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Let Resource Drones Pick Up After Us


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Generally for each Railjack mission the time it takes to fulfill the mission objectives themselves can take from around 15 minutes up to nearly a hour based on the difficulty of the node you're running. But this doesn't really feel tedious until you finish up and then you spend about 15 minutes trying to pick everything up after all the fighters and crewships are gone. I feel like having the option to deploy a Resource Drone to pick up all the loot drops would help reduces the stress on players that might go "I hope I didn't miss a salvage drop" while not completely babying us, because the main problem I've had with salvaging after the main mission is ended is that the blue/yellow/purple loot drops only seem to pop in for us when we're about 1k meters of them, which may seem like a decent range until you consider how large the Railjack mission areas are, let alone all the environmental props that might obfuscate the drops from us. 

I'm perfectly happy to go and break all the destructible loot containers for my Railjack material drops, but holy hell trying to find all those glowing enemy loot drops after every mission makes the grind in this mode painful

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Yeah, they really need to take a look at that.

It was ok the first few times, but when you have to repeat the same missions for dozens of times when farming for specific Avionics, it's just a chore playing "space janitor" for 10 minutes after mission is over.

I wouldn't mind if it was for resources, since that is basically optional, but stuff you really don't want to miss out, and has low drop chances from specific ships ( looking at you Zekti Hyperstrike ) ... it's a pain and just boring.


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I haven't used my fleet of Resource Drones in years; I'd absolutely love this change. It'd give them a use again!
I'd suggest putting them on the gear wheel, or allowing them to be attached to the Railjack itself in drydock. That'd fix so much about the resource and drop pick-ups!

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