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void defends and host


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DE we player of warframe are sick and tired of trolls and A****** so i recommend taking the damn laser consoles in void defends out for damn good and adding a damn kick feature to the host of the groups. Everyday we players go into a void defends for argons we have to deal with A****** players constantly activating those damn lasers to screw others over its irritating  and annoying asf and when they keep doing we cant do crap about it but wait till the damn mission is over or rage quit (losing all the crap we earned and need). So please for the love of god and the warframe community disable those damn lasers in the void defends and add a damn kick feature to the host of the groups we are tired of damn A******s and trolls in this game. 

Edited by (XB1)SERGENT D100
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1) I guess you've never heard of the game "The floor is lava"
2) If you know it's there then stop getting hit by it.
3) A kick feature will never be introduced because of people raging about the smallest of things and wanting to abuse such a feature to feel better about themselves.
4) Don't rage quit and you won't lose your stuff. Sounds more like emotional instability that should be worked on.

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