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I Find Myself Becoming More And More Bitter As The Days Progress


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With my now 23K per mission credit farm on pluto replaced by this badlands S#&$.


I'm done with this game.


I'm done with DE.


I'm sick of their S#&$.


I am enraged at how much work they AREN'T doing.


What the hell are they doing during the day?

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With my now 23K per mission credit farm on pluto replaced by this badlands S#&$.


I'm done with this game.


I'm done with DE.


I'm sick of their S#&$.


I am enraged at how much work they AREN'T doing.


What the hell are they doing during the day?


Making the weapons for the next Tenno Reinforcements obviously... as if we didn't have enough of those already...

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Making the weapons for the next Tenno Reinforcements obviously... as if we didn't have enough of those already...

And most of the items are just reskins with same animations with different stats and shows off at livestreams while ignoring important questions and joke around.

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Time played means nothing when you can hit 100 hours and start seeing this game's glaring flaws shining through. Typically it takes about 50-100 hours for that to happen in an mmorpg after you've become acquainted with it.


On a smaller note, I'm rather disappointed by the Attica. Not just because it's weak, but because it's still weak even after it apparently underwent another balance pass. The whole weapon is a cool concept that feels halfassed in execution.



There are a ton of good ideas for DE on the forum, why don´t they take those posts more serious.... So sad as i see you would give a better gamedesigner as some guys at DE do atm.



I really, really wish there was some sort of player test server. I'm not a Founder, but giving a test server to Founders would go a loooong way in helping generate feedback for the game... if DE was willing to listen to it, anyway. Founders need some form of compensation besides having their own subforum where they vote on stuff and hear about it a week early.

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You guys know what the game is about

My advice for you guys is to not care anymore because they obviously dont (at least they care when its blowing their way)

Theres a lot of wrong in the game and theres been so many threads about every single one of them so

Its a F2P,so F*** it have fun and just relax


Warframe is not the only game in the world,if i want ninja cyborgs MGR is there

You want parkour?Prince of Persia,Mirror's,Assassins creed.

If i want a good coop game check Steam out!

War games?Just type it on google

Wanna fight infested?Go play Dead Space its nearly the same thing plus its free for some time on Origin so go and have fun with that


I gave them some money,its been fun but if this game fails im not going to be crying over it.




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Going to be honest usually I fight with Nugget, and I still am... over everything update 12, and down. However any complaints towards update 13 are 100% legit. I still have a good feeling of good things to come like Kubrow, and the likes. However I think the majority of Update 13 updates should be focused on updating, changing, and evolving the mechanics they put in. What we have has a lot of potential if properly fixed up.


I am willing to be patient, and give it time. However I do feel more stances should be made at least a common, uncommon, and rare of each weapon type. That way people aren't throwing a fit over the over 200 plat spent on Nikana, and Dragon Nikana only to find they can't use it to its fullest. Which is the ultimately disappointing part of the entire melee 2.0 system. Even if you didn't buy it the whole argon crystal issue is like beating a dead horse... wait I take that back the whole Argon Crystal thing takes it to a whole new level... Its like using a death star to blow up a planet just to make the dead horse come back to life again. Now if the Argon crystals came in bunches, and used to make consumable items for cheap prices such as the healing, energy, and ammo packs I can see them being useful. However making it so it must be used to make some cool, and highly desirable weapon seems like they re pulling my leg here.


Dark Sectors need updates... LOTS OF UPDATES. Environment changes, new enemies, more purpose... Just something that makes you excited to go there, and look around. Not just something that reminds you of the good ol days when infested were on every planet.


The Solar rail wars good lord... I am sitting on 5 solar rails here... sweet unmodified none-robot-chicken Vay Hek the fight for it is basically gradivus dilemma all over again... constantly do the same mission over, and over, and over again... All for what? To blow up the other solar rail so someone else can oppose them before anyone else does. I mean hell we should be able to oppose each other just as we go to oppose the one clan/alliance holding the planet. Also lore wise it doesn't make sense that were just blowing each others stuff up. That's like if I blew up your drop ship as it was coming to pick you up to strand you on the planet... The hell is the purpose of that? The solar rail wars shouldn't be slowed down with a timer, but with consequences. Consequences that FAR OUT WEIGHT THE REWARD... Yeah make it an awful fate to hold one of these locations. Infact even better make it so the solar rail deteriorates every hour on the hour by 3%, and increase this percentage the higher the level planet to the point holding Ceres requires constant repairs every day or lose the solar rail in a matter of a week. Yeah talk about needing to up your taxes.


Too many issues with Update 13...

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Sadly this game has gone  past the tipping  point ; where there's  more bad than good about it .- 


 argon crystals , warframe now has decaying resources ,  taxes and repaid bills , something tells this trend will continue .  

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Anyone remember how Solar Rails were an idea for endgame?


Anyone notice how they're no longer being advertised as endgame?


