easier, I can't play it" as much as this is going to sound hurtful and blunt, no. This is a Multiplayer game, a game you play with many MANY people. You are not alone and Rail Jack will hopefully bring players back to that reality. Look at the steam page, it says CO OP and MULTIPLAYER.
   Now I'm sure many of you guys are so tired of hearing "Endgame" "Endgame" "Endgame" and so am I but hey I started this series calling it "A Shot at Endgame" and I'm sticking to it even if it should be called "A shot at Sustainable Content". I want to bring new ideas to the table and not just a giant raid concept or some difficult mission, this needs to be done in steps. The umbrella of Endgame I want to suggest changes to are Missions, Rewards, Community, Daily Content, and more. The only thing I can point to right now is the "Eximus Epidemic" where I show what eximus could be and how some changes could shatter the Meta. it's slightly outdated due to channeling but it should give you a general Idea of what I mean by "Bring new ideas to the table"

   Like before, I'm going to explain why these enemies will have crazy HP pools even if I know I'll still get bitter responses or hate for suggesting it. ONE, we have players capable of melting Kuva Lich within moments and one shot eidolons. Both of these were sold as endgame and the Eidolon have 10,947,000 EHP combined. Players can melt these guys multiple times in one night and that's including the need to break it's shields first. These stats are to not only ward off unprepared players, but are required  for enemies to stand a chance against you without cheap invulnerability. Expect enemies with trillions of EHP.
   TWO, these are made to be similar to WoW raids and by design are not short. If time is your concern then let me alleviate that. The rewards here are worth the time you put into the raid. With guarenteed rivens and kuva equal to long kuva survivals, the rewards here are well worth the run. You can also run this over weekends incase you need to work which just means you have a longer time to appreciate and complete this content than hardcore players.
   THREE, unlike "Revenge of the Sergeant" this raid will focus much more on brute force and damage to thematically fit the grineer style. There is of course some puzzles and mechanical skill involved, however communication, cooperation, and game skill are much less needed here. Rather this will be one to put builds, damage, and endurance to the test.

   Of course I want to make an optional difficulty for this, however unlike "Revenge of the Sergeant" this raid is of the grineer. If we go back in time, the grineer were the first and only faction available and nightmares were one of the first attempts at difficulty and it was the classic optional difficulty for the "Law of Retribution". Thus Nightmare is the selective difficulty for this raid. Do note these optional difficulties are not an excuse to make the base version easier like ESO. Even skilled players will struggle at the base mode and the nightmare was created to feel impossible on purpose to give the community something to shoot for. It may be overtuned and need some balancing and checks but I think I've gotten the point across.
   The difference for this nightmare is you can either run the nightmare, or run the normal. Running both would be too rewarding. You can also only run this once a day to prevent an overflow. It seems bad at first but there are reasons for that and over time as/if more raids are introduced the 1 of X raid a day will feel less debilitating.

   In the current state of warframe, my old raid version would seem somewhat easy. It seemed nice but there were also countless flaws with it ranging from spelling to outright forgetting to include some rewards. In short, it was lack luster and I'm here to improve upon it and bring it back to light for people to see that Challenge is possible. Coming back from my corpus raid, I have a much better grasp of challenge and how to craft objectives in a plethora of stylish ways. Of course, this means I'm changing my raid slightly.
   One big change was the huge demand I put on the rewards. It was to the point where it would devalue many other missions, or in lame mans terms, it gave too much reward. I still fully intend to keep it worth it, but I'm toning the rewards down.
   The next big change would be Nighty. For starters it's a she now, and this isn't for SJW reasons or anything. I've looked back at the bosses and found some conflicts with warframes lore. The grineer are a matriarchy where females are favored in military training and supplies, yet we've only come across 5 female authorities and two of which are side field bosses without much purpose and the other two aren't even bosses but queens. Kela De Thaym is the only real female boss, yet we've encountered up to 9 Male Grineer Authorities and some of them appear two or three times in the universe. Strange for a matriarchy to have so many dominant male figures. next is her lore, and how she would fit in the warframe universe.

Trial V2 Raid on the Nightwatch Corps
(8 Person Squad)

Mission 1 LvL 100 {Saturn} ASSAULT!


   Darvo has noticed elevated security measures and a blockade of grineer galleons around the planet of Saturn on his way to the Kronia Relay. Unfortunately he cannot, doesn't want to, pay the tax to pass through. Thus he's contracted you to clear out the grineer blockade. Unfortunatly both Darvo and Ordis are incapable of performing an internal scan of the galleons, so you'll be going in blind and unaware of the danger that awaits you. Darvo is curious and suggests searching for valubale cargo. Perhaps securing it would be beneficial for both you and Darvo. Ordis warns you about how it may be a trap, but get's called a broken cephalon. Darvo believes the heightened security is not only for the ship but because the Wolf of Saturn Six had recently broken out.

   Upon infiltrating the ship, Kuva soldiers are already on high alert and were waiting for the tenno. Ordis was right, it was a trap and the worm queen or some other figure knew that some tenno would take notice and attempt to clear the way. Using you as a diversion, Darvo slips past the blockade as the soldiers scramble to attack the tenno.

   The Mission will Start as an Archwing Mobile Defense mission. You and your friends must plant a charge on the door of the galleon's hanger. Protect it for 5 minutes while an onslaught of grineer ships swarm around and attack you. All the while you must avoid gunfire by taking cover behind rubble from ships on the galleon. After the 5 minutes are up, the hanger expldoes and you must enter the galleon.

   The ship is filled to the brim with elite kuva eximus. You are lead to a terminal and ordis tells you that it's locked by 3 keys. The grineer have caught onto your plan and the terminal becomes a defensive objective. Protect it from enemy fire while others search the ship. You must search the ship for 3 spy vaults at max security, each containing a key similar to the assault mission. hack them to release the key similar to OLD spy missions. After completing these take the 3 keys to the terminal and plug them in starting a 1 minute count down. During this time 8 manics are deployed and begin attacking your squad.
   After the objective is completed head to the guns. They've been shut down and 4 tenno must hack the terminals in quick succession. While hacking energy is being drained from the warframes at a rapid pace. Run out of energy and the hack fails causing all 4 terminals to restart. After all 4 terminals have been completed the gun fires and destroys a galleon. You must repeat this process 3 times.
   After this has been completed the ship becomes a boss arena. An unkillable, not invulnerable, *Nightwatch* Commander appears and will continue to attack you until 300 grineer have been killed. Ordis discovers that he is being protected by the ship's energy like a kuva lich. The tenno must then sabotage the ship in order to make the Nightwatch Commander killable, however the destruction of the generator has put you on a 10 minute time limit. Kill him and extract quickly. Alternatively, you could use squalink to ask a rouge emperyon to blast the ship's reactor for you.


Nightwatch Commander is a Manic Bombard with 5,000,000 Health 6,000 Armor
Nightwatch Commander is unkillable until the ship is sabotaged, not invulnerable, but unkillable.
Nightwatch Commander comes with many abilities that he can use during the mission.
-Randomly switches all players locations at once.
-Able to teleport like normal manics.
   -When teleporting he leaves a specter of himself.
-If he teleports onto a player, he performs multiple actions.
   -First, he performs a finisher, if that tenno survives one of three things will happen.
      -All abilities will be disabled for 12s
      -Warframe enters a crippled status for 12s
      -All weapons will be stolen and hidden around the map *melee included*
-He is equipped with a cloaking reactor.
   -Every 5s he turns invisible for 5s
   -Every 10% health lost he turns invisible for 10s
While he is active, the Nightwatch Commander will frequently summon platoons of nightwatch manics. to assist him.

