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September Alert Rewards [Charts]


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Greetings, first post here.


Had some free time on my hands so I did some quick charts on alert rewards.

All data taken from the official twitter.

Alternate helmets treated separately from all the other BPs (though they fall in the blueprint category) just because I thought it might be interesting to see the results.


Posting for... thoughts/opinions?


Edit: thanks for the positive response :) Also reduced height of the charts to make them fit slightly better.

Edit2: slight data update (some alert data from September 30th was missing)














Edited by Xydrael
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Thanks a lot for this. I shall draw some conclusions, completely ignoring the 3 types of lies:


The amount of credit-only Alerts is too damn high.

Resources are a bit wonky. Not sure what DE is basing the RNG from.

Vauban Helmet and Catalysts are lol. Everything else seems to be okay, albeit a bit rare.

Far as I can tell Helmets are fine. RNG.

The 3 Event Auras seem rarer, with everything else being about the same.

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First post!? You sir, deserve a pat on the back! Welcome to the forums!


Now this is what I am talking about. Solid statistics, straight from the https://twitter.com/WarframeAlerts'>horse's mouth. I applaud you for making this! Should be a big slap in the face to DE. and seriously considered on their part. 3 out of every 4 alerts are worthless.. Damn.


Please continue to make this monthly, if you have the spare time of course. 



Edited by KingKeif
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First post!? You sir, deserve a pat on the back! Welcome to the forums!


Now this is what I am talking about. Solid statistics you really can't argue with I applaud you for making this! Should be a big slap in the face that DE should take seriously. 3 out of every 4 alerts are worthless.. Damn.


In your opinion. If you need credits then credit alerts are worthwhile especially for newer players (who are more likely to need credits).


My thoughts on the data? It seems fine. A forma once a week on average and a reactor 3 times a month and a catalyst once a month seems about right, maybe 2 reactors and 2 catalysts a month would be better but it may average out to that.

Edited by Silvershadow66
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So when do we grab pitchforks and torches?


 Don't bother. Don't need to yell and scream about this. The Data speaks for itself.



 It isn't particularly horrible - in fact I imagine most of us would have expected it to look like it does on a chart. I'm not to bothered by the knowledge that Reward alerts happen roughly 25% of the time.

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Now this is what I am talking about. Solid statistics, straight from the horse's mouth. I applaud you for making this! Should be a big slap in the face to DE. and seriously considered on their part. 3 out of every 4 alerts are worthless.. Damn.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that "worthless" alerts and those that yield reward other then credits spawn independently although the latter on much lower rate.

It is perfectly natural and fine that those charts look this way. You didn't expect 90% of alerts to reward BP or aura, now did you?

Edited by xGryphus
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In your opinion. If you need credits then credit alerts are worthwhile especially for newer players (who are more likely to need credits).


My thoughts on the data? It seems fine. A forma once a week on average and a reactor 3 times a month and a catalyst once a month seems about right, maybe 2 reactors and 2 catalysts a month would be better but it may average out to that.



i don't know what people expect. a 1:4 chance of getting something useful is quite much.

do they want everything at an instance?

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