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The one issue I have with the Kuva Lich system

(XBOX)Erudite Prime

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The fact that "Kuva Lich Territory" missions where you farm Thralls are separate from Fissures, Invasion Alerts, and Nightmare missions. The grind would be WAY better if we could get Murmurs while getting our Prime Parts and other stuff. Instead of making Lich Territory missions their own thing, simply combine it with whatever the mission normally is, kinda like how after a certain faction takes over a node - like when the Corpus take over Hydron - you don't get a choice there. This would both streamline the Murmur farm, and give you better incentive to deal with the Lich sooner rather than later.

Edit: Further Suggestions
-Allow Liches to level up and spread their territory on their own, not just when you fail to kill them. Maybe based simply on the daily reset?
-Allow Liches to go above Level 5, but rather than any plain level/stat increases, give them a new ability for each level over 5. These new abilities would either be pulled from random, or pulled from the Warframe you last failed to kill them with.

Edited by (XB1)Erudite Prime
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6 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

The fact that "Kuva Lich Territory" missions where you farm Thralls are separate from Fissures, Invasion Alerts, and Nightmare missions. The grind would be WAY better if we could get Murmurs while getting our Prime Parts and other stuff. Instead of making Lich Territory missions their own thing, simply combine it with whatever the mission normally is, kinda like how after a certain faction takes over a node - like when the Corpus take over Hydron - you don't get a choice there. This would both streamline the Murmur farm, and give you better incentive to deal with the Lich sooner rather than later.

Agred. Realistically speaking, there's nothing special about Lich missions other than they spawn Lich Thralls. Well, and they're higher level, but that's immaterial - the game does this kind of level scaling irrespective of mission type. I would very much like to be able to run a Lich version of Siphons/Fissures/Nightmares/Invasions/Syndicate missions. The way they're segregated makes Liches feel very tacked-on, like a separate unconnected system.


6 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

-Allow Liches to level up and spread their territory on their own, not just when you fail to kill them. Maybe based simply on the daily reset?
-Allow Liches to go above Level 5, but rather than any plain level/stat increases, give them a new ability for each level over 5. These new abilities would either be pulled from random, or pulled from the Warframe you last failed to kill them with.

That's a no on both kinds. The last thing I want is a Warframe version of the Avatar Project. The game increasing its difficulty without my consent AND infinitely so is not something I'm interested in. Rank 5 Liches are already annoying to fight since they're surrounded by level 100 enemies where game systems start to break down and their own abilities are more irritating than challenging. The last thing I want is a Luch who switch-teleports me AND Rhino-charges through me every 5 seconds. Kuva Liches lack a lot of things, but tedious difficulty is not among them.

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On 2019-12-01 at 6:06 AM, Steel_Rook said:

The game increasing its difficulty without my consent AND infinitely so is not something I'm interested in.

Consent? The Lich system is 100% optional. You realize that enemy levels already increase infinitely in normal missions, right? And how would the Lich getting some new abilities make it that much harder? Liches are already EZ PZ LMN SQZY even at level 5. 

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18 hours ago, (XB1)Erudite Prime said:

Consent? The Lich system is 100% optional. You realize that enemy levels already increase infinitely in normal missions, right? And how would the Lich getting some new abilities make it that much harder? Liches are already EZ PZ LMN SQZY even at level 5. 

The system itself is optional. However, once a player has opted into it, there's no easy way out. Plenty of people got saddled with Liches they still can't get out. Plenty more jump into the system to try it out only to realise they can't handle it. I mean, a level 5 Lich brings with it level 100+ enemies. Despite what the forums might have you believe, that's not easy. It might be FOR YOU, but that's not true across the board. Right now, Liches only level up if players attempt to kill them. Players also have the option of shooting them down multiple times and letting them escape, which removes the Lich without levelling it up. Thus, the Lich only levels up if the player chooses to allow them, much in the same way as missions are only high-level if the player picks a high-level mission to do, or if the player chooses to stay longer in an infinite mission. Liches levelling up without the player's interaction and seemingly infinitely just means that a player could get a Lich, do other content for a while and then all of a sudden find themselves with a Level 15 Lich they can't really kill.

Like I said - I'm always going to be against the game becoming harder without my interaction with it. Even if I've chosen to fight a Lich, I still don't want that Lich to evolve and level up while I'm offline.

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"Plenty of people got saddled with Liches they still can't get out." Who are these people? Liches don't go above Sortie-level, and if a player is struggling with that, they can easily ask others for help and then never touch the Lich system again until they're stronger. Where are you getting this "seemingly infinitely" idea from? I clearly said that they wouldn't get higher stats beyond level 5, just new abilities.

Edited by (XB1)Erudite Prime
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