   Ordis is shocked that grineer troops are utilizing warframe technology and immediately contact factions from across the system for assistance. Both in figuring who stationed the troops and in how the troops can use technology that exceeds their scientists.

Mission 1 LvL 120 {Saturn} NIGHTMARE ASSAULT!


 The Mission will Start as an Archwing Mobile Defense mission. You and your friends must plant a charge on the door of the galleon's hanger. Protect it for 10 minutes while an onslaught of grineer ships swarm around and attack you. These ships now include several balor fomorians, avoid their fire. All the while you must avoid gunfire by taking cover behind rubble from ships on the galleon. After the 10 minutes are up, the hanger expldoes and you must enter the galleon.

   The ship is filled to the brim with elite kuva eximus. You are lead to a terminal and ordis tells you that it's locked by 3 keys. The grineer have caught onto your plan and the terminal becomes a defensive objective. Protect it from enemy fire while others search the ship. You must search the ship for 3 spy vaults at max security, each containing a key similar to the assault mission. Hack them to release the key like OLD spy missions. After completing these take the 3 keys to the terminal and plug them in starting a 1 minute count down. During this time 8 manics are deployed and begin attacking your squad.
   After the objective is completed head to the guns. They've been shut down and 4 tenno must hack the terminals in quick succession. While hacking energy is being drained from the warframes at a rapid pace. Run out of energy and the hack fails causing all 4 terminals to restart. After all 4 terminals have been completed the gun fires and destroys a galleon. You must repeat this process 3 times.
   After this has been completed the ship becomes a boss arena. An unkillable, not invulnerable, *Nightwatch* Commander appears and will continue to attack you until 300 grineer have been killed. Ordis discovers that he is being protected by the ship's energy like a kuva lich. The tenno must then sabotage the ship in order to make the Nightwatch Commander killable, however the destruction of the generator has put you on a 10 minute time limit. Kill him and extract quickly. Alternatively, you could use squad link to ask a rouge emperyon to blast the ship's reactor for you.


Nightwatch Commander is a Manic Bombard with 5,000,000 Health 6,000 Armor
Nightwatch Commander is unkillable until the ship is sabotaged, not invulnerable, but unkillable.
Nightwatch Commander comes with many abilities that he can use during the mission.
-Randomly switches all players locations at once.
-Able to teleport like normal manics.
   -When teleporting he leaves a specter of himself.
-If he teleports onto a player, he performs multiple actions.
   -First, he performs a finisher, if that tenno survives all of the following will happen.
      -All abilities will be disabled for 12s
      -Warframe enters a crippled status for 12s
      -All weapons will be stolen and hidden around the map *melee included*
-He is equipped with a cloaking reactor.
   -Every 5s he turns invisible for 10s
   -Every 5% health lost he turns invisible for 10s
While he is active, the Nightwatch Commander will frequently summon platoons of nightwatch manics. to assist him.

REWARDS: 5,000 Kuva / 500 Endo / 5 Omega Isotobe
REWARDS: 15,000 Kuva / 1000 Endo / 15 Omega Isotobe


Mission 2 LvL 110 {Sedna} (Rathuum / Spy)


   Upon hearing the grineer have comedeered tenno technology, the Steel Meridian decided to assist in the Rathuum. Around the same time a blockade formed around saturn, an influx of troops had flooded to sedna's surface as if they were guarding something. A grineer defector from the deployed clones brought the meridian this information. You, the tenno, were informed of this and decided to check the area for any leads, but needed a diversion. Split up into 2 groups, Squad Alpha, and Squad Beta.

   To complete this, for as much as the factions hate each other, the Perrin Sequence, Steel Meridian, and Red Veil work together in order to complete this mission. All factions benefit from this interaction. Ergo gains credits to supply to the Myconians, Steel Meridian can take Kela down a peg, and the Red Veil can purge the grineer. To keep it fair all tenno are randomly divided and placed in 2 different squads to prevent one faction from gaining leverage over the other with tenno loyalties. Both squads must work together to complete their goal even with the syndicate tensions.

   Squad Alpha will be lead by Ergo Glast who bargains his credits in the Rathuum for a diversion, exploiting the opening made by Rathuum and Kela's selfish pride. Kela's desire to disgrace the tenno would draw the attention of Thaym's troops across the sector making openings in the defenses. Kela willingly takes the offer for entertainment purposes and releases ALL of her executioners into the arena. The 4 tenno must survive until the second squad has completed their mission. If they have not reached 50 Executioner kills by the time Squad Beta has hacked all the spy terminals, they must do so.
   Squad Beta is sent undercover on a Spy Mission with 2 Red Veil operatives and 2 Steel Meridian operatives. In this spy mission Ciphers are not allowed. The squad must hack 6 terminals around the mission. Avoid tripping alarms at all costs! Each terminal now has an even more complex hack to them, These spy vaults have a special lock to them where they must hack the terminal twice. After this is complete the tenno must extract safely.

   If the alarms within Squad Beta's mission is tripped, Kela will notice. This means normal alarms AND vault alarms. You DO NOT WANT THIS. She won't call you out but her voice lines will change and she'll begin playing dirty to actually kill you. When the alarms are tripped, dozens of Nightwatch Manics will flood the spy mission and all Spy Vaults will begin counting down. If even one spy vault is failed the mission grinds to a halt and you fail. At the same time Kela will rapidly drop nukes in the Rathuum that instantly down players and her Executioners will instantly be raised to LvL 300.

Mission 2 LvL 130 {Sedna} (NIGHTMARE Rathuum / Spy)


   Squad Alpha will be lead by Ergo Glast who bargains his credits in the Rathuum for a diversion, exploiting the opening made by Rathuum and Kela's selfish pride. Kela's desire to disgrace the tenno would draw the attention of Thaym's troops across the sector making openings in the defenses. Kela willingly takes the offer for entertainment purposes and releases ALL of her executioners into the arena. The 4 tenno must survive until the second squad has completed their mission. If they have not reached 50 Executioner kills by the time Squad Beta has hacked all the spy terminals, they must do so.
   Squad Beta is sent undercover on a Spy Mission with 2 Red Veil operatives and 2 Steel Meridian operatives. In this spy mission Ciphers are not allowed. The squad must hack 6 terminals around the mission. Avoid tripping alarms at all costs! Each terminal now has an even more complex hack to them, These spy vaults have a special lock to them where they must hack the terminal twice. After this is complete the tenno must extract safely. These Spy Vaults have much more security and energy is slowly drained while inside of vaults.

   If the alarms within Squad Beta's mission is tripped, Kela will notice. This means normal alarms AND vault alarms. You DO NOT WANT THIS. She won't call you out but her voice lines will change and she'll begin playing dirty to actually kill you. When the alarms are tripped, dozens of Nightwatch Manics will flood the spy mission and all Spy Vaults will begin counting down. If even one spy vault is failed the mission grinds to a halt and you fail. At the same time Kela will CONSTANTLY drop nukes in the Rathuum that instantly down players and her Executioners will instantly be raised to LvL 500.