Anyone notice how long it takes for contested territory to resolve? And how it'll probably become contested again right afterward?


Anyone notice that there's barely any point to dark sectors?


I don't even know anymore.


Whatever. I'll probably spend a half hour each day leveling something up before playing something else at this point, simply because it's something to do with my spare time. Game's a mess.

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Your point? Deltas are falling like rain.


Get a handful of people who are not idiots, go to a defense or survival, bring a nekros, use teamwork.  Done.


I can't understand why people keep saying it's so hard.  

It's hard because it's RNG. Just because you can get it, doesn't mean everyone else can. Look at the bigger picture, not just your point of view. Then make a better comment.

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It's hard because it's RNG. Just because you can get it, doesn't mean everyone else can. Look at the bigger picture, not just your point of view. Then make a better comment.


Originally I thought it was hard too, then after 2 runs we figured out how to be efficient and now my clan has a harder time staying in kappa and omega beacons.


If you pub it, it's a grab bag but that's your fault.

If you don't have a nekros, you halve your chances and that's your fault.

If you aren't working as a team you reduce your effectiveness and that's your fault.


Yes it's RNG but RNG can often be both beaten and mitigated by proper planning.  Failure to plan or use efficient means is a personal problem.  If I forget an umbrella on a cloudy day and I get rained on, that's on me and complaining about the weather is just unhelpful.


There are places RNG is getting to be a bit of a problem (void drop tables for example), this is not one of them.

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Yes it's RNG but RNG can be both beaten and mitigated by proper planning.  Failure to plan or use efficient means, is a personal problem.

RNG can never be beaten.


It can be lessened, and even managed in some cases, But, never beaten.


No matter what planning you have, at the end of the day, you are still rolling the dice.

Doesn't matter how many factors wind in your favour, there's always that chance of the game giving a heart "screw you" and going on its merry way.

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If you pub it, it's a grab bag but that's your fault.

If you don't have a nekros, you halve your chances and that's your fault.

If you aren't working as a team you reduce your effectiveness and that's your fault.

pick up games and nonNekros are a standard. 

We shouldn't be using the most optimized farming methods to say what's decent or not but the standardized. 

An average team of fairly cohesive players, no Nekros. 

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pick up games and nonNekros are a standard. 

We shouldn't be using the most optimized farming methods to say what's decent or not but the standardized. 

An average team of fairly cohesive players, no Nekros. 


An average team of fairly cohesive players working together without a Nekros should still be relatively ok.  Before we started bringing a nekros we were still getting at least 1 Delta in a 15 minute survival run.  Add a Nekros to that we were averaging 2 and occasionally pulling 3.


It's no where near impossible, and hardly worth complaining about.  If you are trying to do it solo, well I can't help you there, other than to say you are making it hard on yourself.  

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There are a ton of good ideas for DE on the forum...

I was thinking that myself, but to do all of these ideas, it would take more money and manpower to do. I'm not certain where their priorities are right now and their reasoning for whatever they chose to do, but if I could, I'd just hire like 30 more people out of my own pocket to help DE implement our ideas, like for Parkour 2.0., and theirs to help things get done more quickly and easily for both the community and the developers.

Edited by -SLX-J3tAc3
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An average team of fairly cohesive players working together without a Nekros should still be relatively ok.  Before we started bringing a nekros we were still getting at least 1 Delta in a 15 minute survival run.  Add a Nekros to that we were averaging 2 and occasionally pulling 3.


It's no where near impossible, and hardly worth complaining about.  If you are trying to do it solo, well I can't help you there, other than to say you are making it hard on yourself.  

Oh my god~~ With out nekros, it should be okay? I can kill better than you~ yea~~ I can RNG better than you~~ YEA~~~ Nekros is the only frame, rather the only thing that is capable of increasing chances of better loot. So what if we work together? If RNG says no, means no.

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Oh my god~~ With out nekros, it should be okay? I can kill better than you~ yea~~ I can RNG better than you~~ YEA~~~ Nekros is the only frame, rather the only thing that is capable of increasing chances of better loot. So what if we work together? If RNG says no, means no.


I'm hearing a lot of whining and supposition.  


But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is.


I'll be helping my clan mates do their Hek runs over here, and you can continue to protest it's impossible and unfair over there.


The only thing we did differently is work together and set our minds to it. (2) 15 minutes survival runs with a team that works together, stays together, and helps each other and you will get a Hek key each.

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I'm hearing a lot of whining and supposition.  


But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is.


I'll be helping my clan mates do their Hek runs over here, and you can continue to protest it's impossible and unfair over there.


The only thing we did differently is work together and set our minds to it. (2) 15 minutes survival runs with a team that works together, stays together, and helps each other and you will get a Hek key each.

So... what makes you assume I'm not crafting Hydroid yet. Just because I'm complaining doesn't always means I don't have that certain thing. 

