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Excalibur, Chroma and Nyx


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We got 3 major changes this year. Melee 3.0, Status changes, Self damage removal. This generally made more weapons more viable. Melee builds in particular are getting more diversed. With the removal of self damage, things like the Lenz, Tonkor and other previous self damaging weapons a chance to shine.

However with those changes, shanked the frames that specializes on those previous mechanics. Namely Excalibur and Chroma.

Excalibur has been a pretty powerful frame for awhile. What he lacked in survivability, he made up in the ability to murder everything he sees on the screen. He was able to survive with a mod named life strike. Which made his attack power also his survivability power. Relatively speaking. Since he still struggles to survive on crowded decently leveled enemies. Which with the recent changes, became more common.

Now there are 3 changes that has been repeatedly shanking excalibur(Umbra and Prime included). Condition Overload, Life strike, Chromatic blade. If your an Excalibur main you know this mods very well. This are the mods that made Excalibur very powerful in his previous life.

Condition Overload: Multipler changed to be similar to Pressure point. Now the problem comes to the fact that if you have Chromatic blade you would most likely only proc 1 elemental damage type. At most is 2. This is still powerful when combined with sacrificial or primed pressure, however most weapons can do it better. Which is problem since what's the point of using a channelled ability when regular weapons can out damage them?

Life strike: Changed to only get life steal from heavy attacks. You see... the whole fun of using Excalibur is being able to do the waves. Not only does the heavy attacks not do waves, it also takes time to charge, and recover from charge animation; which means you'll probably need to do another charge attack to recover hp. Healing return is a alternative but it isn't as reliable as old life strike was. And the problem of status immune enemies are also a problem healing return has to deal with. Chromatic blade can help but that has it's own issues that'll come up next.

Chromatic blade: Can't even bring you to 100% status chance with 180% power strength anymore. The Gram Prime can go over 100% status chance and beyond with weeping wounds. Gram Prime also has more crits, crit damage and doesn't sacrifice IPS damage to do so. And the gram Prime isn't alone with being able to out damage exalted blade. Which isn't hard since it's no longer the best status melee, neither does it even have decent crit chance.

Excalibur's Ironic issues: 

-Knight in shining barely existing armor. Like I said excalibur has survivability issues. A knight that has survivability issues. This frame as far as I know is meant to be inspired by the medieval age. With the name and it's passive, I assume this frame is a melee based one. Which means he'll be exposed to fire arms more often than not. True he can blind them. But being a crowd shooter game makes it pretty hard to avoid being shot down anyways.

-The owner of Sacrificial Steel has the lowest crit chance of all exalted melee. Even with the full set you only get an extra 8% crit chance on your blade. So you know. Just go Primed Pressure.

-The sentient hunter has a hard time doing eidolon hunts

-Most of the current Excalibur setup will have the daikyu amalgam mod with a nikana in order to get perma life steal. A nikana. A Nikana wielding knight

-Passive doesn't include Greats SWORDS, 2 HANDED NIKANAS and SWORD AND SHIELD. Umbra's passive doesn't even work with the anti sentient sword (Paracesis). Also this frame can't use a katana properly... you know... WITH 2 HANDS. Also a knight without a shield is a failure as a knight- from some sword and shield main that plays D&D probably

Chroma has some issues. Like being dead. Chroma is just a corpse sitting down on his former throne while people swear his still alive. In reality,  he has been needing a rework for quite some time now. Having self damage removed just triggered a reaction from chroma mains. His 1 does nothing. His 2 and 4 should just be fused. And his 4 cost way too much energy for something quite useless. In general, he feels much less like a dragon but more like a barbarian.

Nyx needs a rework badly. But with changes in armor, she's getting some slight indirect buff at least. Now her minions can do 100 damage instead of 50. Which still really isn't great.

Chroma and Nyx portion in this is short due to their problems just being a lot worst than Excalibur; and just boils down to please fix. I would explain in more details but I frankly don't know about them as much as I know Excalibur since they are pretty bad. I still have Chroma Prime yes but that's just because I don't want to throw away a primed frame.

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