REWARDS: 3 Detonite Injectors / 250,000 Credits
REWARDS: Classic Ogris Skin / 6 Detonite Injectors / 350,000 Credits

Mission 3 LvL 120 {Ceres} (LoR Memories)


   Despite the tensions, the Steel Meridian and Perrin Sequence cracked the coded information from the vaults and discovered information relevant to the Wolf of Saturn Six and his location. Apparnetly the grineer's dealings with Alad V's sentient techology, resulting in disruption missions, had attracted The Wolf's attention. Due to openings in the grineer's defenses The Wolf of Saturn Six had been laying waste to previously hidden and highly guarded nightwatch facilities on Ceres.
   By the looks of things Ludi was the most likely area the wolf would be attacking next. This was the only facility left that The Wolf apparently has been attacking Nightwatch facilities recently and his next target is on Ludi. He needs to Hijack an experimental fomorian core for unknown purposes. Another Nightwatch Commander was sent to defend the facility and fomorian core, to obtain further information you must capture the commander. Ordis says that taking the Fomorian Core would draw out the commander, but the wolf would get in the way. Defeating him would make it easier to extract the core for bait. Besides, handing a fomorian core over to a wild fujitive would be insane and he could drop it anywhere he wanted.

   Upon entering, you see you see Saturn Six fujitives and amalgam grineer locked in combat against nightwatch soldiers. You're also greeted by the Nightwatch Commander who taunts you over transmissions saying you took the bait. The Commander is an augmented Nightwatch Flamblade. To start the mission the wolf is hiding like any Acolyte would, he's making sure he can't be seen and will spawn after someone finds the room he's in. Once you enter the room he will Roar and you must defeat him once, but he will run shortly after. Track him to a boss room where he waits for you.
   Once you enter, The boss room locks down preventing you from escaping, trapping you in with a LvL 150 Wolf and dozens of fugitives ready to kill you. You must defeat him in order for the room to open up. The rest is very similar to the old LoR for the remainder of the mission.

   After the wolf is defeated, the nightwatch have already surrounded the area and locked down the core. You must complete a puzzle. Players must stand on specific panels with designated symbols. If one player is knocked off then all panels are instantly shocked and drains all people on panels of energy. JUMPING will not take you off the panel, it uses an area sensor to detect if you're in a cylindrical area vertical to the panel for activation. Simply being on or above the panel means it will count as activated allowing for more evasive actions. This is essentially just like the old LoR trial room but more fair.
   While you are completing the panels Nightwatch enemies will be attacking you. Executioner Goarth will also be attacking you, seeking to redeem his honor. Goarth has reclaimed some of his old NightWatch gear greatly empowering him and every 30s he will recover and come to kill you.


Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 8,000,000 Health 2,000,000 Regenerative Proto Shields and 8,000 Armor
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has extremely high mobility with the Vault and Lurch, and Stampede.
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 95% damage resistance to melee weaponry
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can shoot out a grappling hook, dragging tenno into his grasp. If he hooks you an animation will play where he yanks you towards him and executes you.
   -If he is locked onto you you will get the "incoming projectile" notification similar to how archwings act. Take or create cover immediately.
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can use Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp

   After completing the puzzle, the door opens and you must hijack the Fomorian Core. This part is pretty much the exact same as the LoR, but now during the first part nightwatch troops swarm the core. During your escort you must stand on panels to deactivate electrical currents along the rail. During the First Stage the Nightwatch Flamblade Commander attacks you. Defeat and Capture him like any normal capture target before the end of the mission and keep the Fomorian Core safe.


Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has 15,000,000 Health 12,500,000 Shields, and 5,000 Armor
Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has teleportation powers.
   Every 30s the Commander initiates a "Rift Storm" causing all players randomly switch positions via Switch Teleport 3 times in quick succession.
   Can teleport behind people like normal Flamblades, but puts them into a headlock. Spam X to break free or die.

Flamblade commander places radiation traps which explode affect players with radiation for 15 seconds.
Flamblade Nightwatch Commander will continue to summon in excess nightwatch troops, putting the core in harms way.
Flamblade commander will focus down warframes with higher amounts of shields, preventing the core from moving.
   -Exploit this by using Mag, Hidlryn, Harrow, or high shield warframes as bait.
Flamblade commander deals 100% toxin damage instead of heat damage.

   At the start of the fight, 2 Players are teleported to a different tile where they must fight to survive against lvl 120 nightwatch enemies alone until the Flamblade is killed. After he is killed, the 2 players rejoin their friends to fight on. These players are subject to the Rift Storm ability meaning you aren't permanently locked out.

   During the last part of the Hijack, the Grustrag 3 and Vay Hek appear to prevent you from stealing the core. At the completion of this mission, you get a strange transmission from the Nightwatch General. He introduces himself in a strangely polite, yet condescending way.

Mission 3 LvL 140 {Ceres} (NIGHTMARE LoR Memories)


   Upon entering, you see you see Saturn Six fujitives and amalgam grineer locked in combat against nightwatch soldiers. You're also greeted by the Nightwatch Commander who taunts you over transmissions saying you took the bait. The Commander is an augmented Nightwatch Flamblade. To start the mission the wolf is hiding like any Acolyte would, he's making sure he can't be seen and will spawn after someone finds the room he's in. Once you enter the room he will Roar and you must defeat him once, but he will run shortly after. Track him to a boss room where he waits for you.
   Once you enter, The boss room locks down preventing you from escaping, trapping you in with a LvL 200 Wolf and dozens of fugitives ready to kill you. You must defeat him in order for the room to open up. Nightmare causes the Wolf to Adapt to Damage and his howls summon sentient to his aid. The rest is very similar to the old LoR for the remainder of the mission.

   After the wolf is defeated, the nightwatch have already surrounded the area and locked down the core. You must complete a puzzle. Players must stand on specific panels with designated symbols. If one player is knocked off then all panels are instantly shocked and drains all people on panels of energy AND kill you. JUMPING will not take you off the panel, it uses an area sensor to detect if you're in a cylindrical area vertical to the panel for activation. Simply being on or above the panel means it will count as activated allowing for more evasive actions. This is essentially just like the old LoR trial room but more fair.
   While you are completing the panels Nightwatch enemies will be attacking you. Executioner Goarth will also be attacking you, seeking to redeem his honor. Goarth has reclaimed some of his old NightWatch gear greatly empowering him and every 15s he will recover and come to kill you.


Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 10,000,000 Health 10,000,000 Regenerative Proto Shields and 8,000 Armor
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has extremely high mobility with the Vault and Lurch, and Stampede.
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth has 95% damage resistance to melee weaponry
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can shoot out a grappling hook, dragging tenno into his grasp. If he hooks you an animation will play where he yanks you towards him and executes you.
   -If he is locked onto you you will get the "incoming projectile" notification similar to how archwings act. Take or create cover immediately.
Nightwatch Executioner Goarth can use Iron Skin and Rhino Stomp

   After completing the puzzle, the door opens and you must hijack the Fomorian Core. This part is pretty much the exact same as the LoR, but now during the first part nightwatch troops swarm the core. During your escort you must stand on panels to deactivate electrical currents along the rail. The core will also Emit a nullification bubble around it due to it being a Nightmare mission. During the First Stage the Nightwatch Flamblade Commander attacks you. Defeat and Capture him like any normal capture target before the end of the mission and keep the Fomorian Core safe.


Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has 15,000,000 Health 20,500,000 Regenerative Proto Shields, and 7,500 Armor
Flamblade Nightwatch Commander has teleportation powers.
   Every 20s the Commander initiates a "Rift Storm" causing all players randomly switch positions via Switch Teleport 3 times in quick succession.
   Can teleport behind people like normal Flamblades, but puts them into a headlock. Spam X to hold him off. Another player must break you free within bleedout time if you're holding him off.

