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New Bows - Concept Art From Live-Stream #15


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First off...
How freaking cool are these?!?


Secondly, (And I'll probably get some flame for this) I'm gonna call a spade a spade, bows right now seem pretty under-powered.

When Thunderbolt (I didn't get this mod until the night of Update 10) first came out (or a few updates later, I suppose) it was pretty good. It's relatively low explosive damage had a high potential to be increased with damage mods, pushing any bow with a Multishot and Thunderbolt up a tier. 
Then update 9.8 rolled out and put a nerf on it. Well that spoiled some fun.

What's really sad is that the Paris is actually better than the Dread against Corrupted and Grineer. Armour ignore is really the key for high-level fighting. And even then, you can't really get the high-level potential out of either of them without a Forma or two and a Catalyst.
Video of a High Potential Paris Build: 

(Note the Forma, Catalyst, and fully maxed mods)
To get the same kind of performance out of an Acrid, I would have to apply a Catalyst and a Forma, maybe two.

One of my biggest problems is people argue that all weapons are balanced towards endgame. Yeah, I'm pretty sure if I put 4 Forma and a Catalyst on a Braton, I could take that to endgame too. My point here is ANY weapon is good if you're going to put that much time, effort, and conditioning into it.
And for mods? I have a friend who put Four Hundred Hours into gameplay before he got a Multi-shot mod.

My proposal is that a Bow is made to be on the same level of the Ogris.
And while we're on the subject of the Ogris, may I point out that Chemical Research has 2 items??
Bio Research has 5 and Energy Research has 6!
So maybe add one of these new-fangled fancy Bows to the Chemical research? Even something at a higher cost than an Ogris wouldn't bunch my panties so long as it was actually worth putting in time and energy for. And as a Warlord of a clan that has researched everything (Even the new Bio Lab items), something new to aspire to is always nice.

EDIT: I also believe that Thunderbolt needs a rework to be a viable mod, in case that wasn't clear.

This is just my two cents on this matter, please don't take anything I say too seriously, I love Warframe and everything that the wonderful DE team has done with it!
Thank you Edited by TheSuperQ
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If you were also hearing, they said those were previous concepts that didn't get chosen/used (sadly.)
I hope they still are...changes are, they won't.


Yes, bows are pretty underwhelming right now, any sniper outdoes it in value and end game wise, don't take a bow unless you like being frustrated.

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They didn't say they were scrapped, but they did say that they are old concept arts that didn't get chosen back when they've made them.


We do need a nice bow though. 1st and 4th look usable enough. The rest is knee deep in exagarated fantasy weapon style.

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Remember guys, any piece of concept art they showed is only that CONCEPT, it does not mean that any of that (unless they said so during the stream) will make it into the game.


So don't expect any of these bows to show up in the game. It's just showcasing the thoughts they had about how bows could look like.

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What's really sad is that the Paris is actually better than the Dread against Corrupted and Grineer.


Of course it is : Paris has a pointed end which pierces armor while Dread has a flat blade tip made to decapitate and dismember. The arrowpoint should work against armor while the flat blade would bounce against it.


So in missions against Grineers or Corpus, bring the Paris; against the Infested, bring the Dread. It's logical preparation; it's why some weapons are more useful in a given situation than in another. It's why slashing damage works better on unarmed enemies like Infested while armor-piercing arrows works better on heavy armored ones.


Else, there wouldn't be a reason to switch between the two at all once people would have figured out the stats if they ALL did the same thing mechanically.

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What's really sad is that the Paris is actually better than the Dread against Corrupted and Grineer. Armour ignore is really the key for high-level fighting. And even then, you can't really get the high-level potential out of either of them without a Forma or two and a Catalyst.

Video of a High Potential Paris Build: 

(Note the Forma, Catalyst, and fully maxed mods)

To get the same kind of performance out of an Acrid, I would have to apply a Catalyst and a Forma, maybe two.


You can't get the "same performance" between an Acrid and a Paris because they perform two different roles. Additionally, the Dread's actually better than even the Paris Prime if you aim at weak points and don't use Sonar. Like I've said before, don't underestimate the 560% vs. 420% critical damage difference.

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1.  What's really sad is that the Paris is actually better than the Dread against Corrupted and Grineer. Armour ignore is really the key for high-level fighting. And even then, you can't really get the high-level potential out of either of them without a Forma or two and a Catalyst.

2. My proposal is that a Bow is made to be on the same level of the Ogris.

3. And while we're on the subject of the Ogris, may I point out that Chemical Research has 2 items??

Bio Research has 5 and Energy Research has 6!


1. Wait for Armor 2.0


2. Putting bows on par with Ogris would greatly reduce research incentive. 


3. Game is still in beta (i.e. incomplete). Everyone knows chem is short. Energy was fleshed out first. Bio got attention last update. It stands to reason chem lab is next.


On bows: 3 and 5 seem to be designed for Stretch Armstrong. 

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If DE is to make these bows they need to add a lot more bow specific mods to make these really good and put them in the dojo as research to guarantee their awesomeness.  Like a multishot mod that allows you to target 5 enemies and hit them all at once.  If less than 5 are present extra arrows hit the targets. combine this with thunderbolt and you have a weapon that acts alittle like nova in that the thunderbolt explosions cause area of effect damage.

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Still don't understand how Thunderbolt was nerfed....


I thought the change they made was a good thing, am I missing something? O.o

They made it so that instead of Thunderbolt's explosive damage scaling with things like Serration and Elemental damage, the explosions do a set 250 damage.

Edited for Redundancy

Edited by TheSuperQ
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All of those bows look amazing, to be honest they should do an overhaul on bows and make them their own unique item type instead of being lumped in with snipers, and give them more specific mods to increase their viability like thunderbolt.

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woaaaaaaaaaaah theses bows look good as for the space ninjas... we really need more bows... AND MODS THAT GOES ALONG WITH THESE BABIES!! DE!! Please Buff THUNDERBOLT!!! make it atleast it benefit from other mods...

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Ok, so my total overall suggestion:

Chemical Research Item: Ankou

Research Cost: (For Ghost Clans)
15x Detonite Ampules
700x Alloy Plate
500x Polymer Bundle
8x Morphics
10,000x Credits
Requires Ogris Research

Crafting Cost:
7x Detonite Injector
2x Forma
1,250x Plastids
1,500x Alloy Plate
35,000x Credits
Requires Mastery Rank 6+

Mastery Rank - 6
Weapon Type - Primary
Trigger Type - Charge
Damage Type - Armour Piercing (I would also get a kick out of Forcefeild... Ragdoll for days)
Damage - 100
Crit Chance - 5% (I don't think it should be a crit build weapon. The standard 10%-20% used for other snipers would work well too I think)
Crit Damage - 200%"
Fire Rate - 1 shot/sec
Clip - 1 round/clip
Reload Time - 1s
Charge Damage Type - Same as regular
Charge Damage - 200
Charge Time - 1s/Charge
Charge Crit Chance - 10% (As I mentioned about Crit Builds)
Charge Crit Damage - 200%
Polarities - 1 Attack Polarity and 1 Tactic

Please note: These are rough numbers, designed by someone entirely too sleep deprived to consider such things. I would love your opinions, feedback, and suggestions on this, Thank you!


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