No, We did nothing different. I did runs with my clan members, and I still took longer than you to get all my parts. Why? RNG. We have 3 nekros and 1 trinity. Still took longer than you.

And just from reading that comment you made, tells me a lot about you.

(2) What team? Pubs? Just FYI, they hardly reply. Even if they do, what makes you think they want to use their key with you? I can do survival missions by my own and kill those mobs by myself. And I can still get key. <- If you call solo-ing working together. I don't know what to say to you anymore.

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So... what makes you assume I'm not crafting Hydroid yet. Just because I'm complaining doesn't always means I don't have that certain thing. 

No, We did nothing different. I did runs with my clan members, and I still took longer than you to get all my parts. Why? RNG. We have 3 nekros and 1 trinity. Still took longer than you.

And just from reading that comment you made, tells me a lot about you.


My comment should tell you that I'm not a fan of whining about non-issues.  And if you got your Waterframe building by this point then it took you less than a week to get the keys to get the parts for new frame, I can hardly see how it's a problem then.  Clearly when you tried for it you got everything you needed with in a week of it's release, I can hardly call that unreasonable.


Barring the chance the chance that I ran into a crazy statistical cluster spanning the last week or so, no one in my clan that has tried has had issues getting delta beacons.  So unless 20 some players are all hitting the same lucky streak I have not seen any problems with the rarity of delta beacons since the 3 hotfix of this update.   RNG is gonna be RNG, I may be at the top you may be at the bottom, but nothing I've experienced makes me think that my experience is outside the norms as it has been so consistent.

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My comment should tell you that I'm not a fan of whining about non-issues.  And if you got your Waterframe building by this point then it took you less than a week to get the keys to get the parts for new frame, I can hardly see how it's a problem then.  Clearly when you tried for it you got everything you needed with in a week of it's release, I can hardly call that unreasonable.


Barring the chance the chance that I ran into a crazy statistical cluster spanning the last week or so, no one in my clan that has tried has had issues getting delta beacons.  So unless 20 some players are all hitting the same lucky streak I have not seen any problems with the rarity of delta beacons since the 3 hotfix of this update.   RNG is gonna be RNG, I may be at the top you may be at the bottom, but nothing I've experienced makes me think that my experience is outside the norms as it has been so consistent.

"But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is."  

^From that sentence, I can't tell that you are telling me that you are not a fan of whining. It only tells me that you are mocking me for whining and not trying by assuming that I do not have the frame crafting.

Like i said RNG. There you see 20 people getting delta beacons left and right. Welcome to the bigger world besides your point of view. Where 20 over people aren't getting Delta Beacons. Browse the forums a little will you?

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"But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is."  

^From that sentence, I can't tell that you are telling me that you are not a fan of whining. It only tells me that you are mocking me for whining and not trying by assuming that I do not have the frame crafting.

Like i said RNG. There you see 20 people getting delta beacons left and right. Welcome to the bigger world besides your point of view. Where 20 over people aren't getting Delta Beacons. Browse the forums a little will you?


And I started by telling them how they might best increase their chances using the same methods we used.


I did not say, "lol, git gud I got mine", i laid out the basic steps for getting it done, then i laid them out again.


But i'll put it simply now, this is my bias, If you play solo and pub complaining about drops is not addressing the primary issue.  A coop game is meant to be played cooperatively.  You are in my experience more likely to find idiots than teammates pubbing.  That is not conducive to teamwork, making RNG not your biggest barrier.  There is currently nothing wrong with the Delta drop rate, there was and DE already addressed it.  

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And I started by telling them how they might best increase their chances using the same methods we used.


I did not say, "lol, git gud I got mine", i laid out the basic steps for getting it done, then i laid them out again.

Sure you didn't. But that's what everyone will feel when they read your sentence. You ought to say things clearer to avoid misunderstandings.



I'm hearing a lot of whining and supposition.  


But you know I'll be playing the game over here with my waterframe completed tonight, and you can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is.

Tells us that you already have the waterframe. The next part " You can stay over there whining about how unfair it all is" actually mocks us for whining even if you aren't trying to. Choose your words wisely.



But i'll put it simply now, this is my bias, If you play solo and pub complaining about drops is not addressing the primary issue.  A coop game is meant to be played cooperatively.  You are in my experience more likely to find idiots than teammates pubbing.  That is not conducive to teamwork, making RNG not your biggest barrier.  There is currently nothing wrong with the Delta drop rate, there was and DE already addressed it.  

Addressed it? What they did was make sure the mob will drop a beacon upon death and then lowered the drop rate of Delta beacon.

Slightly reduced the drop rate of the Delta Beacon

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Addressed it? What they did was make sure the mob will drop a beacon upon death and then lowered the drop rate of Delta beacon.

Slightly reduced the drop rate of the Delta Beacon


They reduced the drop rate of the delta because they exponentially increased the spawn of the mob in question.  Which is how tehy addressed it.  The made all beacons more common by doing so but retained a level or required hunting.

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