Flamblade commander places radiation traps which explode affect players with radiation for 20 seconds.
Flamblade Nightwatch Commander will continue to summon in excess nightwatch troops, putting the core in harms way.
Flamblade commander will focus down warframes with higher amounts of shields, preventing the core from moving.
   -Exploit this by using Mag, Hidlryn, Harrow, or other high shield warframes as bait.
Flamblade commander deals 100% toxin damage instead of heat damage.

   At the start of the fight, 2 Players are teleported to a different tile where they must fight to survive against lvl 120 nightwatch enemies alone until the Flamblade is killed. After he is killed, the 2 players rejoin their friends to fight on. These players are subject to the Rift Storm ability meaning you aren't permanently locked out.

   During the last part of the Hijack, the Grustrag 3 and Vay Hek appear to prevent you from stealing the core. At the completion of this mission, you get a strange transmission from the Nightwatch General. She introduces hself in a strangely polite, yet condescending way.

REWARDS: 1 Wolf Sledge Part / 1 New Mod
REWARDS: Tethra's Doom Sigil / 2 Wolf Sledge Part / 2 New Mods

Mission 4 LvL 150 {Mars} (Assassination)


Judging by the Flamblades information, he only knows half the story and only knows that Vay Hek was an important supporter of the Nightwave General as they were partners. The tenno now go to face off against Vay Hek with a fomorian ship above their heads. *Usual LoR Vay Hek Fight* but instead now the Nightwatch Leader interfears and throws one of his own into the ring to protect Vay Hek.

Thing to note is Vay hek will have 15,000,000 health and 8,000 armor after being forced into vulnerability. After he is made vulnerable, ammo restore machines will activate around the tile.

During this mission a special unit spawns to make life a little bit harder.  While the tenno run around charging batteries to blow up vents. Nightwatch Hyekka Masters line the outside of the battle sight and snipe down at enemies with vulkar rifles. Unlike other enemies, these ones will not have laser sights. They each have 200,000 health and 1,000 armor. These snipers lay down fire and make it almost impossible for people to stand on panels without proper organization or cover to prevent their gunfire.

Hyekka Masters have the ability to summon 30 hyekkas into the battle from the center of the map. These kavats hunt down tenno.
Hyekka Masters do not have lasers that give away their position

Executioner Vay Molta, Sprag, and Venkra were also ordered to protect Vay Hek from the tenno. During this battle the trio zooms and constantly creates issues knocking players off panels. Sprag childishly calls them the Treble Jet Trio


Vay Molta has 250,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 8,000 Armor
-Vay Molta uses her jetpack for offensive and defensive purposes.
   -Repositioning and Hovering for Defense
   -Charge attacks and blitzing forward for Offense

-Vay Molta heals by attacking other players.
-Vay Molta launches missiles out of her backpack to carpet bomb areas.

-Vay Molta is unable to be hit unless it's her jetpack, similarly to her two jet powered allies.
Sprag has has 1,000,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 8,000 Armor
-Sprag uses her jetpack for massive fusion shockwaves and explosive slam attacks with her manticore knocking down all tenno in an 18m radius
   -This will knock down people in the air and on the ground, only blocking will protect you.

-Sprag has an Odyn Reactor protecting her.
   -Sprag is immune to status effects and status damage
   -Sprag cannot be critically hit.
   -Sprag is immune to CC

-If Venrka dies Sprag will take up her Cloaking Reactor.
Venkra has 250,000 Health // 3,500,000 Rapidly Regenerating Shields // and 5,000 Armor
-Venkra uses her jetpack like a hellion to launch herself in the air to get a good aim at tenno or to re position.
-Venkra's vulkar deals true damage, ignoring armor.
   -Venkra will always attempt to target the one carrying a battery.

-Venkra has a Cloaking Reactor
   -Every 5s she turns invisible for 5s
   -Every 10% health lost she turns invisible for 10s
-Venkra places trap mines that cripple players if they come too close for 10s
   -Crippled status prevents players from sprinting, jumping, aim gliding, bullet jumping, wall running, and rolling.
-If Sprag dies, Venkra takes up her Odyn Reactor

Mission 4 LvL 170 {Mars} (NIGHTMARE Assassination)


Judging by the Flamblades information, he only knows half the story and only knows that Vay Hek was an important supporter of the Nightwave General as they were partners. The tenno now go to face off against Vay Hek with a fomorian ship above their heads. *Usual LoR Vay Hek Fight* but instead now the Nightwatch Leader interfears and throws one of his own into the ring to protect Vay Hek.

Thing to note is Vay hek will have 16,000,000 health and 8,500 armor after being forced into vulnerability. After he is made vulnerable, ammo restore machines will activate around the tile.

During this mission a special unit spawns to make life a little bit harder.  While the tenno run around charging batteries to blow up vents. Nightwatch Hyekka Masters line the outside of the battle sight and snipe down at enemies with vulkar rifles. Unlike other enemies, these ones will not have laser sights. They each have 200,000 health and 1,000 armor. These snipers lay down fire and make it almost impossible for people to stand on panels without proper organization or cover to prevent their gunfire.

Hyekka Masters have the ability to summon 30 hyekkas into the battle from the center of the map.
Hyekka Masters do not have lasers that give away their position and always shoot to kill, ignoring the code to miss the first shot.
Hyekka hunt down tenno and will blow up for 5,000 damage in a 2m radius on death.

Executioner Vay Molta, Sprag, and Venkra were also ordered to protect Vay Hek from the tenno. During this battle the trio zooms and constantly creates issues knocking players off panels. Sprag childishly calls them the Treble Jet Trio


Vay Molta has 500,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 8,500 Armor
-Vay Molta uses her jetpack for offensive and defensive purposes.
   -Repositioning and Hovering for Defense
   -Charge attacks and blitzing forward for Offense
-Vay Molta heals by attacking other players.
-Vay Molta launches missiles out of her backpack to carpet bomb areas.
-Vay Molta is unable to be hit unless it's her jetpack, similarly to her two jet powered allies.
Sprag has has 1,000,000 Health // 1,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Proto Shields // and 10,000 Armor
-Sprag uses her jetpack for massive fusion shockwaves and explosive slam attacks with her manticore knocking down all tenno in an 18m radius
   -This will knock down people in the air and on the ground, only blocking will protect you.
-Sprag has an Odyn Reactor protecting her.
   -Sprag is immune to status effects and status damage
   -Sprag cannot be critically hit.
   -Sprag is immune to CC
-If Venrka dies Sprag will take up her Cloaking Reactor.
Venkra has 350,000 Health // 5,000,000 Rapidly Regenerating Shields // and 5,000 Armor
-Venkra uses her jetpack like a hellion to launch herself in the air to get a good aim at tenno or to re position.
-Venkra's vulkar deals true damage, ignoring armor.
   -Venkra will always attempt to target the one carrying a battery
-Venkra has a Cloaking Reactor
   -Every 5s she turns invisible for 10s
   -Every 5% health lost she turns invisible for 10s
-Venkra places trap mines that cripple players if they come too close for 10s
   -Crippled status prevents players from sprinting, jumping, aim gliding, bullet jumping, wall running, and rolling.
-If Sprag dies, Venkra takes up her Odyn Reactor


REWARDS: 1 Random Riven Mod / 1 Riven Sliver
REWARDS: 5% Terra Frame Articula / 1 Random Riven Mod / 5 Riven Slivers

Mission 5 LvL 165 {Derelict} (Defense / Hijack / Assassination)


   Recordings discovered inside of Vay Hek's Terra Frame have lead you to a Derelict Ship used as the Nightwatch Headquarters. *Nighty will be the placeholder name of the Nightwatch Leader* To find Nighty, You must survive while simultaneously defending the Volatile Fomorian Core from incoming fire. Your objective is to use the Volatile energies of the Fomorian Core to detonate the derelict ship, and take the Nightwatch headquarters with it.
   Transmissions between Vay Hek and Nighty also have revealed that during the Gradivus Dilemma, Not all warframes had been handed over to the tenno. Sargus Ruk and Nighty agreed in secret forming a shady deal. Several dozen warframes were sent to Nighty for testing. In return, Nighty offered Sargus Ruk Information related to other grineer from Ceres, Mars, and Mercury, advanced training, resources, and support from the Nightwatch. Nighty has since been toying with warframe weaponry and abilities to create the most lethal troops imaginable. The most high ranking troops have not only access to a vastly superior arsenal and some even have been modified with warframe abilities such as invisibility, teleportation, and power of dimensions. Nighty has recently been producing contraptions that mimic specters and mind control. Destroy Nighty before research gets too out of hand.

