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Limbo question



Is there a feature, way to notice if Limbo has cast Shift on a target?

A color change an Object indication, Something??

Playing Limbo is kinda strange with his ability based on Shifting things back and forth, but you cant tell if its working.and which targets were hit, if any.

His power seems to require him to Shift things, before the rest of his ability can Do much to the enemy, and the only 1 that Can be noticed is when you create a HUGE bubble and anything in it, can be affected.

Having 10 Enemy shooting at me, casting and they are ALLL still shooting at me, but 1/2 of them have been shifted, and you cant tell WHO IS SHIFTED..

Is htere a way to tell, in a better way then to figure out who can still shoot me?

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The reasons limbo is difficult and mis understood is due to visual misrepresentation and operational inconsistency according to what he is able to affect. 

DE needs to define what the rift can and can't do. On top of that the Arbitrary nature of the rules they have established must be removed cause right now the rules are bcuz reasons. 

I have spokens!!! 

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