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20M Range Is Too Dam Short


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we using guns, and 20M is just throwing stones or playing pop guns.

shotguns , HELD weapon need a increase range for compare to all other projector/bullet weapons in WF.



We just need 2 second to cross 20M  in WF ,and if there's a target at 20M  why not just press 4 ?(actually all Ulta have 20M+ range)



Don't believe wiki, no HELD weapon have 20+M range effect distant now.


Edited by Cary2010haha
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what? if you are talking about the flux rifle or synapse or the laser pistol (forgot name) its not only for balance but also makes sense. any projected energy weapon that uses a continuous stream of energy to do damage would inherently have a short range because it would require an exponential increase in power the further it goes. if you are talking abou the embolist, its a gas weapon... that wont go far.


if you mean the flame thrower (really hope you dont) its a flame thrower, not a rifle.

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Cary apparently doesn't understand measurements, math, or how to post a subject.


(s)he's stuck in 2010 haha.


but really I can't figure out what (s)he is trying to complain about. but how about some numbers! yay!

for all the American's and followers of the US standard 20 meters is equal to 65.5 feet (rounded down to the nearest half foot)


65 feet is equivalent to about 2 school busses parked end to end.


for the English and those that play Cricket


20 meters is .98 the length of a cricket pitch (22 meters)

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what? if you are talking about the flux rifle or synapse or the laser pistol (forgot name) its not only for balance but also makes sense. any projected energy weapon that uses a continuous stream of energy to do damage would inherently have a short range because it would require an exponential increase in power the further it goes. if you are talking abou the embolist, its a gas weapon... that wont go far.

if you mean the flame thrower (really hope you dont) its a flame thrower, not a rifle.

search THEL, it have about 1500M effective range , and of cuz it's a huge monster, but in flux size, it shouldn't only have 20M effective range.

flame thrower лпо-50 : effective range 50M, max 70M

gas weapon - Chemical weapon, because "CWC" , we actually not have many data on it, but we all know it affect a very large area and very harmful to everything in the field.

And shotgun, 20-25M falloff to nearly no damage, Pop gun ?

and sorry for my weak english, just the HELD weapon and shotgun have too low effective range, and other bullet/projector weapon in WF and unlimited range makes it so...unacceptable

Edited by Cary2010haha
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what? if you are talking about the flux rifle or synapse or the laser pistol (forgot name) its not only for balance but also makes sense. any projected energy weapon that uses a continuous stream of energy to do damage would inherently have a short range because it would require an exponential increase in power the further it goes. if you are talking abou the embolist, its a gas weapon... that wont go far.


if you mean the flame thrower (really hope you dont) its a flame thrower, not a rifle.


Woah but De just send balance to the abyss with the new tenno weaponry.

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Why shotguns have fall off ?

Look at the enemies you are facing. Grineer.

Guys in thick &#! space marine armor. 

I be surprised buck shot actually worked, but I would be using slugs if shooting anyone wearing such heavy armor.



Flux is a different beast from THEL.

You are running on a hand held rifle off a tiny battery pack.

The THEL is the size of SIX city buses. Just weapon alone. Not counting the power source and crap.

That fact that the Flux can melt through anything is great news for a weapon with such a limited power pack.



Flame Thrower. 

Oh 50 meter range you say ?

This is obviously game balance.

And I did an alert with lvl105 scorchers. I can live without 50 meter range Scorchers.


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Flame Thrower. 

Oh 50 meter range you say ?

This is obviously game balance.

And I did an alert with lvl105 scorchers. I can live without 50 meter range Scorchers.


This made me laugh, yeah that would be bad.


Flux I can deal with having a short range. Flux is a pulse beam it falls apart with range and it is realistic for it to have short range.


The flux rifle is actually a fairly realistic pulse rifle. It fires an instantaneous beam that deals physical (slashing) damage.

A pulse rifle is a kind of laser that pulses so rapidly it begins to tear matter apart instead of simply heating it up. It has short range due to blooming (the laser loses cohesion in atmosphere) and range makes it so the pulses don't strike the same area, limiting how much damage it can do.


 It only for gameplay reason that weapons like Wraith have a fall-off starting at 15meter.

Edited by LazyKnight
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(s)he's stuck in 2010 haha.


but really I can't figure out what (s)he is trying to complain about. but how about some numbers! yay!

for all the American's and followers of the US standard 20 meters is equal to 65.5 feet (rounded down to the nearest half foot)


65 feet is equivalent to about 2 school busses parked end to end.


for the English and those that play Cricket


20 meters is .98 the length of a cricket pitch (22 meters)

Wow! If only DE followed their own measurement system! If the Flux actually had 2 school bus's worth of range I bet nobody would complain.

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Why shotguns have fall off ?

Look at the enemies you are facing. Grineer.

Guys in thick &#! space marine armor. 

I be surprised buck shot actually worked, but I would be using slugs if shooting anyone wearing such heavy armor.



Flux is a different beast from THEL.

You are running on a hand held rifle off a tiny battery pack.

The THEL is the size of SIX city buses. Just weapon alone. Not counting the power source and crap.

That fact that the Flux can melt through anything is great news for a weapon with such a limited power pack.



Flame Thrower. 

Oh 50 meter range you say ?

This is obviously game balance.

And I did an alert with lvl105 scorchers. I can live without 50 meter range Scorchers.


do you read my quote ? obviously i don't need the flame thrower have 50 M effect range.

i just tell --Ragon-- flame thrower can have very long effective range

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Wow! If only DE followed their own measurement system! If the Flux actually had 2 school bus's worth of range I bet nobody would complain.

right, now the "20M" in warframe is super super short, an any other bullet and projector weapon with no range limit and have far more DPS than HELD weapon

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 It only for gameplay reason that weapons like Wraith have a fall-off starting at 15meter.

It's not even just for gameplay reasons. You don't see soldiers actively using shotguns outside of house-to-house or CQB engagements because the poor armour penetration performances of shotguns. This poor penetration gets increasing worst at distance making the damage and falloff somewhat logical, especially when you consider the Grineer as they wear heavy armour. 


Even in a close quarters environment, the use of a shotgun isn't to kill them outright or incapacitate them with the actual shot going through them, but to incapacitate them or kill them with shear blunt force. Basically, its like hitting someone with a sledge hammer and all the glorious force that comes with it at 15m.

Edited by Whyan
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