  • The Nightwatch are flooding into the room and have cut off life support hoping to kill the tenno that way. Life support capsules spawn within this large Derelict Tile. The % of LS is the % of Max hp your warframe will have. so if Nidus with 1000 hp has 50% life support, he will only have 500 hp at maximum.
  • The area outside the main defense point is bathed in radioactive material which will only affect warframes for 10 radiation damage per second. This means your team will kill you if you're not careful.
  • Every minute of the Survival, 8 Nightwatch Manics will spawn to hunt down tenno.
  • Every minute of the Survival, Players must hack 2 terminals around the map within 25s. Failure to do so will cause an EMP, applying magnetic status to all warframes and nullify all abilities for 10s while deactivating all currently active abilities.

In order to complete this Survival you must survive for 15 minutes and ATLEAST charge the fomorian core with 15,000 Shields which is required to charge the Core to maximum, priming it for an explosion. Overcharging the core will result in a bonus score.

   After the Core has been successfully charged, Nighty will reveal herself. You must now defeat the Nightwatch General Nighty (PH). Around the Arena you will find Ammo restoration machines. Through the battle she will mock you at how you failed your tenno family and are currently killing them. You swore to save them during the gradivus dilemma but their trust let her experiment on the warframes, enslaving them and succeeding where vor had failed and that she can use the tenno and their technology against you. She laughs at how you betrayed the your orokin masters and how you were the reason their uprising could happen. You were the reason the system was under their iron grasp and trillions have been killed or enslaved. You also notice that she is strangely more human looking than many of the other grineer.
   During the fight Nighty reveals to you that she is an ambitious scientist with authority beyond that of normal grineer. She plotted to use Captain Vor as a test for some of her latest experiments to shift and avoid blame. It was her who introduced him to the orokin technology and got him addicted to the way of the voi with the promise of being able to control a legion of his own warframes. She knew the asterisk had room for failure, but it proved to be a remarkable start in understanding what exactly the tenno were. To this she calls you disgusting, horrid, and beyond repair as the infested were more vile then the worst clones of the grineer.
   She had also been the reason Tyl Regor was so obsessed with the sentient, telling him how they were immortal beings that toppled the golden overlords and slew warframes by the hundreds. She even lead him on about how their adaptive ability could be used to reverse and surpass what the grineer were originally, hence why the tubemen were created on uranus at the tomb of the sentient. Through her research she was close to understanding how to create an imperfect Oro much like the sentient which would create an army of immortal warriors. She was given this authority because the queens desired a more permanent source of immortality like the Orokin of old making them gods. Mad with authority Nighty even began looking into ways to corrupt and take over a person's Oro through the use of arcane technology to maybe even hijack a sentient for further study, to control what the orokin couldn't.
   If you scan her for the codex, you will discover she has survived all the wars fought in the origin system making her one of the last perfect clones of the orokin, and far older and intelligent then the many grineer beneath her. Being an intelligent scientist, strategist, and warrior in service to the queens during the uprising, Nighty was made the general of an elite unit surpassing even the kuva corps, the night watch. These grineer work from the shadows and are hardly ever seen but are always watching. With a leader like Nighty they were on the cutting edge of weapon development and scientific breakthroughs alongside Tyl Regor. She was even a sort of patient zero for the Tube Men as her genetic material was used as material of how to replicate perfect clones. having another scientist unknowingly working to her plans, she had contacted Alad V and leaked information of a new "grineer" technology could help cure the infestation. If it could work the results of the adaptive tubemen could create a cure for the infestation, or if it would be a potent toxin against the infested.
   In the past, Nighty's first task was the elimination of scattered fringe orokin colonies and later secretly she was tasked with discreetly discovering how to undo and control the genetic locks on orokin technology. This lead her to begin assimilating orokin and warframe technology into the grineer arsenal to allow for weapons such as the seer, janus key, and asterisk.


Nighty has 12,500,000 health / 1,000,000 shields / 6,000 armor and is immune to critical damage.
Nighty will occasionally release a red flash bang (Like Alad V), stripping them of 100% shields and reducing accuracy by 100% for 12 seconds.
Nighty has a red nullifier shield that prevents warframe abilities from hitting and affecting her, however weapons can still pass through this shield.
Nighty can release a powerful AoE shockwave knocking down all grounded players within a 35m radius and lighting them on fire.
Nighty will occassionally shatter a window causing all tenno in the room to sufficate, hack a terminal to close it.

Nighty will teleport around constantly and levitates midair with jet boots making melee weapons obsolete.

Nighty gains 250% of her max shields as overshield every time a graxx is defeated.
Nighty gains 500 armor for every graxx enemy currently alive
Nighty is impervious to finishers.

Upon appearing, she will summon LvL 165 copies of every player in the game. 100% of damage dealt to these copies affects the player that copy was created from. Don't nuke them all at once or you will all die. Throughout the battle she will occasionally summon additional shadowed copies at random.
-Nighty is near invincible at 99% Damage Reduction while these copies are alive. Ordis says he's using the shadows to protect himself similar to how trinity redirects damage.

During the battle Nighty will summon Graxx Warriors, warframes she's had captured and controlled since the Gradivus Dilemma. These warframes are completely under grineer influence and must be defeated. Defeating a Graxx Warframe will cause them to go down, you must use your tenno and hijack control by transferring into them via transference. These graxx warframes deal Increased damage to Nighty and Ignore her bonus armor. You can only control these graxx for 15s before they decay forcing you back to your warframe.



-Graxx Nyx uses chaos, friendly fire with chaos. Swaps graxx enemies to look like allies and actual allies now look like graxx.
-Nova TWINS use Molecular Prime, slows tenno down and makes them vulnerable *nova spawns in groups of two as Gnova and Graxx Nova, nighty gains 500 armor from each and they're half as tanky as other graxx warframes.
-Ember uses Inferno which makes enemies vulnerable and deals heat DoT, capable of spreading to other enemies.
-Limbo uses Cataclysm and banish. Must roll to exit void from banish.
-Mesa uses Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery, damage reduction and prevents use of guns.
-Nekros can use Fear and Shadows of the Dead, brings back dead graxx allies and causes tenno to lose control of character for several seconds. Desecrate also severly lowers bleed out time.
-Mag uses shield polarize and pull. Polarize removes all shields of tenno and pull will stun and give magnetic procs to all tenno hit by pull. Polarize also restores 30% of nightwatch and graxx enemies. *KILL HER BEFORE NIGHTY CAN BE RESTORED*
-Vauban uses grenades and Vortex, pulls enemies in and can annoy enemies with traps. Graxx Vauban also deploys all sorts of rollers.
-Valkyr uses hysteria, war cry, and ripline. Ripline drags a tenno to the graxx with a stun, Warcry slows all tenno down, Hysteria grants her 90% damage reduction.
-Saryn uses Spores, toxic lash, and miasma. Miasma halves health of all tenno, toxic lash lets her ignore shields, spores strips armor and damage reduction like halo, iron skin, and shatter shield.
-Hydroid can drown and trap tenno in puddles. Must damage puddle to have hydroid transform back. *If all 8 players are trapped hydroid instantly releases them all*
-Atlas will hunt down and punch tenno to death, stunning and sometimes killing them. *Atlas can gain massive amounts of armor, killing him sooner means he won't be an issue to kill later.
-Zephyr can summon tornadoes, use turbulence making only melee viable vs her, and uses air burst which ragdolls tenno if hit by them.
-Frost can freeze two tenno in place that must be broken free by other players via avalanche and can create snowglobes. If frozen allies are invulnerable but if not set free in 20 seconds will shatter and instantly die.
-Harrow allows enemies to 1shot you with higher critical chance with covenant. Harrow can also heal allied nightwatch, including nighty. Harrow can also chain you, making you invulnerable but must be broken out of chains by ally melee attack.
-Volt will shock tenno with lightning bolts, halving their shields. 
-Chroma will give extra armor and damage to nighty and will stick close to Nighty like a body guard
-Rhino can use stomp to knockdown all tenno on the map at random. 
other graxx enemies are kinda obvious in terms of what they would do. Graxx enemies will be added based on future graxx skins. The idea to ass draxx skins I think is cool as it's technically a new enemy but also a reused asset. Also let's be honest, having enemies like this on the map is DIFFICULT to the extreme.

At 5% Health, Nighty will panic and demand the pilots to release the contained spores and cut off life support, suffocating all tenno inside the ship. Kill her fast.

Once Nighty has been defeated, she will go down and is open to a parazon kill. her parazon finisher is unique, as it will involve 4 players killing her. After she is defeated you must extract. A scene plays where the ship blows up behind you.


Mission 5 LvL 185 {Derelict} (NIGHTMARE Defense / Hijack / Assassination)

  • The Nightwatch are flooding into the room and have cut off life support hoping to kill the tenno that way. Life support capsules spawn within this large Derelict Tile. The % of LS is the % of Max hp your warframe will have. so if Nidus with 1000 hp has 50% life support, he will only have 500 hp at maximum.
  • The area outside the main defense point is bathed in radioactive material which will only affect warframes for 10 radiation damage per second. This means your team will kill you if you're not careful.
  • Every minute of the Survival, 8 Nightwatch Manics will spawn to hunt down tenno.
  • Every minute of the Survival, Players must hack 2 terminals around the map within 25s. Failure to do so will cause an EMP, applying magnetic status to all warframes and nullify all abilities for 10s while deactivating all currently active abilities.

   In order to complete this Survival you must survive for 20 minutes and ATLEAST charge the fomorian core with 25,000 Shields which is required to charge the Core to maximum, priming it for an explosion. Overcharging the core will result in a bonus score.

   After the Core has been successfully charged, Nighty will reveal herself. You must now defeat the Nightwatch General Nighty (PH). Around the Arena you will find Ammo restoration machines. Through the battle she will mock you at how you failed your family and are currently killing them. You swore to save them during the gradivus dilemma but their trust let her experiment on the warframes, enslaving them and succeeding where vor had failed and that she can use the tenno and their technology against you. She laughs at how you betrayed the your orokin masters and how you were the reason their uprising could happen. You were the reason the system was under their iron grasp and trillions have been killed or enslaved. You also notice that she is strangely more human looking than many of the other grineer.


Nighty has 15,000,000 health / 2,500,000 shields / 6,500 armor and is immune to physical and critical damage.
Nighty will occasionally release a red flash bang (Like Alad V), stripping them of 100% shields and reducing accuracy by 100% for 12 seconds.
Nighty has a red nullifier shield that prevents warframe abilities from hitting and affecting her, however weapons can still pass through this shield.
Nighty can release a powerful AoE shockwave knocking down all grounded players within a 35m radius and lighting them on fire.
Nighty will occassionally shatter a window causing all tenno in the room to sufficate, hack a terminal to close it.
Nighty will teleport around constantly and levitates midair with jet boots making melee weapons obsolete.

Nighty gains 500% of her max shields as overshield every time a graxx is defeated.
Nighty gains 600 armor for every graxx enemy currently alive
Nighty is impervious to finishers.

Upon appearing, she will summon LvL 165 copies of every player in the game. 100% of damage dealt to these copies affects the player that copy was created from. Don't nuke them all at once or you will all die. Throughout the battle she will occasionally summon additional shadowed copies at random.
-Nighty is near invincible at 99% Damage Reduction while these copies are alive. Ordis says he's using the shadows to protect himself similar to how trinity redirects damage.

During the battle Nighty will summon Graxx Warriors, warframes she's captured and controlled since the Gradivus Dilemma. These warframes are completely under grineer influence and must be defeated. Defeating a Graxx Warframe will cause them to go down, you must use your tenno and hijack control by transferring into them via transference. These graxx warframes deal Increased damage to Nighty and Ignore her bonus armor. You can only control these graxx for 15s before they decay forcing you back to your warframe.



-Graxx Nyx uses chaos, friendly fire with chaos. Swaps graxx enemies to look like allies and actual allies now look like graxx and causes uninhabbited warframes and companions to attack at random.
-Nova TWINS use Molecular Prime, one slowing and one speeding making enemy tenno vulnerable to more damage. *nova spawns in groups of two as Gnova and Graxx Nova, nighty gains 500 armor from each and they're half as tanky as other graxx warframes.
-Ember uses Inferno which makes enemies vulnerable and deals heat DoT, capable of spreading to other enemies.
-Limbo uses Cataclysm and banish. Must roll to exit void from banish. When in the rift your bullets will be frozen in time.
-Mesa uses Shatter Shield and Shooting Gallery, damage reduction and disarms tenno.
-Nekros can use Fear and Shadows of the Dead, brings back dead graxx allies and causes tenno to lose control of character for several seconds. Desecrate also removes bleed out time automatically harvesting the tenno's Oro.
-Mag can use shield polarize granting over shields and recovering 30% shield to all allies. Mag can also place bullet attractors on her enemies enabling friendly fire. Her pull will also force stagger all tenno caught in range.
-Vauban uses grenades and Vortex, pulls enemies in and can annoy enemies with traps. Graxx Vauban also deploys all sorts of rollers. Avoid glowing circles, or you'll get stuck by a devestating orbital strike.
-Valkyr uses hysteria, war cry, and ripline. Ripline drags a tenno to the graxx with a stun, Warcry slows all tenno down, Hysteria makes her unkillable
-Saryn uses Spores, toxic lash, and miasma. Miasma halves health of all tenno, toxic lash lets her ignore shields, spores strips armor and damage reduction like halo, iron skin, and shatter shield.
-Hydroid can drown and trap tenno in puddles. Must damage puddle to have hydroid transform back. *If all 8 players are trapped hydroid instantly kills them all*
-Atlas will create an army of immortal rumblers and get stronger with armor over time. he will hunt down tenno and petrify them before smashing them, skipping bleedout.
-Zephyr can summon tornadoes, use turbulence making only melee viable vs her, and uses air burst which ragdolls tenno if hit by them, crippling them.
-Frost can freeze two tenno in place that must be broken free by other players via avalanche and can create snowglobes. If frozen allies are invulnerable but if not set free in 20 seconds will shatter and instantly die.
-Harrow allows enemies to 1shot you with higher critical chance with covenant. Harrow can also heal allied nightwatch, including nighty. harrow can also chain you, making you invulnerable but must be broken out of chains by ally melee attack.
-Volt will shock tenno with lightning bolts, destroying their shields and arcing damage to nearby tenno.
-Chroma will give extra armor and damage to nighty and will stick close to Nighty like a body guard.
-Rhino can use stomp to knockdown all tenno in a 25m radius, lifting them temporarily.
other graxx enemies are kinda obvious in terms of what they would do. Graxx enemies will be added based on future graxx skins. The idea to ass draxx skins I think is cool as it's technically a new enemy but also a reused asset. Also let's be honest, having enemies like this on the map is DIFFICULT to the extreme.

At 5% Health, Nighty will panic and demand the pilots to release the contained spores and cut off life support, suffocating all tenno inside the ship. Kill her fast.

Once Nighty has been defeated, she will go down and is open to a parazon kill. her parazon finisher is unique, as it will involve 4 players killing her. After she is defeated you must extract. A scene plays where the ship blows up behind you.

REWARDS: 1 Random Graxx Specter Blueprint / 1 New Weapon Part / 1 Random Companion Arcane / Nighty Sigil
REWARDS: 5 Random Graxx Specter Blueprints / 2 New Weapon Parts / 2 Random Companion Arcanes / Nighty Emblem

-----------------RAID REWARDS------------------
You don't need to read this really, I just find it fun to come up with rewards for my raid concepts. These are all completely made up, but I feel as if players would find them worth farming for. If you do read it, please give me some feedback 🙂
Weapon *Tradeable*


Passive: 50% Bullet Jump speed and rocket propelled heavy attacks launching you 5m towards your target.

Nighty's signature weapon, a pair of rocket powered sparring weapons featuring rocket boots enhancing mobility and violent explosions on contact. Turn the Nightwatch General's gauntlets towards the enemy in nuclear fury with the Graketkhuser.

24h Grakethuser // 2 Grakethuser Gauntlets / 2 Grakethuser Boots / 2 Grakethuser Rockets / 5 Detonite Injectors / 100,000 Credits

Attack Speed: 0.953 // Attack Range: 1.25 // Attack Damage: 196
Blocking Angle: 50// Combo Duration: 5s // Follow Through: 0.8
Critical Chance: 27.5% // Critical Multiplier: 2.35X // Status Chance: 18.3%
13.1 Puncture // 47.4 Impact // 135.5 Blast damage

Slam Attack Damage: 588 // Slam Radial Damage: 392 // Slam Radius: 11.0
Slide Attack Damage: 196

HEAVY Attack Damage: 1568 // Heavy Wind Up 0.45
HEAVY Slam Attack Damage 1045 // HEAVY Slam Radial Damage 1045 // HEAVY Slam Radius 12.0

   For anyone curious why I picked these stats, This is for you. The name translates to Rocket Killer and it's passive is mostly just a fun factor to maybe make players appreciate it more. The weapon is rocket powered and heavy hitting but I didn't want it too slow especially since it's crit based so berserker will be the go to. I'm putting it just a hair below average because of that. The range is of course equal to that of all other sparring weapons and the attack damage is higher than normal because it's an elite weapon only obtainable through some of the hardest content in the game. The blocking angle and combo count are normal but the Follow Through was changed to put more variety into the weapon, hopefully making people think more. It's a new stat to play with. Crit chance is above average but not so high as to overshadow the critical sparring competition. This sparring would be the only weapon of it's kind to have an innate damage type further separating it from it's competition.
   What really separates this weapon is it's slam attacks. The normal slam attack damage is of course 3X base damage, as usual. However it's radial damage isn't 1/3 slam, it's 2/3 of the slam letting it deal more damage. I've switched the slide and slam attack damage values. Furthermore it's slam radius is doubled letting it strike many enemies with a single powerful explosion. If you're keeping up with the current meta of the game this will sound like a slam heavy attack build weapon but without the DoT and instead has Area damage.
   Recently, we have gained heavy attacks and I've done some testing. For some reason the trend of heavy attacks is 12X for status sparring weaponry. Kogake, Prisma Obex, and Obex all have this 12X. They all feature high status chance, thus their slam attacks gain 12X damage and it's why the Kogake Prime has the highest heavy damage in the game. However the critical weapons, Korrudo and Hirudo have lower multipliers. Korrudo being 10.5X, probably to make up for it's attack speed, and the Hirudo being at a miserable 6.5X due to it's critical potential. This means the Grakethusar will be placed in between the Korrudo and Hirudo slam attacks at 8X. Tell me if you think that may be too powerful. As with above I swapped the slide damage and radial damage values and this in turn makes it deal slightly more damage then the kogake prime with radial, but not single target. The radius is also bumped up by 1m as is usual with heavy slam attacks.
   TLDR it's a completely different sparring weapon from what we currently have. With it's powerful AoE Slam focused blast damage it's far different to any weapon we currently have in both stats and playstyle making it, I believe, a worthy weapon to earn from this raid.

Companion Arcanes *Tradeable*


Companions will now have a special Arcane Slot, however it will only be active is the pet is alive. this is to make sure players care about their companion. Companions will only have 1 arcane. These arcanes are not meant to be universally viable on all companions either. Some arcanes will favor certain companions over others. Also I have changed some arcane functionality and names to better suit game balance.

Arcane Undying
Companion has 85% chance to ignore lethal damage and become fully restored
*Does not stack with tek assult*

Arcane Precept
All enemies that are affected by penjaga polarity mods lose 50% Max Armor and Max Shields

Arcane Phantom Bullet
Companions gain 75% evasion and can hit enemies through walls.

Arcane Rapacity
Enemies attacked by your companion will drop 5% > 10% > 15% > 20% more credits on death

Arcane Reaver
Enemies affected by companion's abilities have a 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% creater chance to drop energy orbs and health orbs on death

Arcane Predator
Companion has a 6 > 12 > 18 > 24% chance to instantly kill an enemy with it's next attack. 8 > 7 > 6 > 5 second cool down.

Arcane Vanishing Point
Companion becomes invisible to enemies that are within 4 > 6 > 8 > 10 meters of them.

Arcane Revenger
25% > 50% > 75% > 100% chance to respawn/revive your companion if the enemy that downed/killed them is killed.

Arcane Evolution
20% > 40% > 60% > 80% chance that upon being harmed, companion gains armor equal to 50% of it's max Health for 18 seconds

Arcane Pull
When companion is hit they have a 8% > 16% > 24% > 32% chance to stagger all enemies within 8 > 10 > 12 > 14 meters

Arcane Debility
Companions deal 100% > 200% > 300% > 400% more damage per status on enemy

Arcane Bloodlust
After killing an enemy the companion has attacked, companion gains 75% > 150% > 225% > 300% attack speed and movement speed for 5 > 6 > 7 > 8 seconds

Arcane Efficiency
25% > 50% > 75% > 100% After casting an ability, All of companions cooldowns are reduced by 25% > 30% > 35% > 40%

Arcane Svalinn
20% > 40% > 60% > 80% When warframe is affected by status proc, companion will take the status in your place.

Arcane Intangibility
Companion gains 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Evasion

Arcane Hunter's Mark
Enemies affected by your abilities suffer 50% > 100% > 150% > 200% more critical damage from companions

Arcane Pack
Companion gains 2.5% > 5% > 7.5% > 10% damage resistance per ally nearby up to 60% > 70% > 80% > 90%

Arcane Slipstream
Companion leaves a stream of energy in it's path for 10s > 14s > 18s > 22s increasing sprint speed by 10% > 20% > 30% > 40%

Arcane Hunter
Enhances or applies the Hunter Mod Set bonus by 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 for 5s > 7s > 9s > 11s when Companion takes damage.

Arcane Auger
Enhances or applies the Auger Mod Set bonus by 1 > 2 > 3 > 4 for 5s > 7s > 9s > 11s when Companion takes damage.

Arcane Scorch
Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Heat Damage to attackers.

Arcane Freezing
Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Cold Damage to attackers.

Arcane Spark
Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Electric Damage to attackers.

Arcane Plague
Companions reflect 55% > 110% > 165% > 220% of incoming damage as Toxin Damage to attackers.

Mods *Tradeable*


   Those who saw this post before may be confused about the new design I've gone with for mods. Here you go. The #✰ will be how expensive, or how many ranks, the mod will have to be upgraded to reach max. I've also shown what % they will have at what rank. To the right you will see <# Polarity>. This is the cost of said mod, and what polarity they would fit into.
   Unfortunately, there will not be as many mod rewards as my "Revenge of the Sergeant" because this raid is more arcane focused. These are only meant to be side rewards but are still VERY MUCH worth farming for. However I have increased the concepted reward pool of mods to include more build variety.

Set Bonus will be to buff the set mods. Set Bonus stacks only up to 3 times, you do not need the whole set.

3✰ Nightwatch Negligence (Warframe Mod) <8 Vazarin>
When below 20% > 30% > 40% > 50% health, gain 5% > 10% > 15% > 20% Evasion
(10% Health and 5% Evasion Increase per Set Bonus Tier)

7✰ Nightwatch Hazard (Warframe Exilus Mod) <9 Vazarin>
5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Fire resistance  5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Toxin Resistance
5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Ice Resistance  5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Electric Resistance
(15% Resistance per Set Bonus Tier)

9✰ Nightwatch Onslaught (Melee Mod) <12 Madurai>
Increases range of Heavy Attacks by 0.2m > 0.4m > 0.6m > 0.8m > 1.0m > 1.2m > 1.4m > 1.6m > 1.8m > 2m
Increases Heavy Attack Damage by 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% > 65% > 70% > 75% > 80%
(.2m Heavy Attack Range and 20% Heavy Attack Damage Increase per Set bonus Tier)

9✰ Nightwatch Ricochet (Sniper Mod) <12 Naramon>
While crouched, shots bounce up to 1 additional enemy dealing 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% . 50% > 60% > 70% > 80% > 90% > 100% damage dealt to original target.
(1 Bounce Increase per Set Bonus Tier)

10✰ Nightwatch Munitions (Secondary Mod) <14 Madurai>
+10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% . 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% Slash
10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% Impact
(+10% Increase per Set Bonus Tier)

5✰ Rocket Jump (Warframe Aura Mod) <9 Naramon>
+2% > 4% > 6% > 8% > 10% > 12% Bullet Jump

10✰ Bolt Runner (Warframe Exilus Mod) <14 Zenurik>
+2% > 4% > 6% > 8% > 10% > 12% > 14% > 16% > 18% > 20% > 22% Sprint Speed
+3% > 6% > 9% > 12% > 15% > 18% > 21% > 24% > 27% > 30% > 33% Bullet Jump 

9✰ Warrior's Armor (Warframe Mod) <16 Vazarin>
Warframe armor scales with Melee Combo Counter with 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% > 45% > 50% > 55% > 60% Efficiency

4✰ Nocturne Barrel  (Primary Exilus Mod) <10 Vazarin>
While in dark areas, reduces chance an enemy will hear and feel gunfire by 20% > 40% > 60% > 80% > 100%
While in dark areas, recoil is reduced by 10% > 20% > 30% > 40% > 50%

3✰ Quarantined Toxicant (Melee Mod) <9 Naramon>
+15% > 30% > 45% > 60% Toxin Damage
+10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Melee Combo Efficiency

3✰ Fixed Ardent (Melee Mod) <9 Madurai>
+15% > 30% > 45% > 60% Heat Damage
+10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Melee Combo Efficiency

3✰ Condensed Cold (Melee Mod) <9 Vazarin>
+15% > 30% > 45% > 60% Electricity
+10% > 20% > 30% > 40% Melee Combo Efficiency

7✰ Everblight (Melee Mod) <16 Madurai>
+7.5% > 15% > 22.5% > 30% > 37.5% > 45% > 52.5% > 60% Status Duration
+5% > 10% > 15% > 20% > 25% > 30% > 35% > 40% Melee Damage per Status Type affecting target

   So, as before, feel free to comment on the Raid, Difficulty, and Rewards even if it means you tear it up cause you hate it. If you have questions feel free to ask because they could be anything. it could be "How would this remain relevant" or "Why was this boss added?" "what was the purpose of X mechanic?" I did leave out my *tips* to conserve space but I did craft almost every scenario to favor specific warframes and augments over others so there are little tricks to use here and there depending on your choice of frame.
   I again have to stress this, This was NOT meant to be easy and especially not the nightmare. I am a firm believer in ENDGAME and that it can exist if DE wanted to make it. There's a reason why Raids are almost always seen at the center of MMO games and are incorporated in it's progression. It's because they work and they are addictive.

   If you're wondering why I'm typing such long posts it's because I've got nothing else to do right now while I wait for Cy to be built so why not fill the forums with concepts. If you did read the whole post and stats then you'll see some strange numbers lol. This is because I lack the ability to calculate exactly what the numbers mean in EHP. In reality the only thing I can compare them to is the eidolons and orbs. With them it's easy because the there's a slider to show the stats and compare that to community feedback, videos, and in general information I already have at my disposal. That is a luxury that I lack when it comes to concepted bosses. It's a downside of not having complete freedom in the simulacrum and not knowing the in depth systems of the game. But I do want them to remain super tanky. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

Edited by Violet_Xe
Changed "Ayatan" to "Endo" in Rewards for Mission 1
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Dude this was great , honestly hope it’s not like a one try thing because this sound challenging and would be sad to be 1 hour in and one person mess up and gotta restart everything lol ... but I’m assuming it’s one load-out throughout? . DE need to put you in the creative design team , also can you make something on endless mission rewards . I made my own but i feel as if it could be better .  

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31 minutes ago, (PS4)ggh667124 said:

Dude this was great , honestly hope it’s not like a one try thing because this sound challenging and would be sad to be 1 hour in and one person mess up and gotta restart everything lol ... but I’m assuming it’s one load-out throughout? . DE need to put you in the creative design team , also can you make something on endless mission rewards . I made my own but i feel as if it could be better .  

   It isn't a 1 try thing. If the mission fails players would either have the option to repeat the mission or leave otherwise nobody would even risk it. Why spend 2 hours on something only to end up failing at the very end. Whether they replay or leave, they will have the option to start it again whenever they desire. However if the mission is completed then it's done for the day like a sortie would be. This is to prevent reward inflation and progress being gained too fast allowing DE breathing room for content development on the side.

   It is also 1 load out yes. The idea is to have players make compromises over and over and over and rely on each other to cover for their weaknesses while protecting other's with their strengths. It also makes players go into situations where they need almost all aspects of the game. These could be gear, focus, build variety, and more. But the grineer one is more straight forward and doesn't need as much thought as what my other raids would entail. Taking the corpus one for example it constantly presents challenges that no build can counter, but rather skill, communication, a plan, and organization will raise your chances at winning.

   I'll see about the endless rewards, but I'm not too sure how on the mark I'll be.

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